Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
310194CF1796C. Maximum Set000.000%
310195CF1796D. Maximum Subarray000.000%
310196CF1796E. Colored Subgraphs000.000%
310201CF1799D1. Hot Start Up (easy version)000.000%
310202CF1799D2. Hot Start Up (hard version)000.000%
310204CF1799F. Halve or Subtract000.000%
310205CF1799G. Count Voting000.000%
310206CF1799H. Tree Cutting000.000%
310219CF1797D. Li Hua and Tree000.000%
310226CF1798E. Multitest Generator000.000%
310227CF1798F. Gifts from Grandfather Ahmed000.000%
310230CF1801C. Music Festival000.000%
310231CF1801D. The way home000.000%
310233CF1801F. Another n-dimensional chocolate bar000.000%
310239CF1802E. Music Festival000.000%
310240CF1802F. The way home000.000%
310245CF1804D. Accommodation000.000%
310246CF1804E. Routing000.000%
310249CF1804H. Code Lock000.000%
310253CF1805D. A Wide, Wide Graph000.000%
310254CF1805E. There Should Be a Lot of Maximums000.000%
310260CF1806D. DSU Master000.000%
310270CF1807G1. Subsequence Addition (Easy Version)000.000%
310271CF1807G2. Subsequence Addition (Hard Version)000.000%
310274CF1808C. Unlucky Numbers000.000%
310276CF1808E1. Minibuses on Venus (easy version)000.000%
310277CF1808E2. Minibuses on Venus (medium version)000.000%
310278CF1808E3. Minibuses on Venus (hard version)000.000%
310283CF1809E. Two Tanks000.000%
310285CF1809G. Prediction000.000%
310292CF1810G. The Maximum Prefix000.000%
310298CF1811E. Living Sequence000.000%
310300CF1811G1. Vlad and the Nice Paths (easy version)000.000%
310301CF1811G2. Vlad and the Nice Paths (hard version)010.000%
310317CF1814E. Chain Chips000.000%
310322CF1815D. XOR Counting000.000%
310323CF1815E. Bosco and Particle000.000%
310330CF1816F. XOR Counting000.000%
310333CF1819C. The Fox and the Complete Tree Traversal000.000%
310334CF1819D. Misha and Apples000.000%
310336CF1819F. Willy-nilly, Crack, Into Release!000.000%
310342CF1820F. Misha and Apples000.000%
311211CF1950D. Product of Binary Decimals070.000%
311214CF1950G. Shuffling Songs0140.000%
311339CF1971D. Binary Cut080.000%
311361CF1974E. Money Buys Happiness010.000%
400404GYM100162 K Ant versus Woodpecker000.000%
407357GYM102770 E Easy DP Problem
409412GYM103505 C The revenge of GrandPaPà000.000%