Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303653CF706B. Interesting drink000.000%
303654CF706C. Hard problem000.000%
303655CF706D. Vasiliy's Multiset000.000%
303656CF706E. Working routine000.000%
303657CF707A. Brain's Photos000.000%
303658CF707B. Bakery000.000%
303659CF707C. Pythagorean Triples000.000%
303660CF707D. Persistent Bookcase 000.000%
303661CF707E. Garlands000.000%
303678CF711A. Bus to Udayland000.000%
303679CF711B. Chris and Magic Square000.000%
303680CF711C. Coloring Trees000.000%
303681CF711D. Directed Roads000.000%
303682CF711E. ZS and The Birthday Paradox000.000%
303815CF736A. Tennis Championship000.000%
303816CF736B. Taxes000.000%
303817CF736C. Ostap and Tree000.000%
303818CF736D. Permutations000.000%
303819CF736E. Chess Championship000.000%
304533CF864A. Fair Game000.000%
304534CF864B. Polycarp and Letters000.000%
304535CF864C. Bus000.000%
304536CF864D. Make a Permutation!000.000%
304537CF864E. Fire000.000%
304538CF864F. Cities Excursions000.000%
304802CF915A. Garden000.000%
304803CF915B. Browser000.000%
304804CF915C. Permute Digits000.000%
304805CF915D. Almost Acyclic Graph000.000%
304806CF915E. Physical Education Lessons000.000%
304807CF915F. Imbalance Value of a Tree000.000%
304808CF915G. Coprime Arrays000.000%
304928CF936A. Save Energy!000.000%
304929CF936B. Sleepy Game000.000%
304930CF936C. Lock Puzzle000.000%
304931CF936D. World of Tank000.000%
304932CF936D. World of Tank
305459CF1036A. Function Height000.000%
305460CF1036B. Diagonal Walking v.2000.000%
305461CF1036C. Classy Numbers000.000%
305462CF1036D. Vasya and Arrays000.000%
305463CF1036E. Covered Points000.000%
305464CF1036F. Relatively Prime Powers000.000%
305465CF1036G. Sources and Sinks000.000%
305889CF1106A. Lunar New Year and Cross Counting000.000%
305890CF1106B. Lunar New Year and Food Ordering000.000%
305891CF1106C. Lunar New Year and Number Division000.000%
305892CF1106D. Lunar New Year and a Wander000.000%
305893CF1106E. Lunar New Year and Red Envelopes000.000%
305894CF1106F. Lunar New Year and a Recursive Sequence000.000%
306035CF1136A. Nastya Is Reading a Book000.000%
306036CF1136B. Nastya Is Playing Computer Games000.000%
306037CF1136C. Nastya Is Transposing Matrices000.000%
306038CF1136D. Nastya Is Buying Lunch000.000%
306039CF1136E. Nastya Hasn't Written a Legend000.000%
306676CF1236A. Stones000.000%
306677CF1236B. Alice and the List of Presents000.000%
306678CF1236C. Labs000.000%
306679CF1236D. Alice and the Doll000.000%
306680CF1236E. Alice and the Unfair Game000.000%
306681CF1236F. Alice and the Cactus000.000%
307304CF1336A. Linova and Kingdom000.000%
307305CF1336B. Xenia and Colorful Gems000.000%
307306CF1336C. Kaavi and Magic Spell000.000%
307307CF1336D. Yui and Mahjong Set000.000%
307308CF1336E1. Chiori and Doll Picking (easy version)000.000%
307309CF1336E2. Chiori and Doll Picking (hard version)000.000%
307310CF1336F. Journey000.000%
307345CF1343A. Candies000.000%
307346CF1343B. Balanced Array000.000%
307347CF1343C. Alternating Subsequence000.000%
307348CF1343D. Constant Palindrome Sum000.000%
307349CF1343E. Weights Distributing000.000%
307350CF1343F. Restore the Permutation by Sorted Segments000.000%
307466CF1360A. Minimal Square000.000%
307467CF1360B. Honest Coach000.000%
307468CF1360C. Similar Pairs000.000%
307469CF1360D. Buying Shovels000.000%
307470CF1360E. Polygon000.000%
307471CF1360F. Spy-string000.000%
307472CF1360G. A/B Matrix000.000%
307473CF1360H. Binary Median000.000%
307474CF1361A. Johnny and Contribution000.000%
307475CF1361B. Johnny and Grandmaster000.000%
307476CF1361C. Johnny and Megan's Necklace000.000%
307477CF1361D. Johnny and James000.000%
307478CF1361E. James and the Chase000.000%
307479CF1361F. Johnny and New Toy000.000%
307480CF1362A. Johnny and Ancient Computer000.000%
307481CF1362B. Johnny and His Hobbies000.000%
307482CF1362C. Johnny and Another Rating Drop000.000%
307483CF1362D. Johnny and Contribution000.000%
307484CF1362E. Johnny and Grandmaster000.000%
307485CF1362F. Johnny and Megan's Necklace000.000%
307486CF1363A. Odd Selection000.000%
307487CF1363B. Subsequence Hate000.000%
307488CF1363C. Game On Leaves000.000%
307489CF1363D. Guess The Maximums000.000%
307490CF1363E. Tree Shuffling000.000%
307491CF1363F. Rotating Substrings000.000%