Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303224CF627D. Preorder Test000.000%
303226CF627F. Island Puzzle000.000%
303237CF629E. Famil Door and Roads000.000%
303266CF632F. Magic Matrix000.000%
303272CF633F. The Chocolate Spree000.000%
303273CF633G. Yash And Trees000.000%
303294CF638C. Road Improvement000.000%
303297CF639B. Bear and Forgotten Tree 3000.000%
303301CF639F. Bear and Chemistry000.000%
303322CF643E. Bear and Destroying Subtrees000.000%
303353CF650E. Clockwork Bomb000.000%
303363CF652E. Pursuit For Artifacts000.000%
303369CF653E. Bear and Forgotten Tree 2000.000%
303386CF657A. Bear and Forgotten Tree 3000.000%
303390CF657E. Bear and Chemistry000.000%
303393CF658C. Bear and Forgotten Tree 3000.000%
303436CF665E. Beautiful Subarrays000.000%
303486CF674E. Bear and Destroying Subtrees000.000%
303492CF675D. Tree Construction000.000%
303523CF681D. Gifts by the List000.000%
303527CF682C. Alyona and the Tree000.000%
303542CF685B. Kay and Snowflake000.000%
303549CF686D. Kay and Snowflake000.000%
303573CF690C2. Brain Network (medium)000.000%
303574CF690C3. Brain Network (hard)000.000%
303580CF690F1. Tree of Life (easy)000.000%
303581CF690F2. Tree of Life (medium)000.000%
303582CF690F3. Tree of Life (hard)000.000%
303596CF696A. Lorenzo Von Matterhorn000.000%
303597CF696B. Puzzles000.000%
303600CF696E. ...Wait for it...000.000%
303604CF697C. Lorenzo Von Matterhorn000.000%
303609CF698B. Fix a Tree000.000%
303617CF699D. Fix a Tree000.000%
303621CF700B. Connecting Universities000.000%
303629CF701E. Connecting Universities000.000%
303646CF704E. Iron Man000.000%
303655CF706D. Vasiliy's Multiset000.000%
303664CF708C. Centroids000.000%
303671CF709E. Centroids000.000%
303680CF711C. Coloring Trees000.000%
303700CF715C. Digit Tree000.000%
303707CF716E. Digit Tree000.000%
303719CF718D. Andrew and Chemistry000.000%
303739CF722D. Generating Sets000.000%
303747CF723F. st-Spanning Tree000.000%
303753CF724F. Uniformly Branched Trees000.000%
303754CF724G. Xor-matic Number of the Graph000.000%
303761CF725G. Messages on a Tree000.000%
303803CF733F. Drivers Dissatisfaction000.000%
303808CF734E. Anton and Tree000.000%
303814CF735E. Ostap and Tree000.000%
303817CF736C. Ostap and Tree000.000%
303833CF739B. Alyona and a tree000.000%
303840CF740D. Alyona and a tree000.000%
303845CF741D. Arpa’s letter-marked tree and Mehrdad’s Dokhtar-kosh paths000.000%
303855CF743D. Chloe and pleasant prizes000.000%
303873CF746G. New Roads000.000%
303885CF748F. Santa Clauses and a Soccer Championship000.000%
303896CF750F. New Year and Finding Roots000.000%
303897CF750G. New Year and Binary Tree Paths000.000%
303906CF752F. Santa Clauses and a Soccer Championship000.000%
303914CF754E. Dasha and cyclic table000.000%
303917CF755C. PolandBall and Forest000.000%
303934CF757G. Can Bash Save the Day?000.000%
303939CF758E. Broken Tree000.000%
303957CF761E. Dasha and Puzzle000.000%
303964CF762F. Tree nesting000.000%
303965CF763A. Timofey and a tree000.000%
303968CF763D. Timofey and a flat tree000.000%
303972CF764C. Timofey and a tree000.000%
303979CF765E. Tree Folding000.000%
303986CF766E. Mahmoud and a xor trip000.000%
303989CF767C. Garland000.000%
304009CF771C. Bear and Tree Jumps000.000%
304017CF772E. Verifying Kingdom000.000%
304051CF778C. Peterson Polyglot000.000%
304062CF780C. Andryusha and Colored Balloons000.000%
304068CF781A. Andryusha and Colored Balloons000.000%
304070CF781C. Underground Lab000.000%
304076CF782C. Andryusha and Colored Balloons000.000%
304095CF786D. Rap God000.000%
304096CF786E. ALT000.000%
304101CF787E. Till I Collapse000.000%
304113CF790B. Bear and Tree Jumps000.000%
304120CF791D. Bear and Tree Jumps000.000%
304125CF792D. Paths in a Complete Binary Tree000.000%
304132CF793E. Problem of offices000.000%
304156CF796C. Bank Hacking000.000%
304157CF796D. Police Stations000.000%
304197CF802J. Send the Fool Further! (easy)000.000%
304198CF802K. Send the Fool Further! (medium)000.000%
304199CF802L. Send the Fool Further! (hard)000.000%
304213CF804D. Expected diameter of a tree000.000%
304221CF805F. Expected diameter of a tree000.000%
304245CF809E. Surprise me!000.000%
304259CF812D. Sagheer and Kindergarten000.000%
304260CF812E. Sagheer and Apple Tree000.000%
304270CF814D. An overnight dance in discotheque000.000%
304274CF815C. Karen and Supermarket000.000%