Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303192CF621E. Wet Shark and Blocks000.000%
303193CF622A. Infinite Sequence000.000%
303194CF622B. The Time000.000%
303195CF622C. Not Equal on a Segment000.000%
303196CF622D. Optimal Number Permutation000.000%
303197CF622E. Ants in Leaves000.000%
303198CF622F. The Sum of the k-th Powers000.000%
303203CF623E. Transforming Sequence000.000%
303209CF625A. Guest From the Past000.000%
303210CF625B. War of the Corporations000.000%
303211CF625C. K-special Tables000.000%
303212CF625D. Finals in arithmetic000.000%
303213CF625E. Frog Fights000.000%
303227CF628A. Tennis Tournament000.000%
303228CF628B. New Skateboard000.000%
303229CF628C. Bear and String Distance000.000%
303230CF628D. Magic Numbers000.000%
303231CF628E. Zbazi in Zeydabad000.000%
303232CF628F. Bear and Fair Set000.000%
303233CF629A. Far Relative’s Birthday Cake000.000%
303234CF629B. Far Relative’s Problem000.000%
303235CF629C. Famil Door and Brackets000.000%
303236CF629D. Babaei and Birthday Cake000.000%
303237CF629E. Famil Door and Roads000.000%
303238CF630A. Again Twenty Five!000.000%
303239CF630B. Moore's Law000.000%
303240CF630C. Lucky Numbers000.000%
303241CF630D. Hexagons!000.000%
303242CF630E. A rectangle000.000%
303243CF630F. Selection of Personnel000.000%
303244CF630G. Challenge Pennants000.000%
303245CF630H. Benches000.000%
303246CF630I. Parking Lot000.000%
303247CF630J. Divisibility000.000%
303248CF630K. Indivisibility000.000%
303249CF630L. Cracking the Code000.000%
303250CF630M. Turn000.000%
303251CF630N. Forecast000.000%
303252CF630O. Arrow000.000%
303253CF630P. Area of a Star000.000%
303254CF630Q. Pyramids000.000%
303255CF630R. Game000.000%
303256CF631A. Interview000.000%
303257CF631B. Print Check000.000%
303258CF631C. Report000.000%
303259CF631D. Messenger000.000%
303260CF631E. Product Sum000.000%
303261CF632A. Grandma Laura and Apples000.000%
303262CF632B. Alice, Bob, Two Teams000.000%
303263CF632C. The Smallest String Concatenation000.000%
303264CF632D. Longest Subsequence000.000%
303265CF632E. Thief in a Shop000.000%
303266CF632F. Magic Matrix000.000%
303288CF637A. Voting for Photos000.000%
303297CF639B. Bear and Forgotten Tree 3000.000%
303317CF642A. Scheduler for Invokers000.000%
303349CF650A. Watchmen000.000%
303350CF650B. Image Preview000.000%
303351CF650C. Table Compression000.000%
303352CF650D. Zip-line000.000%
303353CF650E. Clockwork Bomb000.000%
303354CF651A. Joysticks000.000%
303355CF651B. Beautiful Paintings000.000%
303356CF651C. Watchmen000.000%
303357CF651D. Image Preview000.000%
303358CF651E. Table Compression000.000%
303359CF652A. Gabriel and Caterpillar000.000%
303360CF652B. z-sort000.000%
303361CF652C. Foe Pairs000.000%
303362CF652D. Nested Segments000.000%
303363CF652E. Pursuit For Artifacts000.000%
303364CF652F. Ants on a Circle000.000%
303369CF653E. Bear and Forgotten Tree 2000.000%
303386CF657A. Bear and Forgotten Tree 3000.000%
303393CF658C. Bear and Forgotten Tree 3000.000%
303396CF659A. Round House000.000%
303397CF659B. Qualifying Contest000.000%
303398CF659C. Tanya and Toys000.000%
303399CF659D. Bicycle Race000.000%
303400CF659E. New Reform000.000%
303401CF659F. Polycarp and Hay000.000%
303402CF659G. Fence Divercity000.000%
303403CF660A. Co-prime Array000.000%
303404CF660B. Seating On Bus000.000%
303405CF660C. Hard Process000.000%
303406CF660D. Number of Parallelograms000.000%
303407CF660E. Different Subsets For All Tuples000.000%
303408CF660F. Bear and Bowling 4000.000%
303417CF662A. Gambling Nim000.000%
303418CF662B. Graph Coloring000.000%
303419CF662C. Binary Table000.000%
303420CF662D. International Olympiad000.000%
303421CF662E. To Hack or not to Hack000.000%
303422CF663A. Rebus000.000%
303423CF663B. International Olympiad000.000%
303424CF663C. Graph Coloring000.000%
303425CF663D. To Hack or not to Hack000.000%
303426CF663E. Binary Table000.000%
303427CF664A. Complicated GCD000.000%
303428CF664B. Rebus000.000%