Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
402775GYM100876 E Hello Space!000.000%
402776GYM100876 F Equivalent Images000.000%
402777GYM100876 G Labyrinth000.000%
402778GYM100876 H Mafia forever!000.000%
402779GYM100876 I Password000.000%
402780GYM100876 J Buying roads000.000%
402790GYM100883 A Random Fightings000.000%
402791GYM100883 B Rectangles000.000%
402792GYM100883 C Too Many Coins000.000%
402793GYM100883 D Card Game000.000%
402794GYM100883 E xortion000.000%
402795GYM100883 F Print Mix Strings000.000%
402796GYM100883 G Count Mix Strings000.000%
402797GYM100883 H tourists000.000%
402798GYM100883 I Teleportia000.000%
402799GYM100883 J palprime000.000%
402806GYM100886 A Three Servers000.000%
402807GYM100886 B Game on Bipartite Graph000.000%
402808GYM100886 C Black and White Board000.000%
402809GYM100886 D Catenary000.000%
402810GYM100886 E Evacuation Plan000.000%
402811GYM100886 F Empty Vessels000.000%
402812GYM100886 G Maximum Product000.000%
402813GYM100886 H Biathlon 2.0000.000%
402814GYM100886 I Archaeological Research000.000%
402815GYM100886 J Sockets000.000%
402816GYM100886 K Toll Roads000.000%
402857GYM100923 A Por Costel and Azerah000.000%
402858GYM100923 B Por Costel and the Algorithm000.000%
402859GYM100923 C Por Costel and Bujor000.000%
402860GYM100923 D Por Costel and the Censorship Committee000.000%
402861GYM100923 E Por Costel and the Cipher000.000%
402862GYM100923 F Por Costel and the Alien Invasion000.000%
402863GYM100923 G Por Costel and the Orchard000.000%
402864GYM100923 H Por Costel and the Match000.000%
402865GYM100923 I Por Costel and the Pairs000.000%
402866GYM100923 J Por Costel and Pinball000.000%
402867GYM100923 K Por Costel and the Firecracker000.000%
402868GYM100923 L Por Costel and the Semipalindromes000.000%
402869GYM100927 A Maximal Convex Subset000.000%
402870GYM100927 B Death Star000.000%
402871GYM100927 C Elevator000.000%
402872GYM100927 D Numbers000.000%
402873GYM100927 E Pareto's Domination000.000%
402874GYM100927 F Soldiers000.000%
402875GYM100927 G Stocks Dynamics000.000%
402876GYM100927 H Vader's Trouble000.000%
402877GYM100927 I War of the Empires000.000%
402878GYM100927 J One Way000.000%
402879GYM100927 K Wheels000.000%
402880GYM100935 A Time000.000%
402881GYM100935 B Weird Cryptography000.000%
402882GYM100935 C OCR000.000%
402883GYM100935 D Enormous Carpet000.000%
402884GYM100935 E Pairs000.000%
402885GYM100935 F A Poet Computer000.000%
402886GYM100935 G Board Game000.000%
402887GYM100935 H Bend Test000.000%
402888GYM100935 I Farm000.000%
402889GYM100935 J Weird Maze000.000%
402890GYM100941 A You're in the Army Now000.000%
402891GYM100941 B Art000.000%
402892GYM100941 C Ballistic000.000%
402893GYM100941 D Castle000.000%
402894GYM100941 E Creeping000.000%
402895GYM100941 F Lock000.000%
402896GYM100941 G Princess000.000%
402897GYM100941 H Runes000.000%
402898GYM100941 I Spell000.000%
402899GYM100941 J Orcish Transportation000.000%
402913GYM100947 A Traffic Lights000.000%
402914GYM100947 B 8 Queens, Again!!000.000%
402915GYM100947 C Rotate It !!000.000%
402916GYM100947 D The Three Kings of Asgard000.000%
402917GYM100947 E Qwerty78 Trip000.000%
402918GYM100947 F black-white000.000%
402919GYM100947 G Square Spiral Search000.000%
402920GYM100947 H Phobia000.000%
402921GYM100947 I What a Mess000.000%
402922GYM100947 J Killing everything000.000%
402923GYM100947 K Jpeg000.000%
402924GYM100952 A Who is the winner?000.000%
402925GYM100952 B New Job000.000%
402926GYM100952 C Palindrome Again !! 000.000%
402927GYM100952 D Time to go back000.000%
402928GYM100952 E Arrange Teams000.000%
402929GYM100952 F Contestants Ranking000.000%
402930GYM100952 G The jar of divisors000.000%
402931GYM100952 H Special Palindrome000.000%
402932GYM100952 I Mancala000.000%
402933GYM100952 J Polygons Intersection000.000%
402934GYM100956 A Random Points on the Circle000.000%
402935GYM100956 B Lines000.000%
402936GYM100956 C Fraction Factory000.000%
402937GYM100956 D Greedy Game000.000%
402938GYM100956 E Odd Grammar000.000%
402939GYM100956 F Colored Path000.000%
402940GYM100956 G Pencil of Wishing000.000%
402941GYM100956 H Points000.000%
402942GYM100956 I Set Intersection000.000%