Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
311014CF1921C. Sending Messages000.000%
311016CF1921E. Eat the Chip000.000%
311017CF1921F. Sum of Progression000.000%
311020CF1922B. Forming Triangles000.000%
311021CF1922C. Closest Cities000.000%
311022CF1922D. Berserk Monsters000.000%
311023CF1922E. Increasing Subsequences000.000%
311032CF1924B. Space Harbour000.000%
311033CF1924C. Fractal Origami000.000%
311034CF1924D. Balanced Subsequences000.000%
311038CF1925B. A Balanced Problemset?000.000%
311040CF1925D. Good Trip000.000%
311041CF1925E. Space Harbour000.000%
311042CF1925F. Fractal Origami000.000%
311047CF1926E. Vlad and an Odd Ordering000.000%
311052CF1927C. Choose the Different Ones!000.000%
311054CF1927E. Klever Permutation000.000%
311056CF1927G. Paint Charges000.000%
311057CF1928A. Rectangle Cutting000.000%
311059CF1928C. Physical Education Lesson000.000%
311060CF1928D. Lonely Mountain Dungeons000.000%
311061CF1928E. Modular Sequence000.000%
311062CF1928F. Digital Patterns000.000%
311063CF1929A. Sasha and the Beautiful Array000.000%
311064CF1929B. Sasha and the Drawing000.000%
311065CF1929C. Sasha and the Casino000.000%
311066CF1929D. Sasha and a Walk in the City000.000%
311067CF1929E. Sasha and the Happy Tree Cutting000.000%
311068CF1929F. Sasha and the Wedding Binary Search Tree000.000%
311070CF1930B. Permutation Printing000.000%
311074CF1930E. 2..3...4.... Wonderful! Wonderful!000.000%
311081CF1931C. Make Equal Again000.000%
311082CF1931D. Divisible Pairs000.000%
311083CF1931E. Anna and the Valentine's Day Gift000.000%
311085CF1931G. One-Dimensional Puzzle000.000%
311088CF1932C. LR-remainders000.000%
311090CF1932E. Final Countdown000.000%
311092CF1932G. Moving Platforms000.000%
311093CF1933A. Turtle Puzzle: Rearrange and Negate000.000%
311094CF1933B. Turtle Math: Fast Three Task000.000%
311095CF1933C. Turtle Fingers: Count the Values of k000.000%
311096CF1933D. Turtle Tenacity: Continual Mods000.000%
311097CF1933E. Turtle vs. Rabbit Race: Optimal Trainings000.000%
311099CF1933G. Turtle Magic: Royal Turtle Shell Pattern000.000%
311100CF1934A. Too Min Too Max000.000%
311101CF1934B. Yet Another Coin Problem000.000%
311102CF1934C. Find a Mine000.000%
311107CF1935B. Informatics in MAC000.000%
311109CF1935D. Exam in MAC000.000%
311110CF1935E. Distance Learning Courses in MAC000.000%
311112CF1936A. Bitwise Operation Wizard000.000%
311113CF1936B. Pinball000.000%
311116CF1936E. Yet Yet Another Permutation Problem000.000%
311118CF1937A. Shuffle Party000.000%
311145CF1941A. Rudolf and the Ticket000.000%
311146CF1941B. Rudolf and 121000.000%
311152CF1942A. Farmer John's Challenge000.000%
311153CF1942B. Bessie and MEX000.000%
311154CF1942C1. Bessie's Birthday Cake (Easy Version)000.000%
311155CF1942C2. Bessie's Birthday Cake (Hard Version)000.000%
311158CF1942F. Farmer John's Favorite Function000.000%
311159CF1942G. Bessie and Cards000.000%
311162CF1943B. Non-Palindromic Substring000.000%
311164CF1943D1. Counting Is Fun (Easy Version)000.000%
311169CF1944A. Destroying Bridges000.000%
311174CF1944F1. Counting Is Fun (Easy Version)000.000%
311176CF1945A. Setting up Camp000.000%
311177CF1945B. Fireworks000.000%
311183CF1945H. GCD is Greater000.000%
311185CF1946B. Maximum Sum000.000%
311188CF1946E. Girl Permutation000.000%
311195CF1948F. Rare Coins000.000%
311196CF1948G. MST with Matching000.000%
311201CF1949E. Damage per Second000.000%
311204CF1949H. Division Avoidance000.000%
311207CF1949K. Make Triangle000.000%
311210CF1950C. Clock Conversion040.000%
311215CF1951A. Dual Trigger000.000%
311217CF1951C. Ticket Hoarding000.000%
311218CF1951D. Buying Jewels000.000%
311219CF1951E. No Palindromes000.000%
311221CF1951G. Clacking Balls000.000%
311228CF1952E. Sweep Line000.000%
311230CF1952G. Mathematician Takeover000.000%
311232CF1952I. Dark Matter000.000%
311234CF1953A. Accuracy-Preserving Summation Algorithm000.000%
311235CF1954A. Painting the Ribbon000.000%
311236CF1954B. Make It Ugly000.000%
311237CF1954C. Long Multiplication000.000%
311238CF1954D. Colored Balls000.000%
311239CF1954E. Chain Reaction000.000%
311240CF1954F. Unique Strings000.000%
311241CF1955A. Yogurt Sale000.000%
311243CF1955C. Inhabitant of the Deep Sea000.000%
311246CF1955F. Unfair Game000.000%
311247CF1955G. GCD on a grid000.000%
311251CF1956C. Nene's Magical Matrix000.000%
311252CF1956D. Nene and the Mex Operator000.000%
311253CF1956E1. Nene vs. Monsters (Easy Version)000.000%
311254CF1956E2. Nene vs. Monsters (Hard Version)000.000%