Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302021CF383E. Vowels000.000%
302022CF384A. Coder000.000%
302023CF384B. Multitasking000.000%
302024CF384C. Milking cows000.000%
302025CF384D. Volcanoes000.000%
302026CF384E. Propagating tree000.000%
302027CF385A. Bear and Raspberry000.000%
302028CF385B. Bear and Strings000.000%
302029CF385C. Bear and Prime Numbers000.000%
302030CF385D. Bear and Floodlight000.000%
302031CF385E. Bear in the Field000.000%
302032CF386A. Second-Price Auction000.000%
302033CF386B. Fly, freebies, fly!000.000%
302034CF386C. Diverse Substrings000.000%
302035CF386D. Game with Points000.000%
302036CF387A. George and Sleep000.000%
302037CF387B. George and Round000.000%
302038CF387C. George and Number000.000%
302039CF387D. George and Interesting Graph000.000%
302040CF387E. George and Cards000.000%
302041CF388A. Fox and Box Accumulation020.000%
302042CF388B. Fox and Minimal path000.000%
302043CF388C. Fox and Card Game000.000%
302044CF388D. Fox and Perfect Sets000.000%
302045CF388E. Fox and Meteor Shower000.000%
302046CF389A. Fox and Number Game000.000%
302047CF389B. Fox and Cross000.000%
302048CF389C. Fox and Box Accumulation000.000%
302049CF389D. Fox and Minimal path000.000%
302050CF389E. Fox and Card Game000.000%
302103CF400A. Inna and Choose Options000.000%
302104CF400B. Inna and New Matrix of Candies000.000%
302105CF400C. Inna and Huge Candy Matrix000.000%
302106CF400D. Dima and Bacteria000.000%
302107CF400E. Inna and Binary Logic000.000%
302108CF401A. Vanya and Cards000.000%
302109CF401B. Sereja and Contests000.000%
302110CF401C. Team000.000%
302111CF401D. Roman and Numbers000.000%
302112CF401E. Olympic Games000.000%
302113CF402A. Nuts000.000%
302114CF402B. Trees in a Row020.000%
302115CF402C. Searching for Graph000.000%
302116CF402D. Upgrading Array000.000%
302117CF402E. Strictly Positive Matrix000.000%
302118CF403A. Searching for Graph000.000%
302119CF403B. Upgrading Array000.000%
302120CF403C. Strictly Positive Matrix000.000%
302121CF403D. Beautiful Pairs of Numbers000.000%
302122CF403E. Two Rooted Trees000.000%
302123CF404A. Valera and X000.000%
302124CF404B. Marathon000.000%
302125CF404C. Restore Graph000.000%
302126CF404D. Minesweeper 1D000.000%
302127CF404E. Maze 1D000.000%
302128CF405A. Gravity Flip000.000%
302129CF405B. Domino Effect000.000%
302130CF405C. Unusual Product000.000%
302131CF405D. Toy Sum000.000%
302132CF405E. Graph Cutting000.000%
302133CF406A. Unusual Product000.000%
302134CF406B. Toy Sum000.000%
302135CF406C. Graph Cutting000.000%
302136CF406D. Hill Climbing000.000%
302137CF406E. Hamming Triples000.000%
302138CF407A. Triangle000.000%
302139CF407B. Long Path000.000%
302140CF407C. Curious Array000.000%
302141CF407D. Largest Submatrix 3000.000%
302142CF407E. k-d-sequence000.000%
302143CF408A. Line to Cashier000.000%
302144CF408B. Garland000.000%
302145CF408C. Triangle000.000%
302146CF408D. Long Path000.000%
302147CF408E. Curious Array000.000%
302148CF409A. The Great Game000.000%
302149CF409B. Mysterious Language000.000%
302150CF409C. Magnum Opus000.000%
302151CF409D. Big Data000.000%
302152CF409E. Dome000.000%
302153CF409F. 000001000.000%
302154CF409G. On a plane000.000%
302155CF409H. A + B Strikes Back000.000%
302156CF409I. Feed the Golorp000.000%
302157CF411A. Password Check000.000%
302158CF411B. Multi-core Processor000.000%
302159CF411C. Kicker000.000%
302160CF412A. Poster000.000%
302161CF412B. Network Configuration000.000%
302162CF412C. Pattern000.000%
302163CF412D. Giving Awards000.000%
302164CF412E. E-mail Addresses000.000%
302165CF413A. Data Recovery000.000%
302166CF413B. Spyke Chatting000.000%
302167CF413C. Jeopardy!000.000%
302168CF413D. 2048000.000%
302169CF413E. Maze 2D000.000%
302170CF414A. Mashmokh and Numbers000.000%
302171CF414B. Mashmokh and ACM000.000%
302172CF414C. Mashmokh and Reverse Operation000.000%