Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
305509CF1044A. The Tower is Going Home000.000%
305515CF1045A. Last chance000.000%
305517CF1045C. Hyperspace Highways000.000%
305524CF1045J. Moonwalk challenge000.000%
305526CF1046B. Hyperspace Highways000.000%
305538CF1047D. Little C Loves 3 II000.000%
305540CF1051A. Vasya And Password000.000%
305547CF1052C. Blood Pressure Estimation000.000%
305558CF1054F. Electric Scheme000.000%
305559CF1054G. New Road Network000.000%
305573CF1056F. Write The Contest000.000%
305576CF1057A. Bmail Computer Network000.000%
305595CF1060E. Sergey and Subway000.000%
305600CF1061B. Views Matter000.000%
305602CF1061D. TV Shows000.000%
305603CF1061E. Politics000.000%
305608CF1062D. Fun with Integers000.000%
305611CF1063A. Oh Those Palindromes000.000%
305612CF1063B. Labyrinth000.000%
305613CF1063C. Dwarves, Hats and Extrasensory Abilities000.000%
305614CF1063D. Candies for Children000.000%
305615CF1063E. Lasers and Mirrors000.000%
305616CF1063F. String Journey000.000%
305617CF1064A. Make a triangle!000.000%
305618CF1064B. Equations of Mathematical Magic000.000%
305619CF1064C. Oh Those Palindromes000.000%
305620CF1064D. Labyrinth000.000%
305621CF1064E. Dwarves, Hats and Extrasensory Abilities000.000%
305622CF1064F. Candies for Children000.000%
305628CF1065F. Up and Down the Tree000.000%
305635CF1066F. Yet another 2D Walking000.000%
305636CF1067A. Array Without Local Maximums 000.000%
305644CF1068D. Array Without Local Maximums 000.000%
305676CF1073F. Choosing Two Paths000.000%
305678CF1074A. The Tower is Going Home000.000%
305686CF1075C. The Tower is Going Home000.000%
305702CF1077F1. Pictures with Kittens (easy version)0220.000%
305703CF1077F2. Pictures with Kittens (hard version)0190.000%
305705CF1078B. The Unbearable Lightness of Weights000.000%
305713CF1079E. The Unbearable Lightness of Weights000.000%
305718CF1080C. Masha and two friends000.000%
305723CF1081B. Farewell Party000.000%
305736CF1082G. Petya and Graph000.000%
305773CF1088F. Ehab and a weird weight formula000.000%
305789CF1090C. New Year Presents000.000%
305796CF1090J. Two Prefixes000.000%
305797CF1090J. Two Prefixes
305798CF1090J. Two Prefixes
305799CF1090M. The Pleasant Walk000.000%
305800CF1091A. New Year and the Christmas Ornament000.000%
305801CF1091B. New Year and the Treasure Geolocation000.000%
305802CF1091C. New Year and the Sphere Transmission000.000%
305803CF1091D. New Year and the Permutation Concatenation000.000%
305804CF1091E. New Year and the Acquaintance Estimation000.000%
305805CF1091F. New Year and the Mallard Expedition000.000%
305806CF1091G. New Year and the Factorisation Collaboration000.000%
305807CF1091H. New Year and the Tricolore Recreation000.000%
305811CF1092D1. Great Vova Wall (Version 1)000.000%
305812CF1092D2. Great Vova Wall (Version 2)000.000%
305814CF1092F. Tree with Maximum Cost000.000%
305824CF1095C. Powers Of Two0610.000%
305840CF1097F. Alex and a TV Show000.000%
305849CF1099A. Snowball000.000%
305855CF1100A. Roman and Browser000.000%
305859CF1100E. Andrew and Taxi000.000%
305865CF1101E. Polycarp's New Job000.000%
305875CF1103B. Game with modulo000.000%
305880CF1104B. Game with string000.000%
305882CF1104D. Game with modulo000.000%
305889CF1106A. Lunar New Year and Cross Counting000.000%
305890CF1106B. Lunar New Year and Food Ordering000.000%
305891CF1106C. Lunar New Year and Number Division000.000%
305892CF1106D. Lunar New Year and a Wander000.000%
305893CF1106E. Lunar New Year and Red Envelopes000.000%
305894CF1106F. Lunar New Year and a Recursive Sequence000.000%
305900CF1107F. Vasya and Endless Credits000.000%
305902CF1108A. Two distinct points000.000%
305903CF1108B. Divisors of Two Integers000.000%
305924CF1111B. Average Superhero Gang Power 000.000%
305933CF1112F. Power Tree000.000%
305948CF1115G1. AND oracle000.000%
305949CF1115G2. OR oracle000.000%
305950CF1115G3. Palindrome checker oracle000.000%
305951CF1115U1. Anti-diagonal unitary000.000%
305952CF1115U2. Chessboard unitary000.000%
305953CF1115U3. Block unitary000.000%
305954CF1116A1. Generate state |00⟩ + |01⟩ + |10⟩000.000%
305955CF1116A2. Generate equal superposition of four basis states000.000%
305956CF1116B1. Distinguish three-qubit states000.000%
305957CF1116B2. Not A, not B or not C?000.000%
305958CF1116C1. Alternating bits oracle000.000%
305959CF1116C2. "Is the bit string periodic?" oracle000.000%
305960CF1116C3. "Is the number of ones divisible by 3?" oracle000.000%
305961CF1116D1. Block diagonal matrix000.000%
305962CF1116D2. Pattern of increasing blocks000.000%
305963CF1116D3. X-wing fighter000.000%
305964CF1116D4. TIE fighter000.000%
305965CF1116D5. Creeper000.000%
305966CF1116D6. Hessenberg matrix000.000%
305974CF1118A. Water Buying000.000%