Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303795CF732D. Exams000.000%
303796CF732E. Sockets000.000%
303797CF732F. Tourist Reform000.000%
303798CF733A. Grasshopper And the String000.000%
303799CF733B. Parade000.000%
303800CF733C. Epidemic in Monstropolis000.000%
303801CF733D. Kostya the Sculptor000.000%
303802CF733E. Sleep in Class000.000%
303803CF733F. Drivers Dissatisfaction000.000%
303804CF734A. Anton and Danik000.000%
303805CF734B. Anton and Digits000.000%
303806CF734C. Anton and Making Potions000.000%
303807CF734D. Anton and Chess000.000%
303808CF734E. Anton and Tree000.000%
303809CF734F. Anton and School000.000%
303810CF735A. Ostap and Grasshopper000.000%
303811CF735B. Urbanization000.000%
303812CF735C. Tennis Championship000.000%
303813CF735D. Taxes000.000%
303814CF735E. Ostap and Tree000.000%
303815CF736A. Tennis Championship000.000%
303816CF736B. Taxes000.000%
303817CF736C. Ostap and Tree000.000%
303818CF736D. Permutations000.000%
303819CF736E. Chess Championship000.000%
303820CF737A. Road to Cinema000.000%
303821CF737B. Sea Battle000.000%
303822CF737C. Subordinates000.000%
303823CF737D. Financiers Game000.000%
303824CF737E. Tanya is 5!000.000%
303825CF737F. Dirty plates000.000%
303826CF738A. Interview with Oleg000.000%
303827CF738B. Spotlights000.000%
303828CF738C. Road to Cinema000.000%
303829CF738D. Sea Battle000.000%
303830CF738E. Subordinates000.000%
303831CF738F. Financiers Game000.000%
303832CF739A. Alyona and mex000.000%
303833CF739B. Alyona and a tree000.000%
303834CF739C. Alyona and towers000.000%
303835CF739D. Recover a functional graph000.000%
303836CF739E. Gosha is hunting000.000%
304018CF773A. Success Rate000.000%
304019CF773B. Dynamic Problem Scoring000.000%
304020CF773C. Prairie Partition000.000%
304021CF773D. Perishable Roads000.000%
304022CF773E. Blog Post Rating000.000%
304023CF773F. Test Data Generation000.000%
304587CF873A. Chores000.000%
304588CF873B. Balanced Substring000.000%
304589CF873C. Strange Game On Matrix000.000%
304590CF873D. Merge Sort000.000%
304591CF873E. Awards For Contestants000.000%
304592CF873F. Forbidden Indices000.000%
305060CF959A. Mahmoud and Ehab and the even-odd game000.000%
305061CF959B. Mahmoud and Ehab and the message000.000%
305062CF959C. Mahmoud and Ehab and the wrong algorithm000.000%
305063CF959D. Mahmoud and Ehab and another array construction task000.000%
305064CF959E. Mahmoud and Ehab and the xor-MST000.000%
305065CF959F. Mahmoud and Ehab and yet another xor task000.000%
305671CF1073A. Diverse Substring000.000%
305672CF1073B. Vasya and Books000.000%
305673CF1073C. Vasya and Robot000.000%
305674CF1073D. Berland Fair000.000%
305675CF1073E. Segment Sum000.000%
305676CF1073F. Choosing Two Paths000.000%
305677CF1073G. Yet Another LCP Problem000.000%
306283CF1173A. Nauuo and Votes020.000%
306284CF1173B. Nauuo and Chess000.000%
306285CF1173C. Nauuo and Cards000.000%
306286CF1173D. Nauuo and Circle000.000%
306287CF1173E1. Nauuo and Pictures (easy version)000.000%
306288CF1173E2. Nauuo and Pictures (hard version)000.000%
306289CF1173F. Nauuo and Portals000.000%
306398CF1190A. Tokitsukaze and Discard Items000.000%
306399CF1190B. Tokitsukaze, CSL and Stone Game000.000%
306400CF1190C. Tokitsukaze and Duel000.000%
306401CF1190D. Tokitsukaze and Strange Rectangle000.000%
306402CF1190E. Tokitsukaze and Explosion000.000%
306403CF1190F. Tokitsukaze and Powers000.000%
306404CF1191A. Tokitsukaze and Enhancement000.000%
306405CF1191B. Tokitsukaze and Mahjong000.000%
306406CF1191C. Tokitsukaze and Discard Items000.000%
306407CF1191D. Tokitsukaze, CSL and Stone Game000.000%
306408CF1191E. Tokitsukaze and Duel000.000%
306409CF1191F. Tokitsukaze and Strange Rectangle000.000%
306609CF1221A. 2048 Game000.000%
306610CF1221B. Knights000.000%
306611CF1221C. Perfect Team000.000%
306612CF1221D. Make The Fence Great Again000.000%
306613CF1221E. Game With String000.000%
306614CF1221F. Choose a Square000.000%
306615CF1221G. Graph And Numbers000.000%
306933CF1273A. Типографика, вёрстка и цвета000.000%
306934CF1273B. Общие знания000.000%
306935CF1273C. Интерфейсы-1000.000%
306936CF1273D. Интерфейсы-2000.000%
307553CF1373A. Donut Shops000.000%
307554CF1373B. 01 Game000.000%
307555CF1373C. Pluses and Minuses000.000%