Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303777CF730D. Running Over The Bridges000.000%
303778CF730E. Award Ceremony000.000%
303779CF730F. Ber Patio000.000%
303780CF730G. Car Repair Shop000.000%
303781CF730H. Delete Them000.000%
303782CF730I. Olympiad in Programming and Sports000.000%
303783CF730J. Bottles000.000%
303784CF730K. Roads Orientation Problem000.000%
303785CF730L. Expression Queries000.000%
303786CF731A. Night at the Museum000.000%
303787CF731B. Coupons and Discounts000.000%
303788CF731C. Socks000.000%
303789CF731D. 80-th Level Archeology000.000%
303790CF731E. Funny Game000.000%
303793CF732B. Cormen — The Best Friend Of a Man000.000%
303794CF732C. Sanatorium000.000%
303795CF732D. Exams000.000%
303796CF732E. Sockets000.000%
303797CF732F. Tourist Reform000.000%
303798CF733A. Grasshopper And the String000.000%
303800CF733C. Epidemic in Monstropolis000.000%
303801CF733D. Kostya the Sculptor000.000%
303803CF733F. Drivers Dissatisfaction000.000%
303804CF734A. Anton and Danik000.000%
303805CF734B. Anton and Digits000.000%
303806CF734C. Anton and Making Potions000.000%
303810CF735A. Ostap and Grasshopper000.000%
303811CF735B. Urbanization000.000%
303812CF735C. Tennis Championship000.000%
303819CF736E. Chess Championship000.000%
303821CF737B. Sea Battle000.000%
303822CF737C. Subordinates000.000%
303823CF737D. Financiers Game000.000%
303824CF737E. Tanya is 5!000.000%
303826CF738A. Interview with Oleg000.000%
303827CF738B. Spotlights000.000%
303829CF738D. Sea Battle000.000%
303830CF738E. Subordinates000.000%
303831CF738F. Financiers Game000.000%
303832CF739A. Alyona and mex000.000%
303833CF739B. Alyona and a tree000.000%
303835CF739D. Recover a functional graph000.000%
303836CF739E. Gosha is hunting000.000%
303840CF740D. Alyona and a tree000.000%
303844CF741C. Arpa’s overnight party and Mehrdad’s silent entering000.000%
303851CF742E. Arpa’s overnight party and Mehrdad’s silent entering000.000%
303852CF743A. Vladik and flights000.000%
303855CF743D. Chloe and pleasant prizes000.000%
303857CF744A. Hongcow Builds A Nation000.000%
303858CF744B. Hongcow's Game000.000%
303859CF744C. Hongcow Buys a Deck of Cards000.000%
303860CF744D. Hongcow Draws a Circle000.000%
303861CF744E. Hongcow Masters the Cyclic Shift000.000%
303862CF745A. Hongcow Learns the Cyclic Shift000.000%
303863CF745B. Hongcow Solves A Puzzle000.000%
303864CF745C. Hongcow Builds A Nation000.000%
303865CF745D. Hongcow's Game000.000%
303866CF745E. Hongcow Buys a Deck of Cards000.000%
303868CF746B. Decoding000.000%
303870CF746D. Green and Black Tea000.000%
303871CF746E. Numbers Exchange000.000%
303872CF746F. Music in Car000.000%
303873CF746G. New Roads000.000%
303875CF747B. Mammoth's Genome Decoding000.000%
303877CF747D. Winter Is Coming000.000%
303878CF747E. Comments000.000%
303879CF747F. Igor and Interesting Numbers000.000%
303881CF748B. Santa Claus and Keyboard Check000.000%
303883CF748D. Santa Claus and a Palindrome000.000%
303884CF748E. Santa Claus and Tangerines000.000%
303885CF748F. Santa Clauses and a Soccer Championship000.000%
303886CF749A. Bachgold Problem000.000%
303887CF749B. Parallelogram is Back000.000%
303888CF749C. Voting000.000%
303889CF749D. Leaving Auction000.000%
303891CF750A. New Year and Hurry000.000%
303892CF750B. New Year and North Pole000.000%
303893CF750C. New Year and Rating000.000%
303894CF750D. New Year and Fireworks000.000%
303895CF750E. New Year and Old Subsequence000.000%
303896CF750F. New Year and Finding Roots000.000%
303897CF750G. New Year and Binary Tree Paths000.000%
303898CF750H. New Year and Snowy Grid000.000%
303902CF752B. Santa Claus and Keyboard Check000.000%
303903CF752C. Santa Claus and Robot000.000%
303904CF752D. Santa Claus and a Palindrome000.000%
303905CF752E. Santa Claus and Tangerines000.000%
303907CF753A. Santa Claus and Candies000.000%
303908CF753B. Interactive Bulls and Cows (Easy)000.000%
303909CF753C. Interactive Bulls and Cows (Hard)000.000%
303910CF754A. Lesha and array splitting000.000%
303911CF754B. Ilya and tic-tac-toe game000.000%
303912CF754C. Vladik and chat000.000%
303913CF754D. Fedor and coupons000.000%
303914CF754E. Dasha and cyclic table000.000%
303915CF755A. PolandBall and Hypothesis000.000%
303916CF755B. PolandBall and Game000.000%
303917CF755C. PolandBall and Forest000.000%
303918CF755D. PolandBall and Polygon000.000%
303919CF755E. PolandBall and White-Red graph000.000%