Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
306141CF1152F1. Neko Rules the Catniverse (Small Version)000.000%
306142CF1152F2. Neko Rules the Catniverse (Large Version)000.000%
306143CF1153A. Serval and Bus000.000%
306144CF1153B. Serval and Toy Bricks000.000%
306145CF1153C. Serval and Parenthesis Sequence000.000%
306146CF1153D. Serval and Rooted Tree000.000%
306147CF1153E. Serval and Snake000.000%
306148CF1153F. Serval and Bonus Problem000.000%
306156CF1155A. Reverse a Substring000.000%
306157CF1155B. Game with Telephone Numbers000.000%
306158CF1155C. Alarm Clocks Everywhere000.000%
306159CF1155D. Beautiful Array000.000%
306160CF1155E. Guess the Root000.000%
306161CF1155F. Delivery Oligopoly000.000%
306162CF1156A. Inscribed Figures000.000%
306163CF1156B. Ugly Pairs000.000%
306164CF1156C. Match Points000.000%
306165CF1156D. 0-1-Tree000.000%
306166CF1156E. Special Segments of Permutation000.000%
306167CF1156F. Card Bag000.000%
306168CF1156G. Optimizer000.000%
306183CF1159A. A pile of stones000.000%
306184CF1159B. Expansion coefficient of the array000.000%
306185CF1159C. The Party and Sweets000.000%
306186CF1159D. The minimal unique substring000.000%
306187CF1159E. Permutation recovery000.000%
306188CF1159F. Winding polygonal line000.000%
306196CF1162A. Zoning Restrictions Again000.000%
306197CF1162B. Double Matrix000.000%
306198CF1162C. Hide and Seek000.000%
306199CF1162D. Chladni Figure000.000%
306200CF1162E. Thanos Nim000.000%
306201CF1162F. Palindrome XOR000.000%
306202CF1163A. Eating Soup000.000%
306203CF1163B1. Cat Party (Easy Edition)000.000%
306204CF1163B2. Cat Party (Hard Edition)000.000%
306205CF1163C1. Power Transmission (Easy Edition)000.000%
306206CF1163C2. Power Transmission (Hard Edition)000.000%
306207CF1163D. Mysterious Code000.000%
306208CF1163E. Magical Permutation000.000%
306209CF1163F. Indecisive Taxi Fee000.000%
306238CF1166A. Silent Classroom000.000%
306239CF1166B. All the Vowels Please000.000%
306240CF1166C. A Tale of Two Lands000.000%
306241CF1166D. Cute Sequences000.000%
306242CF1166E. The LCMs Must be Large000.000%
306243CF1166F. Vicky's Delivery Service000.000%
306244CF1167A. Telephone Number000.000%
306245CF1167B. Lost Numbers000.000%
306246CF1167C. News Distribution000.000%
306247CF1167D. Bicolored RBS000.000%
306248CF1167E. Range Deleting000.000%
306249CF1167F. Scalar Queries000.000%
306250CF1167G. Low Budget Inception000.000%
306256CF1169A. Circle Metro000.000%
306257CF1169B. Pairs000.000%
306258CF1169C. Increasing by Modulo000.000%
306259CF1169D. Good Triple000.000%
306260CF1169E. And Reachability000.000%
306283CF1173A. Nauuo and Votes020.000%
306284CF1173B. Nauuo and Chess000.000%
306285CF1173C. Nauuo and Cards000.000%
306286CF1173D. Nauuo and Circle000.000%
306287CF1173E1. Nauuo and Pictures (easy version)000.000%
306288CF1173E2. Nauuo and Pictures (hard version)000.000%
306289CF1173F. Nauuo and Portals000.000%
306290CF1174A. Ehab Fails to Be Thanos000.000%
306291CF1174B. Ehab Is an Odd Person000.000%
306292CF1174C. Ehab and a Special Coloring Problem000.000%
306293CF1174D. Ehab and the Expected XOR Problem000.000%
306294CF1174E. Ehab and the Expected GCD Problem000.000%
306295CF1174F. Ehab and the Big Finale000.000%
306296CF1175A. From Hero to Zero000.000%
306297CF1175B. Catch Overflow!000.000%
306298CF1175C. Electrification000.000%
306299CF1175D. Array Splitting000.000%
306300CF1175E. Minimal Segment Cover000.000%
306301CF1175F. The Number of Subpermutations000.000%
306302CF1175G. Yet Another Partiton Problem000.000%
306325CF1180A. Alex and a Rhombus000.000%
306326CF1180B. Nick and Array000.000%
306327CF1180C. Valeriy and Deque000.000%
306328CF1180D. Tolik and His Uncle000.000%
306329CF1180E. Serge and Dining Room000.000%
306330CF1181A. Chunga-Changa000.000%
306331CF1181B. Split a Number000.000%
306332CF1181C. Flag000.000%
306333CF1181D. Irrigation000.000%
306334CF1181E1. A Story of One Country (Easy)000.000%
306335CF1181E2. A Story of One Country (Hard)000.000%
306336CF1182A. Filling Shapes000.000%
306337CF1182B. Plus from Picture000.000%
306338CF1182C. Beautiful Lyrics000.000%
306339CF1182D. Complete Mirror000.000%
306340CF1182E. Product Oriented Recurrence000.000%
306341CF1182F. Maximum Sine000.000%
306364CF1185A. Ropewalkers000.000%
306365CF1185B. Email from Polycarp000.000%
306366CF1185C1. Exam in BerSU (easy version)000.000%
306367CF1185C2. Exam in BerSU (hard version)000.000%