Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
301770CF334D. Chips000.000%
301772CF335A. Banana000.000%
301777CF335F. Buy One, Get One Free000.000%
301780CF336C. Vasily the Bear and Sequence000.000%
301783CF337A. Puzzles000.000%
301784CF337B. Routine Problem000.000%
301785CF337C. Quiz000.000%
301788CF338A. Quiz000.000%
301793CF339A. Helpful Maths000.000%
301795CF339C. Xenia and Weights000.000%
301797CF339E. Three Swaps000.000%
301807CF341E. Candies Game000.000%
301808CF342A. Xenia and Divisors000.000%
301809CF342B. Xenia and Spies000.000%
301814CF343B. Alternating Current000.000%
301815CF343C. Read Time000.000%
301817CF343E. Pumping Stations000.000%
301821CF344D. Alternating Current000.000%
301832CF346C. Number Transformation II000.000%
301839CF347E. Number Transformation II000.000%
301845CF349A. Cinema Line000.000%
301846CF349B. Color the Fence000.000%
301850CF350A. TL000.000%
301852CF350C. Bombs000.000%
301855CF351A. Jeff and Rounding000.000%
301859CF351E. Jeff and Permutation000.000%
301862CF352C. Jeff and Rounding000.000%
301866CF353B. Two Heaps000.000%
301869CF353E. Antichain000.000%
301870CF354A. Vasya and Robot000.000%
301876CF355B. Vasya and Public Transport000.000%
301882CF356C. Compartments000.000%
301883CF356D. Bags and Coins000.000%
301885CF357A. Group of Students000.000%
301892CF358C. Dima and Containers000.000%
301893CF358D. Dima and Hares000.000%
301895CF359A. Table000.000%
301900CF360A. Levko and Array Recovery000.000%
301904CF360E. Levko and Game000.000%
301907CF361C. Levko and Array Recovery000.000%
301910CF362A. Two Semiknights Meet000.000%
301913CF362D. Fools and Foolproof Roads000.000%
301917CF363C. Fixing Typos000.000%
301918CF363D. Renting Bikes000.000%
301921CF364B. Free Market000.000%
301928CF365D. Free Market000.000%
301937CF367C. Sereja and the Arrangement of Numbers000.000%
301945CF369A. Valera and Plates000.000%
301952CF370C. Mittens000.000%
301953CF370D. Broken Monitor000.000%
301954CF370E. Summer Reading000.000%
301955CF371A. K-Periodic Array000.000%
301959CF371E. Subway Innovation000.000%
301960CF372A. Counting Kangaroos is Fun000.000%
301967CF373C. Counting Kangaroos is Fun000.000%
301970CF374A. Inna and Pink Pony000.000%
301971CF374B. Inna and Nine000.000%
301986CF377B. Preparing for the Contest000.000%
301993CF378D. Preparing for the Contest000.000%
301994CF378E. Captains Mode000.000%
301997CF379C. New Year Ratings Change000.000%
302007CF381A. Sereja and Dima000.000%
302008CF381B. Sereja and Stairs000.000%
302012CF382A. Ksenia and Pan Scales000.000%
302017CF383A. Milking cows000.000%
302023CF384B. Multitasking000.000%
302024CF384C. Milking cows000.000%
302027CF385A. Bear and Raspberry000.000%
302028CF385B. Bear and Strings000.000%
302037CF387B. George and Round000.000%
302038CF387C. George and Number000.000%
302041CF388A. Fox and Box Accumulation020.000%
302043CF388C. Fox and Card Game000.000%
302046CF389A. Fox and Number Game000.000%
302047CF389B. Fox and Cross000.000%
302048CF389C. Fox and Box Accumulation000.000%
302050CF389E. Fox and Card Game000.000%
302059CF391C2. The Tournament000.000%
302066CF391F2. Stock Trading000.000%
302080CF394C. Dominoes000.000%
302109CF401B. Sereja and Contests000.000%
302110CF401C. Team000.000%
302113CF402A. Nuts000.000%
302116CF402D. Upgrading Array000.000%
302119CF403B. Upgrading Array000.000%
302127CF404E. Maze 1D000.000%
302128CF405A. Gravity Flip000.000%
302131CF405D. Toy Sum000.000%
302134CF406B. Toy Sum000.000%
302160CF412A. Poster000.000%
302161CF412B. Network Configuration000.000%
302167CF413C. Jeopardy!000.000%
302173CF414D. Mashmokh and Water Tanks000.000%
302176CF415B. Mashmokh and Tokens000.000%
302177CF415C. Mashmokh and Numbers000.000%
302180CF416A. Guess a number!000.000%
302182CF416C. Booking System000.000%
302183CF416D. Population Size000.000%
302188CF417D. Cunning Gena000.000%
302211CF424B. Megacity000.000%