Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
102710[AtCoder]ABC271 A - 4845580120.000%
103450[Atcoder]ABC345 A - Leftrightarrow0120.000%
103451[Atcoder]ABC345 B - Integer Division Returns0130.000%
103452[Atcoder]ABC345 C - One Time Swap0220.000%
103453[Atcoder]ABC345 D - Tiling0170.000%
103454[Atcoder]ABC345 E - Colorful Subsequence040.000%
103455[Atcoder]ABC345 F - Many Lamps030.000%
103456[Atcoder]ABC345 G - Sugoroku 5000.000%
103457[Atcoder]ABC345 404 Not Found - AtCoder000.000%
201450[AtCoder]ARC145 A - AB Palindrome000.000%
201451[AtCoder]ARC145 B - AB Game000.000%
201452[AtCoder]ARC145 C - Split and Maximize000.000%
201453[AtCoder]ARC145 D - Non Arithmetic Progression Set000.000%
201454[AtCoder]ARC145 E - Adjacent XOR000.000%
201455[AtCoder]ARC145 F - Modulo Sum of Increasing Sequences000.000%
300226CF45A. Codecraft III000.000%
300227CF45B. School000.000%
300228CF45C. Dancing Lessons000.000%
300229CF45D. Event Dates000.000%
300230CF45E. Director000.000%
300231CF45F. Goats and Wolves000.000%
300232CF45G. Prime Problem000.000%
300233CF45H. Road Problem000.000%
300234CF45I. TCMCF+++000.000%
300235CF45J. Planting Trees000.000%
300248CF48A. Rock-paper-scissors000.000%
300249CF48B. Land Lot000.000%
300250CF48C. The Race000.000%
300251CF48D. Permutations000.000%
300252CF48E. Ivan the Fool VS Gorynych the Dragon000.000%
300253CF48F. Snow sellers000.000%
300254CF48G. Galaxy Union000.000%
300255CF48H. Black and White000.000%
300763CF145A. Lucky Conversion000.000%
300764CF145B. Lucky Number 2000.000%
300765CF145C. Lucky Subsequence000.000%
300766CF145D. Lucky Pair000.000%
300767CF145E. Lucky Queries000.000%
301247CF234A. Lefthanders and Righthanders 000.000%
301248CF234B. Reading000.000%
301249CF234C. Weather000.000%
301250CF234D. Cinema000.000%
301251CF234E. Champions' League000.000%
301252CF234F. Fence000.000%
301253CF234G. Practice000.000%
301254CF234H. Merging Two Decks000.000%
301280CF240A. Cinema000.000%
301281CF240B. Fence000.000%
301282CF240C. Practice000.000%
301283CF240D. Merging Two Decks000.000%
301284CF240E. Road Repairs000.000%
301285CF240F. TorCoder000.000%
301308CF245A. System Administrator000.000%
301309CF245B. Internet Address000.000%
301310CF245C. Game with Coins000.000%
301311CF245D. Restoring Table000.000%
301312CF245E. Mishap in Club000.000%
301313CF245F. Log Stream Analysis000.000%
301314CF245G. Suggested Friends000.000%
301315CF245H. Queries for Number of Palindromes000.000%
301823CF345A. Expecting Trouble000.000%
301824CF345B. Triskaidekaphobia000.000%
301825CF345C. Counting Fridays000.000%
301826CF345D. Chain Letter000.000%
301827CF345E. Black Cat Rush000.000%
301828CF345F. Superstitions Inspection000.000%
301829CF345G. Suffix Subgroup000.000%
302230CF429A. Xor-tree000.000%
302231CF429B. Working out000.000%
302232CF429C. Guess the Tree000.000%
302233CF429D. Tricky Function000.000%
302234CF429E. Points and Segments000.000%
302235CF430A. Points and Segments (easy)000.000%
302236CF430B. Balls Game000.000%
302237CF430C. Xor-tree000.000%
302238CF430D. Working out000.000%
302239CF430E. Guess the Tree000.000%
302310CF445A. DZY Loves Chessboard000.000%
302311CF445B. DZY Loves Chemistry000.000%
302312CF445C. DZY Loves Physics000.000%
302313CF445D. DZY Loves FFT000.000%
302314CF445E. DZY Loves Colors000.000%
302335CF450A. Jzzhu and Children000.000%
302336CF450B. Jzzhu and Sequences000.000%
302337CF450C. Jzzhu and Chocolate000.000%
302338CF450D. Jzzhu and Cities000.000%
302339CF450E. Jzzhu and Apples000.000%
302340CF451A. Game With Sticks000.000%
302341CF451B. Sort the Array000.000%
302342CF451C. Predict Outcome of the Game000.000%
302343CF451D. Count Good Substrings000.000%
302344CF451E. Devu and Flowers000.000%
302345CF452A. Eevee000.000%
302346CF452B. 4-point polyline000.000%
302347CF452C. Magic Trick000.000%
302348CF452D. Washer, Dryer, Folder000.000%
302349CF452E. Three strings000.000%
302350CF452F. Permutation000.000%
302351CF453A. Little Pony and Expected Maximum000.000%
302352CF453B. Little Pony and Harmony Chest000.000%