Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
307125CF1304F1. Animal Observation (easy version)000.000%
307126CF1304F2. Animal Observation (hard version)000.000%
307129CF1305C. Kuroni and Impossible Calculation000.000%
307131CF1305E. Kuroni and the Score Distribution000.000%
307132CF1305F. Kuroni and the Punishment000.000%
307133CF1305G. Kuroni and Antihype000.000%
307136CF1307B. Cow and Friend000.000%
307137CF1307C. Cow and Message000.000%
307139CF1307E. Cow and Treats000.000%
307155CF1310F. Bad Cryptography000.000%
307156CF1311A. Add Odd or Subtract Even000.000%
307159CF1311D. Three Integers000.000%
307162CF1312A. Two Regular Polygons000.000%
307164CF1312C. Adding Powers000.000%
307165CF1312D. Count the Arrays000.000%
307170CF1313B. Different Rules000.000%
307173CF1313D. Happy New Year000.000%
307180CF1314F. Bad Cryptography000.000%
307189CF1316C. Primitive Primes000.000%
307190CF1316D. Nash Matrix000.000%
307191CF1316E. Team Building000.000%
307193CF1319A. Contest for Robots000.000%
307201CF1320A. Journey Planning000.000%
307213CF1322A. Unusual Competitions000.000%
307214CF1322B. Present000.000%
307215CF1322C. Instant Noodles000.000%
307216CF1322D. Reality Show000.000%
307217CF1322E. Median Mountain Range000.000%
307218CF1322F. Assigning Fares000.000%
307219CF1323A. Even Subset Sum Problem000.000%
307220CF1323B. Count Subrectangles000.000%
307221CF1323C. Unusual Competitions000.000%
307222CF1323D. Present000.000%
307223CF1323E. Instant Noodles000.000%
307224CF1323F. Reality Show000.000%
307230CF1324F. Maximum White Subtree0140.000%
307234CF1325D. Ehab the Xorcist000.000%
307238CF1326B. Maximums000.000%
307239CF1326C. Permutation Partitions000.000%
307243CF1326F1. Wise Men (Easy Version)000.000%
307244CF1326F2. Wise Men (Hard Version)000.000%
307246CF1327A. Sum of Odd Integers000.000%
307249CF1327D. Infinite Path000.000%
307250CF1327E. Count The Blocks000.000%
307251CF1327F. AND Segments000.000%
307252CF1327G. Letters and Question Marks000.000%
307253CF1328A. Divisibility Problem000.000%
307254CF1328B. K-th Beautiful String000.000%
307256CF1328D. Carousel000.000%
307258CF1328F. Make k Equal000.000%
307259CF1329A. Dreamoon Likes Coloring000.000%
307260CF1329B. Dreamoon Likes Sequences000.000%
307265CF1330B. Dreamoon Likes Permutations000.000%
307267CF1330D. Dreamoon Likes Sequences000.000%
307270CF1331B. Limericks000.000%
307271CF1331C. ...And after happily lived ever they000.000%
307275CF1331G. Lingua Romana000.000%
307277CF1332A. Exercising Walk000.000%
307278CF1332B. Composite Coloring000.000%
307280CF1332D. Walk on Matrix000.000%
307281CF1332E. Height All the Same000.000%
307289CF1333F. Kate and imperfection000.000%
307290CF1334A. Level Statistics000.000%
307292CF1334C. Circle of Monsters000.000%
307294CF1334E. Divisor Paths000.000%
307296CF1334G. Substring Search000.000%
307297CF1335A. Candies and Two Sisters000.000%
307303CF1335F. Robots on a Grid000.000%
307305CF1336B. Xenia and Colorful Gems000.000%
307306CF1336C. Kaavi and Magic Spell000.000%
307307CF1336D. Yui and Mahjong Set000.000%
307308CF1336E1. Chiori and Doll Picking (easy version)000.000%
307309CF1336E2. Chiori and Doll Picking (hard version)000.000%
307311CF1337A. Ichihime and Triangle000.000%
307312CF1337B. Kana and Dragon Quest game000.000%
307314CF1337D. Xenia and Colorful Gems000.000%
307315CF1337E. Kaavi and Magic Spell000.000%
307316CF1337F. Yui and Mahjong Set000.000%
307317CF1338A. Powered Addition000.000%
307318CF1338B. Edge Weight Assignment000.000%
307319CF1338C. Perfect Triples000.000%
307320CF1338D. Nested Rubber Bands000.000%
307322CF1339A. Filling Diamonds000.000%
307324CF1339C. Powered Addition000.000%
307325CF1339D. Edge Weight Assignment000.000%
307326CF1339E. Perfect Triples000.000%
307328CF1340B. Nastya and Scoreboard000.000%
307330CF1340D. Nastya and Time Machine000.000%
307333CF1341A. Nastya and Rice000.000%
307336CF1341D. Nastya and Scoreboard000.000%
307338CF1341F. Nastya and Time Machine000.000%
307339CF1342A. Road To Zero000.000%
307341CF1342C. Yet Another Counting Problem000.000%
307343CF1342E. Placing Rooks000.000%
307344CF1342F. Make It Ascending000.000%
307345CF1343A. Candies000.000%
307346CF1343B. Balanced Array000.000%
307351CF1344A. Hilbert's Hotel000.000%
307352CF1344B. Monopole Magnets000.000%
307353CF1344C. Quantifier Question000.000%