Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
311021CF1922C. Closest Cities000.000%
311022CF1922D. Berserk Monsters000.000%
311026CF1923B. Monsters Attack!000.000%
311030CF1923F. Shrink-Reverse000.000%
311031CF1924A. Did We Get Everything Covered?000.000%
311037CF1925A. We Got Everything Covered!000.000%
311039CF1925C. Did We Get Everything Covered?000.000%
311043CF1926A. Vlad and the Best of Five000.000%
311050CF1927A. Make it White000.000%
311051CF1927B. Following the String000.000%
311071CF1930C. Lexicographically Largest000.000%
311072CF1930D1. Sum over all Substrings (Easy Version)000.000%
311073CF1930D2. Sum over all Substrings (Hard Version)000.000%
311079CF1931A. Recovering a Small String000.000%
311094CF1933B. Turtle Math: Fast Three Task000.000%
311106CF1935A. Entertainment in MAC000.000%
311110CF1935E. Distance Learning Courses in MAC000.000%
311147CF1941C. Rudolf and the Ugly String000.000%
311162CF1943B. Non-Palindromic Substring000.000%
311168CF1943F. Minimum Hamming Distance000.000%
311169CF1944A. Destroying Bridges000.000%
311172CF1944D. Non-Palindromic Substring000.000%
311193CF1948D. Tandem Repeats?000.000%
311196CF1948G. MST with Matching000.000%
311208CF1950A. Stair, Peak, or Neither?0100.000%
311212CF1950E. Nearly Shortest Repeating Substring070.000%
311214CF1950G. Shuffling Songs0140.000%
311219CF1951E. No Palindromes000.000%
311224CF1952A. Are You a Robot, Again?000.000%
311225CF1952B. Is it stated?000.000%
311226CF1952C. They Have Fooled000.000%
311227CF1952D. Are You a Procrastinator?000.000%
311228CF1952E. Sweep Line000.000%
311229CF1952F. Grid000.000%
311230CF1952G. Mathematician Takeover000.000%
311231CF1952H. Palindrome000.000%
311232CF1952I. Dark Matter000.000%
311233CF1952J. Help, what does it mean to be "Based"000.000%
311234CF1953A. Accuracy-Preserving Summation Algorithm000.000%
311240CF1954F. Unique Strings000.000%
311248CF1955H. The Most Reckless Defense000.000%
311253CF1956E1. Nene vs. Monsters (Easy Version)000.000%
311254CF1956E2. Nene vs. Monsters (Hard Version)000.000%
311256CF1957A. Stickogon000.000%
311257CF1957B. A BIT of a Construction000.000%
311266CF1958D. Staircase000.000%
311267CF1958E. Yet Another Permutation Constructive000.000%
311274CF1959B. Compare T-Shirt Sizes000.000%
311275CF1959C. Count the Number of Pairs000.000%
311277CF1959E. Jumping on Tiles000.000%
311283CF1965C. Folding Strip000.000%
311291CF1966E. Folding Strip000.000%
311307CF1968G1. Division + LCP (easy version)000.000%
311308CF1968G2. Division + LCP (hard version)000.000%
311315CF1970A1. Balanced Shuffle (Easy)000.000%
311316CF1970A2. Balanced Unshuffle (Medium)000.000%
311317CF1970A3. Balanced Unshuffle (Hard)000.000%
311318CF1970B1. Exact Neighbours (Easy)000.000%
311319CF1970B2. Exact Neighbours (Medium)000.000%
311320CF1970B3. Exact Neighbours (Hard)000.000%
311321CF1970C1. Game on Tree (Easy)000.000%
311322CF1970C2. Game on Tree (Medium)000.000%
311323CF1970C3. Game on Tree (Hard)000.000%
311324CF1970D1. Arithmancy (Easy)000.000%
311325CF1970D2. Arithmancy (Medium)000.000%
311326CF1970D3. Arithmancy (Hard)000.000%
311327CF1970E1. Trails (Easy)000.000%
311328CF1970E2. Trails (Medium)000.000%
311329CF1970E3. Trails (Hard)000.000%
311330CF1970F1. Playing Quidditch (Easy)000.000%
311331CF1970F2. Playing Quidditch (Medium)000.000%
311332CF1970F3. Playing Quidditch (Hard)000.000%
311333CF1970G1. Min-Fund Prison (Easy)000.000%
311334CF1970G2. Min-Fund Prison (Medium)000.000%
311335CF1970G3. Min-Fund Prison (Hard)000.000%
311336CF1971A. My First Sorting Problem060.000%
311337CF1971B. Different String060.000%
311338CF1971C. Clock and Strings030.000%
311339CF1971D. Binary Cut080.000%
311344CF1972A. Contest Proposal000.000%
311358CF1974B. Symmetric Encoding050.000%
311370CF1975G. Zimpha Fan Club000.000%
311371CF1975H. 378QAQ and Core000.000%
311373CF1976A. Verify Password000.000%
311387CF1979D. Fixing a Binary String000.000%
311389CF1979F. Kostyanych's Theorem000.000%
311392CF1980C. Sofia and the Lost Operations000.000%
311397CF1980G. Yasya and the Mysterious Tree000.000%
400004GYM100002 A Amusing Numbers000.000%
400005GYM100002 B Bricks000.000%
400006GYM100002 C Cricket Field000.000%
400007GYM100002 D Decoding Task000.000%
400008GYM100002 E Evacuation Plan000.000%
400009GYM100002 F Folding000.000%
400010GYM100002 G Ghost Busters000.000%
400011GYM100002 H Heroes Of Might And Magic000.000%
400012GYM100002 I Inlay Cutters000.000%
400013GYM100004 A Paper Route000.000%
400014GYM100004 B Octagons000.000%
400015GYM100004 C Party Location000.000%