Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
405038GYM101745 C Infinite Graph Game000.000%
405039GYM101745 D Stamp Stamp Stamp000.000%
405040GYM101745 E Increasing Sequence000.000%
405041GYM101745 F Yet Another Binary Matrix000.000%
405042GYM101754 A Letters Swap000.000%
405043GYM101754 B Big Data000.000%
405044GYM101754 C World of Darkraft 3000.000%
405045GYM101754 D Sports Analytics000.000%
405046GYM101754 E Bonsai000.000%
405047GYM101754 F Alfred and Georg000.000%
405048GYM101755 A Restoring Numbers000.000%
405049GYM101755 B Minimal Area000.000%
405050GYM101755 C Third-Party Software000.000%
405051GYM101755 D Transfer Window000.000%
405052GYM101755 E Substring Reverse000.000%
405053GYM101755 F Tree Restoration000.000%
405054GYM101755 G Underpalindromity000.000%
405055GYM101755 H Safe Path000.000%
405056GYM101755 I Guess the Tree000.000%
405057GYM101755 J Parallelograms000.000%
405058GYM101755 K Video Reviews000.000%
405059GYM101755 L Queries on a String000.000%
405060GYM101755 M Forgotten Spell000.000%
405062GYM101773 B Double Trouble000.000%
405064GYM101773 D Unsmooth Tree000.000%
405065GYM101773 E Max $\mathcal{B}$-Matching000.000%
405066GYM101773 F Toroidal Picture000.000%
405086GYM101778 G Preparing for Exams000.000%
405091GYM101790 A Pizza Universe000.000%
405092GYM101790 B Forest protection000.000%
405093GYM101790 C Keys assignment000.000%
405094GYM101790 D Scotland Yard's fail000.000%
405095GYM101790 E Test variants000.000%
405096GYM101790 F MK Ultra000.000%
405097GYM101790 G Task distributor000.000%
405098GYM101790 H Time difference000.000%
405099GYM101790 I Key brute forcing000.000%
405100GYM101790 J Distress signal000.000%
405101GYM101790 K Forbidden messenger000.000%
405146GYM101806 X Xtreme NP-hard Problem?!000.000%
405149GYM101807 A Ambidexterity000.000%
405154GYM101807 F Final Fixture000.000%
405186GYM101821 A Smart Vending000.000%
405187GYM101821 B LIS vs. LDS000.000%
405188GYM101821 C Eat And Walk000.000%
405189GYM101821 D Search Engine000.000%
405190GYM101821 E Guess Me If You Can000.000%
405191GYM101821 F Lazy Hash Table000.000%
405210GYM101845 G Generating Texts000.000%
405220GYM101848 D XOR000.000%
405230GYM101853 E Maximum Sum000.000%
405307GYM101879 D Maximizing Advertising000.000%
405391GYM101933 E Explosion Exploit000.000%
405403GYM101952 B Ethan Finds the Maximum Subarray Sum000.000%
405433GYM101962 E Hat-Xor000.000%
405447GYM101964 F Min Max Convert000.000%
405448GYM101964 G Matrix Queries000.000%
405474GYM101968 J Restricted Vertex Cover000.000%
405481GYM101972 G Minimax000.000%
405505GYM101982 A Exam000.000%
405521GYM101986 D Making Perimeter of the Convex Hull Shortest000.000%
405545GYM101991 E Exciting Menus000.000%
405573GYM102001 H Lexical Sign Sequence000.000%
405581GYM102004 D Long Distance Taxi000.000%
405585GYM102004 H ASCII Expression000.000%
405600GYM102007 A A Prize No One Can Win000.000%
405601GYM102007 B Birthday Boy000.000%
405602GYM102007 C Cardboard Container000.000%
405603GYM102007 D Driver Disagreement000.000%
405604GYM102007 E Entirely Unsorted Sequences000.000%
405605GYM102007 F Financial Planning000.000%
405606GYM102007 G Game Night000.000%
405607GYM102007 H Harry the Hamster000.000%
405608GYM102007 I In Case of an Invasion, Please...000.000%
405609GYM102007 J Janitor Troubles000.000%
405610GYM102007 K Kingpin Escape000.000%
405611GYM102012 A Rikka with Minimum Spanning Trees000.000%
405612GYM102012 B Rikka with Line Graphs000.000%
405613GYM102012 C Rikka with Consistency000.000%
405614GYM102012 D Rikka with Subsequences000.000%
405615GYM102012 E Rikka with Data Structures000.000%
405616GYM102012 F Rikka with Nice Counting Striking Back000.000%
405617GYM102012 G Rikka with Intersections of Paths000.000%
405618GYM102012 H Rikka with A Long Colour Palette000.000%
405619GYM102012 I Rikka with Sorting Networks000.000%
405620GYM102012 J Rikka with An Unnamed Temple000.000%
405621GYM102012 K Rikka with Ants000.000%
405622GYM102012 L Rikka with Grid Graphs000.000%
405623GYM102012 M Rikka with Illuminations000.000%
405638GYM102020 E Expectations sky-high000.000%
405651GYM102021 E Expired License000.000%
405660GYM102028 A Xu Xiake in Henan Province000.000%
405676GYM102032 E XOR sum
405681GYM102035 E New Max000.000%
405713GYM102052 E Boolean Expression000.000%
405726GYM102056 A Exotic … Ancient City000.000%
405738GYM102058 A Dumae000.000%
405739GYM102058 B Electronic Circuit000.000%
405740GYM102058 C Fake Plastic Trees000.000%
405741GYM102058 D Fascination Street000.000%