Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302485CF479A. Expression000.000%
302486CF479B. Towers000.000%
302487CF479C. Exams000.000%
302488CF479D. Long Jumps000.000%
302489CF479E. Riding in a Lift000.000%
302490CF480A. Exams000.000%
302491CF480B. Long Jumps000.000%
302492CF480C. Riding in a Lift000.000%
302495CF482A. Diverse Permutation000.000%
302497CF482C. Game with Strings000.000%
302498CF482D. Random Function and Tree000.000%
302500CF483A. Counterexample 000.000%
302501CF483B. Friends and Presents000.000%
302502CF483C. Diverse Permutation000.000%
302504CF483E. Game with Strings000.000%
302505CF484A. Bits000.000%
302506CF484B. Maximum Value000.000%
302507CF484C. Strange Sorting000.000%
302510CF485A. Factory000.000%
302512CF485C. Bits000.000%
302513CF485D. Maximum Value000.000%
302515CF486A. Calculating Function000.000%
302516CF486B. OR in Matrix000.000%
302517CF486C. Palindrome Transformation000.000%
302518CF486D. Valid Sets000.000%
302519CF486E. LIS of Sequence000.000%
302520CF487A. Fight the Monster000.000%
302522CF487C. Prefix Product Sequence000.000%
302526CF488B. Candy Boxes000.000%
302527CF488C. Fight the Monster000.000%
302529CF488E. Prefix Product Sequence000.000%
302530CF489A. SwapSort000.000%
302532CF489C. Given Length and Sum of Digits...000.000%
302533CF489D. Unbearable Controversy of Being000.000%
302535CF489F. Special Matrices000.000%
302536CF490A. Team Olympiad000.000%
302537CF490B. Queue000.000%
302538CF490C. Hacking Cypher000.000%
302539CF490D. Chocolate000.000%
302540CF490E. Restoring Increasing Sequence000.000%
302542CF491A. Up the hill000.000%
302543CF491B. New York Hotel000.000%
302545CF492A. Vanya and Cubes000.000%
302546CF492B. Vanya and Lanterns000.000%
302547CF492C. Vanya and Exams000.000%
302548CF492D. Vanya and Computer Game000.000%
302549CF492E. Vanya and Field000.000%
302550CF493A. Vasya and Football000.000%
302551CF493B. Vasya and Wrestling000.000%
302552CF493C. Vasya and Basketball000.000%
302553CF493D. Vasya and Chess000.000%
302554CF493E. Vasya and Polynomial000.000%
302559CF494E. Sharti000.000%
302560CF495A. Digital Counter000.000%
302561CF495B. Modular Equations010.000%
302562CF495C. Treasure000.000%
302565CF496A. Minimum Difficulty000.000%
302566CF496B. Secret Combination000.000%
302567CF496C. Removing Columns000.000%
302568CF496D. Tennis Game000.000%
302570CF497A. Removing Columns000.000%
302571CF497B. Tennis Game000.000%
302572CF497C. Distributing Parts 000.000%
302574CF497E. Subsequences Return000.000%
302575CF498A. Crazy Town000.000%
302576CF498B. Name That Tune000.000%
302578CF498D. Traffic Jams in the Land000.000%
302579CF498E. Stairs and Lines000.000%
302580CF499A. Watching a movie000.000%
302581CF499B. Lecture000.000%
302582CF499C. Crazy Town000.000%
302583CF499D. Name That Tune000.000%
302585CF500A. New Year Transportation000.000%
302586CF500B. New Year Permutation000.000%
302587CF500C. New Year Book Reading000.000%
302588CF500D. New Year Santa Network000.000%
302589CF500E. New Year Domino000.000%
302592CF501A. Contest000.000%
302593CF501B. Misha and Changing Handles000.000%
302594CF501C. Misha and Forest000.000%
302595CF501D. Misha and Permutations Summation000.000%
302596CF501E. Misha and Palindrome Degree000.000%
302597CF504A. Misha and Forest000.000%
302598CF504B. Misha and Permutations Summation000.000%
302599CF504C. Misha and Palindrome Degree000.000%
302600CF504D. Misha and XOR000.000%
302601CF504E. Misha and LCP on Tree000.000%
302602CF505A. Mr. Kitayuta's Gift000.000%
302603CF505B. Mr. Kitayuta's Colorful Graph000.000%
302604CF505C. Mr. Kitayuta, the Treasure Hunter000.000%
302605CF505D. Mr. Kitayuta's Technology000.000%
302606CF505E. Mr. Kitayuta vs. Bamboos000.000%
302607CF506A. Mr. Kitayuta, the Treasure Hunter000.000%
302608CF506B. Mr. Kitayuta's Technology000.000%
302609CF506C. Mr. Kitayuta vs. Bamboos000.000%
302610CF506D. Mr. Kitayuta's Colorful Graph000.000%
302611CF506E. Mr. Kitayuta's Gift000.000%
302612CF507A. Amr and Music000.000%
302613CF507B. Amr and Pins000.000%
302614CF507C. Guess Your Way Out!000.000%