Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
405742GYM102058 E Fractions000.000%
405743GYM102058 F Game on Plane000.000%
405744GYM102058 G Histogram Sequence000.000%
405745GYM102058 H Timsort000.000%
405746GYM102058 I Utilitarianism000.000%
405747GYM102058 J Rising Sun000.000%
405748GYM102058 K Voronoi Diagram Returns000.000%
405749GYM102058 L Repetitive Palindrome000.000%
405750GYM102058 M Coke Challenge000.000%
405751GYM102059 A Coloring Roads000.000%
405752GYM102059 B Dev, Please Add This!000.000%
405753GYM102059 C Dstorv000.000%
405754GYM102059 D Dumae000.000%
405755GYM102059 E Electronic Circuit000.000%
405756GYM102059 F Fake Plastic Trees000.000%
405757GYM102059 G Fascination Street000.000%
405758GYM102059 H Fractions000.000%
405759GYM102059 I Game on Plane000.000%
405760GYM102059 J Histogram Sequence000.000%
405761GYM102059 K Interesting Drug000.000%
405762GYM102059 L Timsort000.000%
405763GYM102059 M Utilitarianism000.000%
405789GYM102082 K Sixth Sense000.000%
405819GYM102129 A Tritwise Mex000.000%
405829GYM102129 K Expected Value000.000%
405847GYM102134 H 3XOR000.000%
405879GYM102147 A Extraction of radium000.000%
405886GYM102152 D XOR Permutations000.000%
405899GYM102155 A Ability Draft000.000%
405900GYM102155 B Short Random Problem000.000%
405901GYM102155 C Block, Stock and Two Smoking Galaxy Notes000.000%
405902GYM102155 D Lunch Queue000.000%
405904GYM102155 F Shuffle000.000%
405906GYM102155 H Sketch000.000%
405907GYM102155 I $\leq$ or $\geq$000.000%
405908GYM102155 J Stairways000.000%
405909GYM102155 K Hiding a Tree000.000%
405910GYM102156 A Takeover000.000%
405911GYM102156 B Unfair Card Deck000.000%
405912GYM102156 C Diverse Singing000.000%
405913GYM102156 D Pick Your Own Nim000.000%
405914GYM102156 E Permutasino000.000%
405915GYM102156 F Planar Max Cut000.000%
405916GYM102156 G Battle Royale000.000%
405917GYM102156 H Jeopardy000.000%
405918GYM102156 I Slippers000.000%
405919GYM102156 J The Good, the Bad and the Ugly000.000%
405936GYM102163 L Chemistry Exam000.000%
405956GYM102191 G Next Number000.000%
405957GYM102191 H Convex Polygons000.000%
405964GYM102192 D Parentheses Matrix000.000%
405980GYM102201 H Hard To Explain000.000%
405995GYM102215 A Rooms and Passages000.000%
405996GYM102215 B Rearrange Columns000.000%
405997GYM102215 C Jumps on a Circle000.000%
405998GYM102215 D Country Division000.000%
405999GYM102215 E Third-Party Software - 2000.000%
406000GYM102215 F Friendly Fire000.000%
406001GYM102215 G Akinator000.000%
406002GYM102215 H Missing Number000.000%
406003GYM102215 I Painting a Square000.000%
406004GYM102215 J The Power of the Dark Side - 2000.000%
406005GYM102215 K Deck Sorting000.000%
406006GYM102215 L Inscribed Circle000.000%
406007GYM102215 M Shlakoblock is live!000.000%
406008GYM102218 A Alan's Birthday000.000%
406009GYM102218 B Buying Piles of Stones000.000%
406010GYM102218 C Circuit Unstable000.000%
406011GYM102218 D Dynamic Network000.000%
406012GYM102218 E Environmental Contingency000.000%
406013GYM102218 F Freddy and the Chocolate Factory000.000%
406014GYM102218 G Generating Problems000.000%
406015GYM102218 H Heartbreaker Radio Station000.000%
406016GYM102218 J Just an easy task000.000%
406017GYM102218 K K-th Missing Digit000.000%
406039GYM102222 A Maximum Element In A Stack000.000%
406049GYM102222 K Vertex Covers000.000%
406054GYM102249 C Mr. X000.000%
406060GYM102253 E Expectation of Division000.000%
406081GYM102263 C Check The Text000.000%
406112GYM102268 E Expected Value000.000%
406191GYM102307 E Extreme Image
406195GYM102307 I Integer Prefix000.000%
406198GYM102307 L Liquid X
406201GYM102309 C Cai Xukun and Orz Pandas000.000%
406203GYM102309 E Expectation of Orz Pandas000.000%
406227GYM102318 H Maximum NOI Subseq000.000%
406246GYM102323 H Chocolate Fix000.000%
406251GYM102331 A Apollonian Network000.000%
406252GYM102331 B Bitwise Xor000.000%
406253GYM102331 C Counting Cactus000.000%
406254GYM102331 D Determinant000.000%
406255GYM102331 E Easy Win000.000%
406256GYM102331 F Fast Spanning Tree000.000%
406257GYM102331 G Grammarly000.000%
406258GYM102331 H Honorable Mention000.000%
406259GYM102331 I Interactive Vertex000.000%
406260GYM102331 J Jiry Matchings000.000%
406261GYM102331 K K-pop Strings000.000%
406289GYM102346 E Exhibition of Clownfish000.000%