Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
404121GYM101413 J Matrix Calculator000.000%
404287GYM101472 A Dr Who’s Banquet000.000%
404288GYM101472 B Bitris000.000%
404289GYM101472 C Primes000.000%
404290GYM101472 D Longest Prefix Match000.000%
404291GYM101472 E Stripe000.000%
404292GYM101472 F Maximal Number of Divisors000.000%
404293GYM101472 G Miraculous Drug000.000%
404294GYM101472 H Softville000.000%
404295GYM101472 I Tree000.000%
404296GYM101472 J VAN DINSKY000.000%
404297GYM101473 A Zero or One000.000%
404298GYM101473 B Balloon000.000%
404299GYM101473 C Boss000.000%
404300GYM101473 D Folding Machine000.000%
404301GYM101473 E Dangerous Dive000.000%
404302GYM101473 F Triangles000.000%
404303GYM101473 G Lines of Containers000.000%
404304GYM101473 H Buses000.000%
404305GYM101473 I Patches000.000%
404306GYM101473 J Trucks000.000%
404553GYM101554 A Planting Trees000.000%
404554GYM101554 B Boiling Vegetables000.000%
404555GYM101554 C Number Trick000.000%
404556GYM101554 D Robert Hood000.000%
404557GYM101554 E Virus Replication000.000%
404558GYM101554 F Timebomb000.000%
404559GYM101554 G Erase Securely000.000%
404560GYM101554 H Pinball000.000%
404561GYM101554 I Dance Reconstruction000.000%
404562GYM101554 J Dartboard000.000%
404563GYM101554 K Cliff Walk000.000%
404878GYM101655 A Assignments000.000%
404879GYM101655 B Bones’s Battery000.000%
404880GYM101655 C Crusher’s Code000.000%
404881GYM101655 D Delta Quadrant000.000%
404882GYM101655 E Enterprising Escape000.000%
404883GYM101655 F Federation Favorites000.000%
404884GYM101655 G Generations of Tribbles000.000%
404885GYM101655 H Holodeck Hacking000.000%
404886GYM101655 I Interstellar Trade000.000%
404887GYM101655 J Janeway’s Journey000.000%
404888GYM101655 K Klingon Warfare000.000%
404889GYM101655 L Languages000.000%
404890GYM101655 M Mass Production000.000%
404891GYM101656 A Good Versus Evil000.000%
404892GYM101656 B Magic Multiple000.000%
404893GYM101656 C Painted Cube000.000%
404894GYM101656 D Partition000.000%
404895GYM101656 E Rings and Runes000.000%
404896GYM101656 F Ritual Circle000.000%
404897GYM101656 G Saruman’s Level Up000.000%
404898GYM101656 H Seating Chart000.000%
404899GYM101656 I Spellcasting000.000%
404900GYM101656 J Temple Build000.000%
404901GYM101656 K Tile Cut000.000%
404902GYM101656 L Tongues000.000%
404978GYM101726 A Popularity on Facebook000.000%
404979GYM101726 B Spy Duel000.000%
404980GYM101726 C Ekaterinburg Pyramids000.000%
404981GYM101726 D Poker000.000%
404982GYM101726 E Election in Yekaterinburg000.000%
404983GYM101726 F Sunbathing in the garden000.000%
404984GYM101726 G Classroom Scheduling000.000%
404985GYM101726 H Understanding the sorobov000.000%
404986GYM101726 I Turism in Yekaterinbug000.000%
404987GYM101726 J The Sverdlovsk incident000.000%
404988GYM101726 K Production in Yekaterinburg000.000%
405624GYM102014 A Equal Sum Sets000.000%
405625GYM102014 B The Last Ant000.000%
405626GYM102014 C Count the Regions000.000%
405627GYM102014 D Clock Hands000.000%
405628GYM102014 E Dragon's Cruller000.000%
405629GYM102014 F Directional Resemblance000.000%
405630GYM102014 G Longest Chain000.000%
405631GYM102014 H Don't Burst the Balloon000.000%
405632GYM102014 I Hidden Tree000.000%
405633GYM102014 J C(O|W|A*RD*|S)* CROSSWORD Puzzle000.000%
405830GYM102133 A Tree Orientation000.000%
405831GYM102133 B A Masterpiece000.000%
405832GYM102133 C Auction000.000%
405833GYM102133 D Deck Building000.000%
405834GYM102133 E The secret of betting000.000%
405835GYM102133 F Financial Reports000.000%
405836GYM102133 G Moore's Law000.000%
405837GYM102133 H Plagiarism000.000%
405838GYM102133 I Number builder000.000%
405839GYM102133 J Find a triangle000.000%
405840GYM102134 A Tennis000.000%
405841GYM102134 B Traveling Salesman Problem000.000%
405842GYM102134 C Maya's message000.000%
405843GYM102134 D Viktoria and resentments000.000%
405844GYM102134 E Kth subtree000.000%
405845GYM102134 F A+B000.000%
405846GYM102134 G Many dimensional dice000.000%
405847GYM102134 H 3XOR000.000%
405848GYM102135 A BSUIR Open000.000%
405849GYM102135 B Freebie000.000%
405850GYM102135 C Good subset000.000%
405851GYM102135 D Friends rescue000.000%