Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302134CF406B. Toy Sum000.000%
302135CF406C. Graph Cutting000.000%
302136CF406D. Hill Climbing000.000%
302137CF406E. Hamming Triples000.000%
302138CF407A. Triangle000.000%
302139CF407B. Long Path000.000%
302140CF407C. Curious Array000.000%
302141CF407D. Largest Submatrix 3000.000%
302142CF407E. k-d-sequence000.000%
302143CF408A. Line to Cashier000.000%
302144CF408B. Garland000.000%
302145CF408C. Triangle000.000%
302146CF408D. Long Path000.000%
302147CF408E. Curious Array000.000%
302148CF409A. The Great Game000.000%
302149CF409B. Mysterious Language000.000%
302150CF409C. Magnum Opus000.000%
302151CF409D. Big Data000.000%
302152CF409E. Dome000.000%
302153CF409F. 000001000.000%
302154CF409G. On a plane000.000%
302155CF409H. A + B Strikes Back000.000%
302156CF409I. Feed the Golorp000.000%
302167CF413C. Jeopardy!000.000%
302170CF414A. Mashmokh and Numbers000.000%
302171CF414B. Mashmokh and ACM000.000%
302172CF414C. Mashmokh and Reverse Operation000.000%
302173CF414D. Mashmokh and Water Tanks000.000%
302174CF414E. Mashmokh's Designed Problem000.000%
302175CF415A. Mashmokh and Lights000.000%
302176CF415B. Mashmokh and Tokens000.000%
302177CF415C. Mashmokh and Numbers000.000%
302178CF415D. Mashmokh and ACM000.000%
302179CF415E. Mashmokh and Reverse Operation000.000%
302180CF416A. Guess a number!000.000%
302183CF416D. Population Size000.000%
302186CF417B. Crash000.000%
302187CF417C. Football000.000%
302189CF417E. Square Table000.000%
302190CF418A. Football000.000%
302192CF418C. Square Table000.000%
302236CF430B. Balls Game000.000%
302261CF435B. Pasha Maximizes000.000%
302266CF436B. Om Nom and Spiders000.000%
302273CF437C. The Child and Toy000.000%
302276CF438A. The Child and Toy000.000%
302286CF440A. Forgotten Episode000.000%
302287CF440B. Balancer000.000%
302288CF440C. One-Based Arithmetic000.000%
302289CF440D. Berland Federalization000.000%
302291CF441B. Valera and Fruits000.000%
302294CF441E. Valera and Number000.000%
302307CF444C. DZY Loves Colors000.000%
302311CF445B. DZY Loves Chemistry000.000%
302314CF445E. DZY Loves Colors000.000%
302317CF446C. DZY Loves Fibonacci Numbers000.000%
302324CF447E. DZY Loves Fibonacci Numbers000.000%
302326CF448B. Suffix Structures000.000%
302333CF449D. Jzzhu and Numbers000.000%
302349CF452E. Three strings000.000%
302426CF467D. Fedor and Essay000.000%
302438CF470A. Crystal Ball Sequence000.000%
302453CF472C. Design Tutorial: Make It Nondeterministic000.000%
302465CF475B. Strongly Connected City000.000%
302486CF479B. Towers000.000%
302487CF479C. Exams000.000%
302490CF480A. Exams000.000%
302508CF484D. Kindergarten000.000%
302510CF485A. Factory000.000%
302532CF489C. Given Length and Sum of Digits...000.000%
302547CF492C. Vanya and Exams000.000%
302551CF493B. Vasya and Wrestling000.000%
302576CF498B. Name That Tune000.000%
302578CF498D. Traffic Jams in the Land000.000%
302583CF499D. Name That Tune000.000%
302603CF505B. Mr. Kitayuta's Colorful Graph000.000%
302610CF506D. Mr. Kitayuta's Colorful Graph000.000%
302613CF507B. Amr and Pins000.000%
302639CF513B1. Permutations020.000%
302642CF513D1. Constrained Tree000.000%
302649CF513G2. Inversions problem000.000%
302652CF514B. Han Solo and Lazer Gun000.000%
302658CF515C. Drazil and Factorial000.000%
302661CF516A. Drazil and Factorial000.000%
302667CF518B. Tanya and Postcard000.000%
302678CF520B. Two Buttons000.000%
302693CF523C. Name Quest000.000%
302699CF524E. Rooks and Rectangles000.000%
302702CF525B. Pasha and String000.000%
302704CF525D. Arthur and Walls000.000%
302707CF526B. Om Nom and Dark Park000.000%
302710CF526E. Transmitting Levels000.000%
302725CF529C. Rooks and Rectangles000.000%
302751CF532F. Encoding000.000%
302757CF533F. Encoding000.000%
302759CF534B. Covered Path000.000%
302762CF534E. Berland Local Positioning System000.000%
302763CF534F. Simplified Nonogram000.000%
302775CF538A. Cutting Banner000.000%
302776CF538B. Quasi Binary000.000%