Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
301947CF369C. Valera and Elections000.000%
301948CF369D. Valera and Fools000.000%
301949CF369E. Valera and Queries000.000%
302113CF402A. Nuts000.000%
302114CF402B. Trees in a Row020.000%
302115CF402C. Searching for Graph000.000%
302116CF402D. Upgrading Array000.000%
302117CF402E. Strictly Positive Matrix000.000%
302118CF403A. Searching for Graph000.000%
302119CF403B. Upgrading Array000.000%
302120CF403C. Strictly Positive Matrix000.000%
302121CF403D. Beautiful Pairs of Numbers000.000%
302122CF403E. Two Rooted Trees000.000%
302265CF436A. Feed with Candy000.000%
302266CF436B. Om Nom and Spiders000.000%
302267CF436C. Dungeons and Candies000.000%
302268CF436D. Pudding Monsters000.000%
302269CF436E. Cardboard Box000.000%
302270CF436F. Banners000.000%
302769CF536A. Tavas and Karafs000.000%
302770CF536B. Tavas and Malekas000.000%
302771CF536C. Tavas and Pashmaks000.000%
302772CF536D. Tavas in Kansas000.000%
302773CF536E. Tavas on the Path000.000%
303114CF607A. Chain Reaction000.000%
303115CF607B. Zuma000.000%
303116CF607C. Marbles000.000%
303117CF607D. Power Tree000.000%
303118CF607E. Cross Sum000.000%
303119CF608A. Saitama Destroys Hotel000.000%
303120CF608B. Hamming Distance Sum000.000%
303121CF608C. Chain Reaction000.000%
303122CF608D. Zuma000.000%
303123CF608E. Marbles000.000%
303551CF687A. NP-Hard Problem000.000%
303552CF687B. Remainders Game000.000%
303553CF687C. The Values You Can Make000.000%
303554CF687D. Dividing Kingdom II000.000%
303555CF687E. TOF000.000%
303556CF688A. Opponents000.000%
303557CF688B. Lovely Palindromes000.000%
303558CF688C. NP-Hard Problem000.000%
303559CF688D. Remainders Game000.000%
303560CF688E. The Values You Can Make000.000%
303561CF689A. Mike and Cellphone000.000%
303562CF689B. Mike and Shortcuts000.000%
303563CF689C. Mike and Chocolate Thieves000.000%
303564CF689D. Friends and Subsequences000.000%
303565CF689E. Mike and Geometry Problem000.000%
303596CF696A. Lorenzo Von Matterhorn000.000%
303597CF696B. Puzzles000.000%
303598CF696C. PLEASE000.000%
303599CF696D. Legen...000.000%
303600CF696E. ...Wait for it...000.000%
303601CF696F. ...Dary!000.000%
303602CF697A. Pineapple Incident000.000%
303603CF697B. Barnicle000.000%
303604CF697C. Lorenzo Von Matterhorn000.000%
303605CF697D. Puzzles000.000%
303606CF697E. PLEASE000.000%
303607CF697F. Legen...000.000%
303608CF698A. Vacations000.000%
303609CF698B. Fix a Tree000.000%
303610CF698C. LRU000.000%
303611CF698D. Limak and Shooting Points000.000%
303612CF698E. Cron000.000%
303613CF698F. Coprime Permutation000.000%
303614CF699A. Launch of Collider000.000%
303615CF699B. One Bomb000.000%
303616CF699C. Vacations000.000%
303617CF699D. Fix a Tree000.000%
303618CF699E. LRU000.000%
303619CF699F. Limak and Shooting Points000.000%
303620CF700A. As Fast As Possible000.000%
303621CF700B. Connecting Universities000.000%
303622CF700C. Break Up000.000%
303623CF700D. Huffman Coding on Segment000.000%
303624CF700E. Cool Slogans000.000%
303625CF701A. Cards000.000%
303626CF701B. Cells Not Under Attack000.000%
303627CF701C. They Are Everywhere000.000%
303628CF701D. As Fast As Possible000.000%
303629CF701E. Connecting Universities000.000%
303630CF701F. Break Up000.000%
303637CF703A. Mishka and Game000.000%
303638CF703B. Mishka and trip000.000%
303639CF703C. Chris and Road000.000%
303640CF703D. Mishka and Interesting sum000.000%
303641CF703E. Mishka and Divisors000.000%
303642CF704A. Thor000.000%
303643CF704B. Ant Man000.000%
303644CF704C. Black Widow000.000%
303645CF704D. Captain America000.000%
303646CF704E. Iron Man000.000%
303647CF705A. Hulk000.000%
303648CF705B. Spider Man000.000%
303649CF705C. Thor000.000%
303650CF705D. Ant Man000.000%
303651CF705E. Black Widow000.000%
303652CF706A. Beru-taxi000.000%