Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
308335CF1501F. Tiles for Bathroom000.000%
308340CF1503E. 2-Coloring000.000%
308343CF1504B. Flip the Bits000.000%
308353CF1505F. Math000.000%
308357CF1506A. Strange Table000.000%
308360CF1506D. Epic Transformation000.000%
308362CF1506F. Triangular Paths000.000%
308374CF1509E. Almost Sorted000.000%
308388CF1511B. GCD Length000.000%
308391CF1511E. Colorings and Dominoes000.000%
308392CF1511F. Chainword000.000%
308398CF1512E. Permutation by Sum0140.000%
308400CF1512G. Short Task0130.000%
308402CF1513B. AND Sequences000.000%
308403CF1513C. Add One000.000%
308405CF1513E. Cost Equilibrium000.000%
308407CF1514A. Perfectly Imperfect Array000.000%
308408CF1514B. AND 0, Sum Big000.000%
308412CF1515A. Phoenix and Gold000.000%
308413CF1515B. Phoenix and Puzzle000.000%
308416CF1515E. Phoenix and Computers000.000%
308418CF1515G. Phoenix and Odometers000.000%
308423CF1516C. Baby Ehab Partitions Again000.000%
308425CF1516E. Baby Ehab Plays with Permutations000.000%
308426CF1517A. Sum of 2050000.000%
308434CF1519A. Red and Blue Beans000.000%
308435CF1519B. The Cake Is a Lie000.000%
308437CF1519D. Maximum Sum of Products000.000%
308441CF1520B. Ordinary Numbers000.000%
308442CF1520C. Not Adjacent Matrix000.000%
308443CF1520D. Same Differences000.000%
308444CF1520E. Arranging The Sheep000.000%
308448CF1521A. Nastia and Nearly Good Numbers000.000%
308449CF1521B. Nastia and a Good Array000.000%
308452CF1521E. Nastia and a Beautiful Matrix000.000%
308458CF1523E. Crypto Lights000.000%
308463CF1525A. Potion-making000.000%
308467CF1525E. Assimilation IV000.000%
308470CF1526B. I Hate 1111000.000%
308473CF1526D. Kill Anton000.000%
308474CF1526E. Oolimry and Suffix Array000.000%
308479CF1527C. Sequence Pair Weight000.000%
308480CF1527D. MEX Tree000.000%
308483CF1528B. Kavi on Pairing Duty000.000%
308487CF1528F. AmShZ Farm000.000%
308488CF1529A. Eshag Loves Big Arrays000.000%
308489CF1529B. Sifid and Strange Subsequences000.000%
308491CF1529D. Kavi on Pairing Duty000.000%
308494CF1530A. Binary Decimal000.000%
308511CF1532B. Frog Jumping000.000%
308516CF1533A. Travel to Bertown000.000%
308523CF1533H. Submatrices000.000%
308527CF1534B. Histogram Ugliness000.000%
308528CF1534C. Little Alawn's Puzzle000.000%
308536CF1535B. Array Reodering000.000%
308545CF1536E. Omkar and Forest000.000%
308546CF1536F. Omkar and Akmar000.000%
308547CF1537A. Arithmetic Array000.000%
308548CF1537B. Bad Boy000.000%
308549CF1537C. Challenging Cliffs000.000%
308550CF1537D. Deleting Divisors000.000%
308553CF1537F. Figure Fixing000.000%
308555CF1538B. Friends and Candies000.000%
308556CF1538C. Number of Pairs000.000%
308557CF1538D. Another Problem About Dividing Numbers000.000%
308558CF1538E. Funny Substrings000.000%
308559CF1538F. Interesting Function000.000%
308560CF1538G. Gift Set000.000%
308561CF1539A. Contest Start000.000%
308568CF1540B. Tree Array000.000%
308569CF1540C1. Converging Array (Easy Version)000.000%
308570CF1540C2. Converging Array (Hard Version)000.000%
308572CF1540E. Tasty Dishes000.000%
308574CF1541B. Pleasant Pairs000.000%
308576CF1541D. Tree Array000.000%
308577CF1541E1. Converging Array (Easy Version)000.000%
308578CF1541E2. Converging Array (Hard Version)000.000%
308579CF1542A. Odd Set000.000%
308580CF1542B. Plus and Multiply000.000%
308581CF1542C. Strange Function000.000%
308582CF1542D. Priority Queue000.000%
308583CF1542E1. Abnormal Permutation Pairs (easy version)000.000%
308584CF1542E2. Abnormal Permutation Pairs (hard version)000.000%
308585CF1543A. Exciting Bets000.000%
308586CF1543B. Customising the Track000.000%
308587CF1543C. Need for Pink Slips000.000%
308588CF1543D1. RPD and Rap Sheet (Easy Version)000.000%
308589CF1543D2. RPD and Rap Sheet (Hard Version)000.000%
308590CF1543E. The Final Pursuit000.000%
308591CF1544A. Binary Decimal000.000%
308594CF1544D. Secret Santa000.000%
308600CF1545B. AquaMoon and Chess000.000%
308602CF1545D. AquaMoon and Wrong Coordinate000.000%
308607CF1546B. AquaMoon and Stolen String000.000%
308609CF1546D. AquaMoon and Chess000.000%
308611CF1546F. AquaMoon and Wrong Coordinate000.000%
308612CF1547A. Shortest Path with Obstacle000.000%
308620CF1548B. Integers Have Friends000.000%
308621CF1548C. The Three Little Pigs000.000%
308622CF1548D1. Gregor and the Odd Cows (Easy)000.000%