Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
301794CF339B. Xenia and Ringroad000.000%
301795CF339C. Xenia and Weights000.000%
301796CF339D. Xenia and Bit Operations000.000%
301799CF340B. Maximal Area Quadrilateral000.000%
301806CF341D. Iahub and Xors000.000%
301808CF342A. Xenia and Divisors000.000%
301809CF342B. Xenia and Spies000.000%
301811CF342D. Xenia and Dominoes000.000%
301812CF342E. Xenia and Tree000.000%
301823CF345A. Expecting Trouble000.000%
301829CF345G. Suffix Subgroup000.000%
301836CF347B. Fixed Points000.000%
301867CF353C. Find Maximum000.000%
301881CF356B. Xenia and Hamming000.000%
301884CF356E. Xenia and String Problem000.000%
301888CF357D. Xenia and Hamming000.000%
301891CF358B. Dima and Text Messages000.000%
301917CF363C. Fixing Typos000.000%
301920CF364A. Matrix000.000%
301927CF365C. Matrix000.000%
301941CF368B. Sereja and Suffixes000.000%
301956CF371B. Fox Dividing Cheese000.000%
301976CF375B. Maximum Submatrix 2000.000%
301983CF376D. Maximum Submatrix 2000.000%
302002CF380A. Sereja and Prefixes000.000%
302009CF381C. Sereja and Prefixes000.000%
302041CF388A. Fox and Box Accumulation020.000%
302042CF388B. Fox and Minimal path000.000%
302043CF388C. Fox and Card Game000.000%
302044CF388D. Fox and Perfect Sets000.000%
302045CF388E. Fox and Meteor Shower000.000%
302046CF389A. Fox and Number Game000.000%
302047CF389B. Fox and Cross000.000%
302048CF389C. Fox and Box Accumulation000.000%
302049CF389D. Fox and Minimal path000.000%
302050CF389E. Fox and Card Game000.000%
302053CF390C. Inna and Candy Boxes000.000%
302054CF390D. Inna and Sweet Matrix000.000%
302055CF390E. Inna and Large Sweet Matrix000.000%
302104CF400B. Inna and New Matrix of Candies000.000%
302105CF400C. Inna and Huge Candy Matrix000.000%
302117CF402E. Strictly Positive Matrix000.000%
302120CF403C. Strictly Positive Matrix000.000%
302123CF404A. Valera and X000.000%
302141CF407D. Largest Submatrix 3000.000%
302230CF429A. Xor-tree000.000%
302237CF430C. Xor-tree000.000%
302244CF431E. Chemistry Experiment000.000%
302248CF432D. Prefixes and Suffixes000.000%
302261CF435B. Pasha Maximizes000.000%
302269CF436E. Cardboard Box000.000%
302326CF448B. Suffix Structures000.000%
302351CF453A. Little Pony and Expected Maximum000.000%
302358CF454C. Little Pony and Expected Maximum000.000%
302414CF465B. Inbox (100500)000.000%
302427CF467E. Alex and Complicated Task000.000%
302439CF470B. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia000.000%
302485CF479A. Expression000.000%
302487CF479C. Exams000.000%
302490CF480A. Exams000.000%
302500CF483A. Counterexample 000.000%
302506CF484B. Maximum Value000.000%
302513CF485D. Maximum Value000.000%
302516CF486B. OR in Matrix000.000%
302522CF487C. Prefix Product Sequence000.000%
302526CF488B. Candy Boxes000.000%
302529CF488E. Prefix Product Sequence000.000%
302547CF492C. Vanya and Exams000.000%
302600CF504D. Misha and XOR000.000%
302617CF508A. Pasha and Pixels000.000%
302622CF509A. Maximum in Table000.000%
302628CF510A. Fox And Snake000.000%
302629CF510B. Fox And Two Dots000.000%
302630CF510C. Fox And Names000.000%
302631CF510D. Fox And Jumping000.000%
302632CF510E. Fox And Dinner000.000%
302633CF512A. Fox And Names000.000%
302634CF512B. Fox And Jumping000.000%
302635CF512C. Fox And Dinner000.000%
302636CF512D. Fox And Travelling000.000%
302637CF512E. Fox And Polygon000.000%
302664CF516D. Drazil and Morning Exercise000.000%
302758CF534A. Exam000.000%
302825CF548A. Mike and Fax000.000%
302837CF549H. Degenerate Matrix000.000%
302845CF551C. GukiZ hates Boxes000.000%
302883CF559A. Gerald's Hexagon000.000%
302890CF560C. Gerald's Hexagon000.000%
302897CF562E. Max and Min000.000%
302906CF566G. Max and Min000.000%
302972CF578F. Mirror Box000.000%
302985CF581B. Luxurious Houses000.000%
303050CF594B. Max and Bike000.000%
303057CF595D. Max and Bike000.000%
303078CF600A. Extract Numbers000.000%
303090CF602B. Approximating a Constant Range000.000%
303108CF605E. Intergalaxy Trips000.000%
303143CF612A. The Text Splitting000.000%
303163CF615E. Hexagons000.000%
303169CF616F. Expensive Strings000.000%