Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
406380GYM102392 H Tree Permutations000.000%
406381GYM102392 I Absolute Game000.000%
406382GYM102392 J Graph and Cycles000.000%
406391GYM102394 H Highway Buses000.000%
406429GYM102409 A Easy Math000.000%
406430GYM102409 B Xor Sums000.000%
406431GYM102409 C Xor in Tree000.000%
406432GYM102409 D Lottery Ticket000.000%
406433GYM102409 E Googles wants to maximize000.000%
406434GYM102409 F Ironical Solution 1000.000%
406435GYM102409 G Ironical Solution 2000.000%
406436GYM102409 H Maximizing Coins000.000%
406437GYM102409 I Thanos's snap000.000%
406438GYM102409 J Best division000.000%
406439GYM102409 K Lending Woes000.000%
406447GYM102411 H High Load Database000.000%
406456GYM102412 D The Jump from Height of Self-importance to Height of IQ Level
406492GYM102426 B The Secret of Time000.000%
406505GYM102428 B Build the Perfect House000.000%
406520GYM102431 D Pulse Nova000.000%
406545GYM102436 D Subset ``AND''
406547GYM102439 A Four minutes until BSUIR Open000.000%
406548GYM102439 B Varvara and matrix000.000%
406549GYM102439 C Cockroach Racing000.000%
406550GYM102439 D Light show000.000%
406551GYM102439 E Small business000.000%
406552GYM102439 F Prime or number000.000%
406553GYM102439 G Sequence exploration000.000%
406554GYM102439 H Nonfibonacci numbers000.000%
406555GYM102439 I Equal Mod Segments000.000%
406556GYM102439 J Boedium000.000%
406557GYM102439 K Innovations000.000%
406558GYM102439 L The only winner000.000%
406559GYM102441 A Template for Search000.000%
406574GYM102443 E Hide-and-Seek for Robots000.000%
406611GYM102460 E The League of Sequence Designers000.000%
406613GYM102460 G Optimal Selection000.000%
406622GYM102461 C Advertisement Profit
406665GYM102482 G Panda Preserve000.000%
406668GYM102482 J Uncrossed Knight's Tour000.000%
406699GYM102501 H Pseudo-Random Number Generator000.000%
406716GYM102503 M Señorita000.000%
406764GYM102536 C Senpai000.000%
406801GYM102562 B Bitwise Party000.000%
406809GYM102562 J Mousepad000.000%
406810GYM102562 K Dense Settlements000.000%
406811GYM102562 L Sunrise000.000%
406834GYM102566 K Security Cameras000.000%
406837GYM102569 B Bonuses on a Line000.000%
406856GYM102576 H Lighthouses000.000%
406888GYM102599 G Sequence with Digits000.000%
406905GYM102617 C Patisserie000.000%
406913GYM102617 K Dessert Islands000.000%
406940GYM102621 K Seal Sharing000.000%
406957GYM102625 C Matiyao Be Mid Sem hee toh hai000.000%
406961GYM102625 G Secret Society and a Certain Someone000.000%
406986GYM102646 D Team Selection000.000%
406993GYM102672 A Wooden Castle000.000%
406994GYM102672 B Crazy dance000.000%
406995GYM102672 C Spell000.000%
406996GYM102672 D Good Subset000.000%
406998GYM102672 F Arithmetic and blocks000.000%
406999GYM102672 G Crazy arangements000.000%
407000GYM102672 H Road building000.000%
407001GYM102672 I Tennis score000.000%
407002GYM102672 J Wedding000.000%
407003GYM102672 K Escape from the Abundoned House000.000%
407004GYM102672 L Transformations000.000%
407005GYM102672 M Magical XML000.000%
407018GYM102687 E Crazy Rich Sean000.000%
407036GYM102697 007 Clock Seconds000.000%
407053GYM102697 024 Missed Basketball Game000.000%
407060GYM102697 031 2001: A Space Odyssey000.000%
407074GYM102697 045 Planet Omicron Persei VIII000.000%
407087GYM102697 058 Switch Case000.000%
407094GYM102697 065 Intersection of Two Lines000.000%
407099GYM102697 070 Mersenne Primes000.000%
407144GYM102697 115 Pseudocode Compiler000.000%
407145GYM102697 116 Diverse String000.000%
407177GYM102697 148 Internet Anagram Server000.000%
407185GYM102697 156 Closest Houses000.000%
407213GYM102697 184 Close Product000.000%
407250GYM102709 F Zoom Exercises000.000%
407254GYM102726 F Zoom Exercises000.000%
407290GYM102756 E Hieroglyph Sequences000.000%
407300GYM102757 E Hieroglyph Sequences000.000%
407303GYM102759 A Advertisement Matching000.000%
407313GYM102759 K Sewing Graph000.000%
407315GYM102760 A Advertisement Matching000.000%
407325GYM102760 K Sewing Graph000.000%
407329GYM102766 C Regular Bracket Sequence000.000%
407330GYM102766 D Regular Bracket Sequence Again?000.000%
407348GYM102769 H Holy Sequence000.000%
407386GYM102780 J Something that resembles Waring's problem000.000%
407412GYM102785 H A self-describing sequence000.000%
407413GYM102785 I Noughts and crosses000.000%
407455GYM102798 I Sean the Cuber
407460GYM102800 B Problem Select000.000%
407473GYM102801 A Micro Structure Thread000.000%
407474GYM102801 B Team000.000%