Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
407994GYM102961 H Maximum Subarray Sum000.000%
407995GYM102961 I Stick Lengths000.000%
407996GYM102961 J Missing Coin Sum000.000%
407997GYM102961 K Collecting Numbers000.000%
407998GYM102961 L Collecting Numbers II000.000%
407999GYM102961 M Playlist000.000%
408000GYM102961 N Towers000.000%
408001GYM102961 O Traffic Lights000.000%
408002GYM102961 P Josephus Problem I000.000%
408003GYM102961 Q Josephus Problem II000.000%
408004GYM102961 R Nested Ranges Check000.000%
408005GYM102961 S Nested Ranges Count000.000%
408006GYM102961 T Room Allocation000.000%
408007GYM102961 U Factory Machines000.000%
408008GYM102961 V Tasks and Deadlines000.000%
408009GYM102961 W Reading Books000.000%
408010GYM102961 X Sum of Three Values000.000%
408011GYM102961 Y Sum of Four Values000.000%
408012GYM102961 Z Nearest Smaller Values000.000%
408013GYM102961 ZA Subarray Sums I000.000%
408014GYM102961 ZB Subarray Sums II000.000%
408015GYM102961 ZC Subarray Divisibility000.000%
408016GYM102961 ZD Subarray Distinct Values000.000%
408017GYM102961 ZE Array Division000.000%
408018GYM102961 ZF Sliding Median000.000%
408019GYM102961 ZG Sliding Cost000.000%
408020GYM102961 ZH Movie Festival II000.000%
408021GYM102961 ZI Maximum Subarray Sum II000.000%
408030GYM102964 D Krosh and series sum000.000%
408041GYM102966 E Enterprise Recognition Program000.000%
408056GYM102968 F Japanese parser000.000%
408066GYM102978 D Do Use FFT000.000%
408067GYM102978 E Edge Subsets000.000%
408071GYM102978 I Inverse Problem000.000%
408072GYM102978 J Japanese Knowledge000.000%
408089GYM102984 E Observer Game000.000%
408093GYM102984 I Selecting Points and Segments000.000%
408094GYM102984 J Setting Maps000.000%
408104GYM102985 K Verbose sandViches000.000%
408137GYM102994 B Gifted Composer000.000%
408152GYM103003 D Set of Points000.000%
408153GYM103003 E Dream and the Multiverse000.000%
408162GYM103034 E Simple Exercise000.000%
408189GYM103048 J Just the Chosen One000.000%
408202GYM103053 A Sorted Pairwise Distance List000.000%
408220GYM103059 A Alaska Don't Release Them000.000%
408226GYM103059 G Four Horsemen000.000%
408230GYM103059 K Cereal Serial Number000.000%
408247GYM103069 A Namomo Subsequence000.000%
408253GYM103069 G Prof. Pang's sequence000.000%
408305GYM103091 E Longest Sequences000.000%
408337GYM103102 A Archeologists000.000%
408338GYM103102 B Reverse Game000.000%
408339GYM103102 C 3-colorings000.000%
408340GYM103102 D Disk Sort000.000%
408341GYM103102 E Divisible by 3000.000%
408342GYM103102 F Fence Job000.000%
408343GYM103102 G Simple Hull000.000%
408344GYM103102 H AND = OR000.000%
408345GYM103102 I Modulo Permutations000.000%
408346GYM103102 J One Piece000.000%
408347GYM103102 K Codenames000.000%
408348GYM103102 L Neo-Robin Hood000.000%
408349GYM103102 M Mistake000.000%
408358GYM103104 I Sequence000.000%
408365GYM103107 E Elastic Search000.000%
408387GYM103110 C Reverse Race000.000%
408397GYM103114 A Aahaxiki's journey I - set off000.000%
408401GYM103114 E Ewo Slices of Bread with Cheese000.000%
408423GYM103117 F Direction Setting
408442GYM103118 L Construction of 5G Base Stations000.000%
408450GYM103119 G Game on Sequence000.000%
408466GYM103145 A Matrix000.000%
408468GYM103145 C Vertex Deletion000.000%
408469GYM103145 D Lowbit000.000%
408470GYM103145 E Easy Math Problem000.000%
408471GYM103145 F Permutation000.000%
408472GYM103145 G Ball000.000%
408473GYM103145 H Loneliness000.000%
408474GYM103145 I Takeaway000.000%
408475GYM103145 J Transform000.000%
408476GYM103145 K City000.000%
408477GYM103145 L k-th Smallest Common Substring000.000%
408478GYM103145 M Master of Shuangpin000.000%
408493GYM103150 G Segmentation Fault000.000%
408510GYM103176 C camelCaseCounting000.000%
408513GYM103176 F Find the Base000.000%
408535GYM103182 D Melon Seeds000.000%
408537GYM103182 F Secure documents000.000%
408538GYM103182 G SigSegv000.000%
408609GYM103202 I Rise of Shadows000.000%
408633GYM103241 H Position of Set000.000%
408654GYM103256 D Sightseeing with Friends000.000%
408678GYM103261 E Binary Search Algorithm000.000%
408683GYM103261 J Closest Pair Algorithm000.000%
408724GYM103274 B Basel Problem000.000%
408732GYM103274 J Just Send the Email000.000%
408749GYM103294 D Cornfield Chase000.000%
408756GYM103295 D Cornfield Chase000.000%
408773GYM103306 H Haunted House000.000%