Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
409013GYM103415 E Mathlab000.000%
409049GYM103427 H Line Graph Matching000.000%
409050GYM103427 I Linear Fractional Transformation000.000%
409052GYM103427 K Matrix Operations000.000%
409053GYM103427 L Perfect Matchings000.000%
409101GYM103438 G Max Pair Matching000.000%
409122GYM103439 N Max Pair Matching000.000%
409124GYM103443 B Maximum Sub-Reverse Matching000.000%
409138GYM103446 C Strange Matrices000.000%
409152GYM103447 D Math master000.000%
409160GYM103447 L Karshilov's Matching Problem000.000%
409226GYM103463 F Hsueh- Love Matrix000.000%
409234GYM103464 A Stegosauruses000.000%
409235GYM103464 B Palindromic Dates000.000%
409236GYM103464 C Protected String000.000%
409237GYM103464 D A Task With Queries000.000%
409261GYM103469 M Math000.000%
409313GYM103483 G The Math of Sailing000.000%
409319GYM103485 A Trying to Impress Cleopatra000.000%
409320GYM103485 B Carlitos and the end of the world!000.000%
409321GYM103485 C Construction of precious stones000.000%
409322GYM103485 D Circular Pharaoh000.000%
409323GYM103485 E Protecting Roads000.000%
409324GYM103485 F Ramesses, Ra, and Roots000.000%
409325GYM103485 G The Diversity of the Library of Alexandria000.000%
409326GYM103485 H On the Way to Shopping - Easy000.000%
409327GYM103485 I On The Way To Shopping000.000%
409328GYM103485 J Feedback Meetings000.000%
409329GYM103485 K Tributes to the Pharaohs000.000%
409330GYM103485 L A tale of two cities000.000%
409331GYM103485 M Constellation collection000.000%
409332GYM103485 N Game Show000.000%
409340GYM103486 G Matrix Repair000.000%
409364GYM103492 A Median Problem000.000%
409365GYM103492 B Kanade Doesn't Want to Learn CG000.000%
409366GYM103492 C GCD on Tree000.000%
409367GYM103492 D Primality Test000.000%
409368GYM103492 E Monopoly000.000%
409369GYM103492 F Nun Heh Heh Aaaaaaaaaaa000.000%
409371GYM103492 I Public Transport System000.000%
409372GYM103492 J Bigraph Extension000.000%
409373GYM103492 K Jumping Monkey000.000%
409374GYM103492 L Contest Remake000.000%
409480GYM103577 F Flow of binary matrix000.000%
409481GYM103577 G Matematical Transformation000.000%
409686GYM103687 A JB Loves Math000.000%
409714GYM103698 D Matrix000.000%
409821GYM103797 H High Profile Math000.000%
409836GYM103806 A Pintando000.000%
409837GYM103806 B MCD000.000%
409838GYM103806 C Teatro000.000%
409839GYM103806 D Sumas000.000%
409840GYM103806 E Inspectores000.000%
409841GYM103808 A Secuencia000.000%
409842GYM103808 B Desordenado000.000%
409843GYM103808 C Comiendo000.000%
409844GYM103808 D Vasos000.000%
409845GYM103808 E Reescritura000.000%
409846GYM103809 A Alineaciones000.000%
409847GYM103809 B Divisibilidad000.000%
409848GYM103809 C Secuencias000.000%
409849GYM103809 D Diagonales000.000%
409850GYM103809 E Pareja000.000%
409851GYM103809 F Molinos000.000%
409894GYM103828 G Little Fermat and digits sums000.000%
410129GYM103960 I Intercepting Information000.000%
410197GYM103973 G Math Learning000.000%
410325GYM104009 I Matrix000.000%
410439GYM104021 K Largest Common Submatrix000.000%
410504GYM104030 E Enigmatic Enumeration000.000%
410576GYM104053 J Math Exam000.000%
410615GYM104065 K Pattern Matching in A Minor ``Low Space''
410663GYM104072 A Arrow Matrix000.000%
410781GYM104103 B Matryoshka Inc000.000%
410832GYM104128 J Perfect Matching