Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
400643GYM100217 J Tree Analysis000.000%
400644GYM100218 A Perfect Bombing000.000%
400645GYM100218 B Fixed Point000.000%
400646GYM100218 C Formatting000.000%
400647GYM100218 D Young Hackers000.000%
400648GYM100218 E Mazes Exit Guide000.000%
400649GYM100218 F Nonequal Parts000.000%
400650GYM100218 G Primitive Product000.000%
400651GYM100218 H Rent A Car000.000%
400652GYM100218 I Roundtrip000.000%
400653GYM100218 J Yet Another Minimal Triangle000.000%
400654GYM100220 A Cactus000.000%
400655GYM100220 B Darts000.000%
400656GYM100220 C Domino in Casino000.000%
400657GYM100220 D Love Is...000.000%
400658GYM100220 E Set Partitions000.000%
400659GYM100220 F Pipe Layout000.000%
400660GYM100220 G Word Square000.000%
400661GYM100220 H Subword000.000%
400662GYM100220 I HTML Table000.000%
400663GYM100220 J Wheel of Fortune000.000%
400664GYM100221 A Brackets Subsequences000.000%
400665GYM100221 B Deadlock000.000%
400666GYM100221 C Forbidden Subwords000.000%
400667GYM100221 D Puzzle Championship000.000%
400668GYM100221 E Compact Relations Encoding000.000%
400669GYM100221 F Peaceful Rooks000.000%
400670GYM100221 G Secret Photo000.000%
400671GYM100221 H TEX Assistant000.000%
400672GYM100221 I Crazy Wall000.000%
400673GYM100221 J Die Young000.000%
400674GYM100222 A Addictions000.000%
400675GYM100222 B Chess Tableaux000.000%
400676GYM100222 C Decoding Martian Messages000.000%
400677GYM100222 D Gas Problem000.000%
400678GYM100222 E Infinity Sect000.000%
400679GYM100222 F Polymorphism000.000%
400680GYM100222 G Refrain000.000%
400681GYM100222 H Star Polygon000.000%
400682GYM100222 I Superinvolutions000.000%
400683GYM100222 J Truth000.000%
400684GYM100227 A Picnic Planning000.000%
400685GYM100227 B Poly-polygonal Numbers000.000%
400686GYM100227 C Rational Approximation000.000%
400687GYM100227 D Stacking Cubes000.000%
400688GYM100227 E Checker's Check000.000%
400689GYM100227 F To Bet or Not To Bet000.000%
400690GYM100227 G BSP Trees000.000%
400691GYM100227 H Double Trouble000.000%
400692GYM100227 I Colored Points000.000%
400693GYM100227 J Cigarettes000.000%
400694GYM100227 K Matrix000.000%
400695GYM100227 L Crossed ladders000.000%
400696GYM100228 A Crypto Columns000.000%
400697GYM100228 B Decorations000.000%
400698GYM100228 C EKG Sequence000.000%
400699GYM100228 D Phone Home000.000%
400700GYM100228 E Polly Nomials000.000%
400701GYM100228 F Pushing Boxes000.000%
400702GYM100228 G Squadtrees000.000%
400703GYM100228 H This Takes the Cake000.000%
400704GYM100228 I Graph of Inversions000.000%
400705GYM100228 J Common Permutation000.000%
400706GYM100228 K Chessboard in FEN000.000%
400707GYM100228 L Young Diagrams000.000%
400708GYM100228 M Square, Segments and Point000.000%
400709GYM100228 N Reductions000.000%
400713GYM100231 A Family000.000%
400714GYM100231 B Intervals000.000%
400715GYM100231 C One-way traffic000.000%
400716GYM100231 D Balloons000.000%
400717GYM100231 E Servers000.000%
400718GYM100231 F Solitaire000.000%
400719GYM100231 G Timetable000.000%
400720GYM100231 H Voracious Steve000.000%
400721GYM100231 I Palindrometer000.000%
400722GYM100231 J Mine Sweeper000.000%
400723GYM100231 K Profits010.000%
400724GYM100231 L Bit Counting000.000%
400725GYM100236 A Arrangement of RGB Balls000.000%
400726GYM100236 B Bentago000.000%
400727GYM100236 C Combination Lock000.000%
400728GYM100236 D Dreamer Land of Kashan000.000%
400729GYM100236 E Era of Winter Triangle000.000%
400730GYM100236 F Find The Problem!000.000%
400731GYM100236 G General Sohrab and General Sepehr!000.000%
400732GYM100236 H Hungry Robot000.000%
400733GYM100236 I ICPC Team Selection000.000%
400734GYM100236 J Jokey Problem!000.000%
400735GYM100236 K Killer Challenge000.000%
400736GYM100236 L Lexicographically Minimal Poem000.000%
400737GYM100236 M Marbles000.000%
400738GYM100236 N Lights000.000%
400743GYM100240 A Phone List000.000%
400744GYM100240 B Cuckoo Hashing000.000%
400745GYM100240 C Optimal Parking000.000%
400746GYM100240 D Copying DNA000.000%
400747GYM100240 E Circle of Debt000.000%
400748GYM100240 F Full Tank?000.000%
400749GYM100240 G Nested Dolls000.000%