Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
304121CF791E. Bear and Company000.000%
304134CF793G. Oleg and chess000.000%
304154CF796A. Buying A House000.000%
304155CF796B. Find The Bone000.000%
304156CF796C. Bank Hacking000.000%
304157CF796D. Police Stations000.000%
304158CF796E. Exam Cheating000.000%
304159CF796F. Sequence Recovery000.000%
304161CF797B. Odd sum000.000%
304169CF798D. Mike and distribution000.000%
304172CF799B. T-shirt buying000.000%
304178CF800A. Voltage Keepsake000.000%
304179CF800B. Volatile Kite000.000%
304180CF800C. Vulnerable Kerbals000.000%
304181CF800D. Varying Kibibits000.000%
304182CF800E. Verifying Kingdom000.000%
304183CF801A. Vicious Keyboard000.000%
304184CF801B. Valued Keys000.000%
304185CF801C. Voltage Keepsake000.000%
304186CF801D. Volatile Kite000.000%
304187CF801E. Vulnerable Kerbals000.000%
304197CF802J. Send the Fool Further! (easy)000.000%
304199CF802L. Send the Fool Further! (hard)000.000%
304201CF802N. April Fools' Problem (medium)000.000%
304203CF803A. Maximal Binary Matrix000.000%
304211CF804B. Minimum number of steps000.000%
304215CF804F. Fake bullions000.000%
304219CF805D. Minimum number of steps000.000%
304227CF806F. Test Data Generation000.000%
304236CF808C. Tea Party000.000%
304239CF808F. Card Game000.000%
304274CF815C. Karen and Supermarket000.000%
304278CF816B. Karen and Coffee000.000%
304281CF816E. Karen and Supermarket000.000%
304314CF822E. Liar000.000%
304328CF825F. String Compression000.000%
304362CF833E. Caramel Clouds000.000%
304372CF835E. The penguin's game000.000%
304379CF837F. Prefix Sums000.000%
304381CF838A. Binary Blocks000.000%
304392CF840A. Leha and Function000.000%
304393CF840B. Leha and another game about graph000.000%
304394CF840C. On the Bench000.000%
304395CF840D. Destiny000.000%
304396CF840E. In a Trap000.000%
304407CF843A. Sorting by Subsequences000.000%
304410CF843D. Dynamic Shortest Path000.000%
304414CF844C. Sorting by Subsequences000.000%
304421CF845E. Fire in the City000.000%
304447CF848E. Days of Floral Colours000.000%
304460CF851B. Arpa and an exam about geometry000.000%
304476CF853D. Michael and Charging Stations000.000%
304477CF853E. Lada Malina000.000%
304539CF865A. Save the problem!000.000%
304541CF865C. Gotta Go Fast000.000%
304542CF865D. Buy Low Sell High000.000%
304546CF866A. Save the problem!000.000%
304548CF866C. Gotta Go Fast000.000%
304549CF866D. Buy Low Sell High000.000%
304556CF867D. Gotta Go Fast000.000%
304557CF867E. Buy Low Sell High000.000%
304570CF869E. The Untended Antiquity000.000%
304577CF871A. Maximum splitting000.000%
304578CF871B. Something with XOR Queries000.000%
304579CF871C. Points, Lines and Ready-made Titles000.000%
304580CF871D. Paths000.000%
304581CF871E. Restore the Tree000.000%
304582CF872A. Search for Pretty Integers000.000%
304583CF872B. Maximum of Maximums of Minimums000.000%
304584CF872C. Maximum splitting000.000%
304585CF872D. Something with XOR Queries000.000%
304586CF872E. Points, Lines and Ready-made Titles000.000%
304592CF873F. Forbidden Indices000.000%
304644CF886E. Maximum Element000.000%
304649CF887D. Ratings and Reality Shows000.000%
304654CF888C. K-Dominant Character000.000%
304661CF889C. Maximum Element000.000%
304668CF890E. Maximum Element000.000%
304708CF898C. Phone Numbers000.000%
304741CF904B. Tic-Tac-Toe000.000%
304744CF904E. Party000.000%
304752CF907B. Tic-Tac-Toe000.000%
304762CF908F. New Year and Rainbow Roads000.000%
304776CF911C. Three Garlands000.000%
304779CF911F. Tree Destruction000.000%
304785CF912E. Prime Gift000.000%
304790CF913E. Logical Expression000.000%
304793CF913H. Don't Exceed000.000%
304798CF914E. Palindromes in a Tree000.000%
304807CF915F. Imbalance Value of a Tree000.000%
304813CF916E. Jamie and Tree000.000%
304818CF917E. Upside Down000.000%
304832CF920C. Swap Adjacent Elements000.000%
304833CF920D. Tanks000.000%
304856CF922F. Divisibility000.000%
304887CF928B. Chat000.000%
304890CF929A. Прокат велосипедов000.000%
304893CF929D. Пограничные врата000.000%
304917CF934A. A Compatible Pair000.000%
304934CF937B. Vile Grasshoppers000.000%