Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
307353CF1344C. Quantifier Question000.000%
307354CF1344D. Résumé Review000.000%
307356CF1344F. Piet's Palette000.000%
307357CF1345A. Puzzle Pieces000.000%
307358CF1345B. Card Constructions000.000%
307359CF1345C. Hilbert's Hotel000.000%
307360CF1345D. Monopole Magnets000.000%
307363CF1346A. Color Revolution000.000%
307367CF1346E. Magic Tricks000.000%
307368CF1346F. Dune II: Battle For Arrakis000.000%
307369CF1346G. Two IP Cameras000.000%
307371CF1346I. Pac-Man 2.0000.000%
307373CF1347B. Square?000.000%
307377CF1348A. Phoenix and Balance000.000%
307380CF1348D. Phoenix and Science000.000%
307381CF1348E. Phoenix and Berries000.000%
307383CF1349A. Orac and LCM000.000%
307384CF1349B. Orac and Medians000.000%
307386CF1349D. Slime and Biscuits000.000%
307388CF1349F1. Slime and Sequences (Easy Version)000.000%
307389CF1349F2. Slime and Sequences (Hard Version)000.000%
307390CF1350A. Orac and Factors000.000%
307391CF1350B. Orac and Models000.000%
307392CF1350C. Orac and LCM000.000%
307394CF1350E. Orac and Game of Life000.000%
307395CF1350F. Slime and Sequences (Easy Version)000.000%
307397CF1351B. Square?000.000%
307399CF1352A. Sum of Round Numbers0200.000%
307400CF1352B. Same Parity Summands0600.000%
307401CF1352C. K-th Not Divisible by n0270.000%
307404CF1352F. Binary String Reconstruction0330.000%
307406CF1353A. Most Unstable Array000.000%
307408CF1353C. Board Moves000.000%
307412CF1354A. Alarm Clock000.000%
307414CF1354C1. Simple Polygon Embedding000.000%
307415CF1354C2. Not So Simple Polygon Embedding000.000%
307420CF1355A. Sequence with Digits000.000%
307422CF1355C. Count Triangles000.000%
307423CF1355D. Game With Array000.000%
307424CF1355E. Restorer Distance000.000%
307454CF1358A. Park Lighting000.000%
307455CF1358B. Maria Breaks the Self-isolation000.000%
307456CF1358C. Celex Update000.000%
307460CF1359A. Berland Poker000.000%
307462CF1359C. Mixing Water000.000%
307464CF1359E. Modular Stability000.000%
307465CF1359F. RC Kaboom Show000.000%
307466CF1360A. Minimal Square000.000%
307469CF1360D. Buying Shovels000.000%
307471CF1360F. Spy-string000.000%
307472CF1360G. A/B Matrix000.000%
307473CF1360H. Binary Median000.000%
307475CF1361B. Johnny and Grandmaster000.000%
307476CF1361C. Johnny and Megan's Necklace000.000%
307477CF1361D. Johnny and James000.000%
307479CF1361F. Johnny and New Toy000.000%
307481CF1362B. Johnny and His Hobbies000.000%
307482CF1362C. Johnny and Another Rating Drop000.000%
307484CF1362E. Johnny and Grandmaster000.000%
307486CF1363A. Odd Selection000.000%
307489CF1363D. Guess The Maximums000.000%
307496CF1364E. X-OR000.000%
307497CF1365A. Matrix Game000.000%
307499CF1365C. Rotation Matching000.000%
307500CF1365D. Solve The Maze000.000%
307501CF1365E. Maximum Subsequence Value000.000%
307503CF1365G. Secure Password000.000%
307504CF1366A. Shovels and Swords000.000%
307505CF1366B. Shuffle000.000%
307506CF1366C. Palindromic Paths000.000%
307507CF1366D. Two Divisors000.000%
307512CF1367B. Even Array000.000%
307513CF1367C. Social Distance000.000%
307518CF1368A. C+=000.000%
307519CF1368B. Codeforces Subsequences000.000%
307521CF1368D. AND, OR and square sum000.000%
307523CF1368F. Lamps on a Circle000.000%
307527CF1369A. FashionabLee000.000%
307529CF1369C. RationalLee000.000%
307530CF1369D. TediousLee000.000%
307533CF1370A. Maximum GCD000.000%
307534CF1370B. GCD Compression000.000%
307535CF1370C. Number Game000.000%
307540CF1371A. Magical Sticks000.000%
307541CF1371B. Magical Calendar000.000%
307542CF1371C. A Cookie for You000.000%
307544CF1371E1. Asterism (Easy Version)000.000%
307545CF1371E2. Asterism (Hard Version)000.000%
307548CF1372B. Omkar and Last Class of Math000.000%
307549CF1372C. Omkar and Baseball000.000%
307553CF1373A. Donut Shops000.000%
307555CF1373C. Pluses and Minuses000.000%
307556CF1373D. Maximum Sum on Even Positions000.000%
307560CF1374A. Required Remainder000.000%
307561CF1374B. Multiply by 2, divide by 6000.000%
307563CF1374D. Zero Remainder Array000.000%
307567CF1375A. Sign Flipping010.000%
307572CF1375F. Integer Game000.000%
307575CF1375I. Cubic Lattice000.000%
307577CF1376B1. Maximal Independent Set000.000%