Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303567CF690A2. Collective Mindsets (medium)000.000%
303568CF690A3. Collective Mindsets (hard)000.000%
303587CF691E. Xor-sequences000.000%
303593CF695E. Huffman Coding on Segment000.000%
303598CF696C. PLEASE000.000%
303606CF697E. PLEASE000.000%
303623CF700D. Huffman Coding on Segment000.000%
303631CF702A. Maximum Increase000.000%
303655CF706D. Vasiliy's Multiset000.000%
303660CF707D. Persistent Bookcase 000.000%
303677CF710F. String Set Queries000.000%
303689CF713B. Searching Rectangles000.000%
303696CF714D. Searching Rectangles000.000%
303731CF721A. One-dimensional Japanese Crossword000.000%
303737CF722B. Verse Pattern000.000%
303739CF722D. Generating Sets000.000%
303740CF722E. Research Rover000.000%
303751CF724D. Dense Subsequence000.000%
303771CF729D. Sea Battle000.000%
303786CF731A. Night at the Museum000.000%
303820CF737A. Road to Cinema000.000%
303821CF737B. Sea Battle000.000%
303822CF737C. Subordinates000.000%
303823CF737D. Financiers Game000.000%
303824CF737E. Tanya is 5!000.000%
303825CF737F. Dirty plates000.000%
303826CF738A. Interview with Oleg000.000%
303827CF738B. Spotlights000.000%
303828CF738C. Road to Cinema000.000%
303829CF738D. Sea Battle000.000%
303830CF738E. Subordinates000.000%
303831CF738F. Financiers Game000.000%
303843CF741B. Arpa's weak amphitheater and Mehrdad's valuable Hoses000.000%
303850CF742D. Arpa's weak amphitheater and Mehrdad's valuable Hoses000.000%
303853CF743B. Chloe and the sequence 000.000%
303876CF747C. Servers000.000%
303885CF748F. Santa Clauses and a Soccer Championship000.000%
303895CF750E. New Year and Old Subsequence000.000%
303901CF752A. Santa Claus and a Place in a Class000.000%
303902CF752B. Santa Claus and Keyboard Check000.000%
303903CF752C. Santa Claus and Robot000.000%
303904CF752D. Santa Claus and a Palindrome000.000%
303905CF752E. Santa Claus and Tangerines000.000%
303906CF752F. Santa Clauses and a Soccer Championship000.000%
303931CF757D. Felicity's Big Secret Revealed000.000%
303933CF757F. Team Rocket Rises Again000.000%
303978CF765D. Artsem and Saunders000.000%
303982CF766A. Mahmoud and Longest Uncommon Subsequence000.000%
304005CF770C. Online Courses In BSU000.000%
304024CF774A. Amusement Park000.000%
304033CF774J. Stepan's Series000.000%
304037CF776A. A Serial Killer000.000%
304050CF778B. Bitwise Formula000.000%
304053CF778E. Selling Numbers000.000%
304056CF779C. Dishonest Sellers000.000%
304058CF779E. Bitwise Formula000.000%
304067CF780H. Intranet of Buses000.000%
304068CF781A. Andryusha and Colored Balloons000.000%
304069CF781B. Innokenty and a Football League000.000%
304070CF781C. Underground Lab000.000%
304071CF781D. Axel and Marston in Bitland000.000%
304072CF781E. Andryusha and Nervous Barriers000.000%
304073CF781F. Intranet of Buses000.000%
304074CF782A. Andryusha and Socks000.000%
304075CF782B. The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed000.000%
304076CF782C. Andryusha and Colored Balloons000.000%
304077CF782D. Innokenty and a Football League000.000%
304078CF782E. Underground Lab000.000%
304079CF782F. Axel and Marston in Bitland000.000%
304088CF785B. Anton and Classes000.000%
304094CF786C. Till I Collapse000.000%
304101CF787E. Till I Collapse000.000%
304112CF790A. Bear and Different Names000.000%
304113CF790B. Bear and Tree Jumps000.000%
304114CF790C. Bear and Company000.000%
304115CF790D. Bear and Rectangle Strips000.000%
304116CF790E. Bear and Isomorphic Points000.000%
304117CF791A. Bear and Big Brother000.000%
304118CF791B. Bear and Friendship Condition000.000%
304119CF791C. Bear and Different Names000.000%
304120CF791D. Bear and Tree Jumps000.000%
304121CF791E. Bear and Company000.000%
304131CF793D. Presents in Bankopolis000.000%
304140CF794F. Leha and security system000.000%
304142CF795A. Amusement Park000.000%
304151CF795J. Stepan's Series000.000%
304154CF796A. Buying A House000.000%
304159CF796F. Sequence Recovery000.000%
304178CF800A. Voltage Keepsake000.000%
304179CF800B. Volatile Kite000.000%
304180CF800C. Vulnerable Kerbals000.000%
304181CF800D. Varying Kibibits000.000%
304182CF800E. Verifying Kingdom000.000%
304183CF801A. Vicious Keyboard000.000%
304184CF801B. Valued Keys000.000%
304185CF801C. Voltage Keepsake000.000%
304186CF801D. Volatile Kite000.000%
304187CF801E. Vulnerable Kerbals000.000%
304197CF802J. Send the Fool Further! (easy)000.000%
304198CF802K. Send the Fool Further! (medium)000.000%