Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
306901CF1267L. Lexicography000.000%
306920CF1270I. Xor on Figures000.000%
306977CF1281A. Suffix Three000.000%
306986CF1282C. Petya and Exam000.000%
307025CF1288D. Minimax Problem000.000%
307030CF1290C. Prefix Enlightenment000.000%
307038CF1291E. Prefix Enlightenment000.000%
307042CF1292C. Xenon's Attack on the Gangs000.000%
307045CF1292F. Nora's Toy Boxes000.000%
307050CF1293E. Xenon's Attack on the Gangs000.000%
307055CF1294D. MEX maximizing000.000%
307059CF1295B. Infinite Prefixes000.000%
307108CF1302F. Keep talking and nobody explodes – easy000.000%
307109CF1302G. Keep talking and nobody explodes – medium000.000%
307110CF1302H. Who needs suffix structures?000.000%
307112CF1302J. Keep talking and nobody explodes – hard000.000%
307119CF1303G. Sum of Prefix Sums000.000%
307141CF1307G. Cow and Exercise000.000%
307181CF1315A. Dead Pixel000.000%
307190CF1316D. Nash Matrix000.000%
307230CF1324F. Maximum White Subtree0140.000%
307233CF1325C. Ehab and Path-etic MEXs000.000%
307234CF1325D. Ehab the Xorcist000.000%
307238CF1326B. Maximums000.000%
307240CF1326D1. Prefix-Suffix Palindrome (Easy version)000.000%
307241CF1326D2. Prefix-Suffix Palindrome (Hard version)000.000%
307255CF1328C. Ternary XOR000.000%
307277CF1332A. Exercising Walk000.000%
307280CF1332D. Walk on Matrix000.000%
307305CF1336B. Xenia and Colorful Gems000.000%
307314CF1337D. Xenia and Colorful Gems000.000%
307329CF1340C. Nastya and Unexpected Guest000.000%
307337CF1341E. Nastya and Unexpected Guest000.000%
307377CF1348A. Phoenix and Balance000.000%
307378CF1348B. Phoenix and Beauty000.000%
307379CF1348C. Phoenix and Distribution000.000%
307380CF1348D. Phoenix and Science000.000%
307381CF1348E. Phoenix and Berries000.000%
307382CF1348F. Phoenix and Memory000.000%
307421CF1355B. Young Explorers000.000%
307426CF1356A1. Distinguish I from X000.000%
307429CF1356A4. Distinguish I ⊗ X from CNOT000.000%
307438CF1357A3. Distinguish H from X000.000%
307442CF1357A7. Distinguish Y, XZ, -Y and -XZ000.000%
307456CF1358C. Celex Update000.000%
307462CF1359C. Mixing Water000.000%
307472CF1360G. A/B Matrix000.000%
307489CF1363D. Guess The Maximums000.000%
307492CF1364A. XXXXX000.000%
307494CF1364C. Ehab and Prefix MEXs000.000%
307496CF1364E. X-OR000.000%
307497CF1365A. Matrix Game000.000%
307501CF1365E. Maximum Subsequence Value000.000%
307533CF1370A. Maximum GCD000.000%
307556CF1373D. Maximum Sum on Even Positions000.000%
307569CF1375C. Element Extermination000.000%
307570CF1375D. Replace by MEX000.000%
307577CF1376B1. Maximal Independent Set000.000%
307578CF1376B2. Maximal Independent Set000.000%
307579CF1376B3. Maximal Independent Set000.000%
307580CF1376B4. Maximal Independent Set000.000%
307601CF1381A1. Prefix Flip (Easy Version)000.000%
307602CF1381A2. Prefix Flip (Hard Version)000.000%
307609CF1382C1. Prefix Flip (Easy Version)000.000%
307610CF1382C2. Prefix Flip (Hard Version)000.000%
307619CF1384A. Common Prefixes000.000%
307626CF1385A. Three Pairwise Maximums0300.000%
307634CF1386B. Mixture000.000%
307638CF1387B2. Village (Maximum)000.000%
307653CF1391B. Fix You000.000%
307701CF1399B. Gifts Fixing000.000%
307712CF1400F. x-prime Substrings000.000%
307714CF1401A. Distance and Axis000.000%
307717CF1401D. Maximum Distributed Tree000.000%
307728CF1404C. Fixed Point Removal000.000%
307735CF1405E. Fixed Point Removal000.000%
307736CF1406A. Subset Mex000.000%
307737CF1406B. Maximum Product000.000%
307777CF1415D. XOR-gun000.000%
307790CF1417E. XOR Inverse000.000%
307793CF1418B. Negative Prefixes000.000%
307796CF1418E. Expected Damage000.000%
307812CF1421A. XORwice000.000%
307815CF1421D. Hexagons000.000%
307818CF1422B. Nice Matrix000.000%
307821CF1422E. Minlexes000.000%
307855CF1425E. Excitation of Atoms000.000%
307857CF1425H. Huge Boxes of Animal Toys000.000%
307860CF1426B. Symmetric Matrix000.000%
307869CF1427E. Xum000.000%
307873CF1428A. Box is Pull000.000%
307898CF1431J. Zero-XOR Array000.000%
307916CF1434E. A Convex Game000.000%
307959CF1442A. Extreme Subtraction000.000%
307968CF1443D. Extreme Subtraction000.000%
307975CF1444E. Finding the Vertex000.000%
307983CF1446C. Xor Tree000.000%
307989CF1447B. Numbers Box000.000%
307992CF1447E. Xor Tree000.000%
308011CF1451F. Nullify The Matrix000.000%