Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
301801CF340D. Bubble Sort Graph000.000%
301804CF341B. Bubble Sort Graph000.000%
301808CF342A. Xenia and Divisors000.000%
301835CF347A. Difference Row000.000%
301840CF348A. Mafia000.000%
301851CF350B. Resort000.000%
301852CF350C. Bombs000.000%
301853CF350D. Looking for Owls000.000%
301861CF352B. Jeff and Periods000.000%
301866CF353B. Two Heaps000.000%
301911CF362B. Petya and Staircases000.000%
301912CF362C. Insertion Sort000.000%
301915CF363A. Soroban000.000%
301937CF367C. Sereja and the Arrangement of Numbers000.000%
301952CF370C. Mittens000.000%
301960CF372A. Counting Kangaroos is Fun000.000%
301967CF373C. Counting Kangaroos is Fun000.000%
301976CF375B. Maximum Submatrix 2000.000%
301983CF376D. Maximum Submatrix 2000.000%
301986CF377B. Preparing for the Contest000.000%
301991CF378B. Semifinals000.000%
301993CF378D. Preparing for the Contest000.000%
301997CF379C. New Year Ratings Change000.000%
301999CF379E. New Year Tree Decorations000.000%
302008CF381B. Sereja and Stairs000.000%
302014CF382C. Arithmetic Progression000.000%
302018CF383B. Volcanoes000.000%
302023CF384B. Multitasking000.000%
302041CF388A. Fox and Box Accumulation020.000%
302043CF388C. Fox and Card Game000.000%
302052CF390B. Inna, Dima and Song000.000%
302097CF398E. Sorting Permutations000.000%
302125CF404C. Restore Graph000.000%
302128CF405A. Gravity Flip000.000%
302158CF411B. Multi-core Processor000.000%
302161CF412B. Network Configuration000.000%
302179CF415E. Mashmokh and Reverse Operation000.000%
302188CF417D. Cunning Gena000.000%
302191CF418B. Cunning Gena000.000%
302208CF421D. Bug in Code000.000%
302211CF424B. Megacity000.000%
302215CF425A. Sereja and Swaps000.000%
302222CF426C. Sereja and Swaps000.000%
302226CF427B. Prison Transfer000.000%
302235CF430A. Points and Segments (easy)000.000%
302245CF432A. Choosing Teams000.000%
302247CF432C. Prime Swaps000.000%
302251CF433B. Kuriyama Mirai's Stones000.000%
302252CF433C. Ryouko's Memory Note000.000%
302255CF434A. Ryouko's Memory Note000.000%
302259CF434E. Furukawa Nagisa's Tree000.000%
302272CF437B. The Child and Set000.000%
302273CF437C. The Child and Toy000.000%
302274CF437D. The Child and Zoo000.000%
302276CF438A. The Child and Toy000.000%
302277CF438B. The Child and Zoo000.000%
302282CF439B. Devu, the Dumb Guy000.000%
302284CF439D. Devu and his Brother000.000%
302286CF440A. Forgotten Episode000.000%
302303CF443D. Andrey and Problem000.000%
302329CF448E. Divisors000.000%
302341CF451B. Sort the Array000.000%
302357CF454B. Little Pony and Sort by Shift000.000%
302366CF456A. Laptops000.000%
302384CF459B. Pashmak and Flowers000.000%
302386CF459D. Pashmak and Parmida's problem000.000%
302387CF459E. Pashmak and Graph000.000%
302388CF460A. Vasya and Socks000.000%
302392CF460E. Roland and Rose000.000%
302393CF461A. Appleman and Toastman000.000%
302400CF462C. Appleman and Toastman000.000%
302445CF470H. Array Sorting000.000%
302447CF471B. MUH and Important Things000.000%
302462CF474E. Pillars000.000%
302484CF478E. Wavy numbers000.000%
302486CF479B. Towers000.000%
302487CF479C. Exams000.000%
302490CF480A. Exams000.000%
302491CF480B. Long Jumps000.000%
302506CF484B. Maximum Value000.000%
302507CF484C. Strange Sorting000.000%
302511CF485B. Valuable Resources000.000%
302513CF485D. Maximum Value000.000%
302514CF485E. Strange Sorting000.000%
302530CF489A. SwapSort000.000%
302531CF489B. BerSU Ball000.000%
302536CF490A. Team Olympiad000.000%
302546CF492B. Vanya and Lanterns000.000%
302547CF492C. Vanya and Exams000.000%
302548CF492D. Vanya and Computer Game000.000%
302552CF493C. Vasya and Basketball000.000%
302569CF496E. Distributing Parts 000.000%
302572CF497C. Distributing Parts 000.000%
302586CF500B. New Year Permutation000.000%
302594CF501C. Misha and Forest000.000%
302612CF507A. Amr and Music000.000%
302626CF509E. Pretty Song000.000%
302630CF510C. Fox And Names000.000%
302633CF512A. Fox And Names000.000%
302652CF514B. Han Solo and Lazer Gun000.000%