Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
306235CF1165E. Two Arrays and Sum of Functions000.000%
306236CF1165F1. Microtransactions (easy version)000.000%
306237CF1165F2. Microtransactions (hard version)000.000%
306238CF1166A. Silent Classroom000.000%
306240CF1166C. A Tale of Two Lands000.000%
306241CF1166D. Cute Sequences000.000%
306242CF1166E. The LCMs Must be Large000.000%
306243CF1166F. Vicky's Delivery Service000.000%
306244CF1167A. Telephone Number000.000%
306246CF1167C. News Distribution000.000%
306247CF1167D. Bicolored RBS000.000%
306248CF1167E. Range Deleting000.000%
306249CF1167F. Scalar Queries000.000%
306250CF1167G. Low Budget Inception000.000%
306251CF1168A. Increasing by Modulo000.000%
306252CF1168B. Good Triple000.000%
306254CF1168D. Anagram Paths000.000%
306257CF1169B. Pairs000.000%
306258CF1169C. Increasing by Modulo000.000%
306259CF1169D. Good Triple000.000%
306261CF1170A. Three Integers Again000.000%
306263CF1170C. Minus and Minus Give Plus000.000%
306264CF1170D. Decoding of Integer Sequences000.000%
306265CF1170E. Sliding Doors000.000%
306266CF1170F. Wheels000.000%
306267CF1170G. Graph Decomposition000.000%
306268CF1170H. Longest Saw000.000%
306269CF1170I. Good Subsets000.000%
306270CF1171A. Dice Rolling000.000%
306272CF1171C. Letters Rearranging000.000%
306273CF1171D. Got Any Grapes?000.000%
306274CF1171E. Doggo Recoloring000.000%
306275CF1171F. Division and Union000.000%
306276CF1172A. Nauuo and Cards000.000%
306282CF1172F. Nauuo and Bug000.000%
306283CF1173A. Nauuo and Votes020.000%
306284CF1173B. Nauuo and Chess000.000%
306285CF1173C. Nauuo and Cards000.000%
306286CF1173D. Nauuo and Circle000.000%
306290CF1174A. Ehab Fails to Be Thanos000.000%
306291CF1174B. Ehab Is an Odd Person000.000%
306292CF1174C. Ehab and a Special Coloring Problem000.000%
306294CF1174E. Ehab and the Expected GCD Problem000.000%
306295CF1174F. Ehab and the Big Finale000.000%
306298CF1175C. Electrification000.000%
306299CF1175D. Array Splitting000.000%
306300CF1175E. Minimal Segment Cover000.000%
306301CF1175F. The Number of Subpermutations000.000%
306302CF1175G. Yet Another Partiton Problem000.000%
306303CF1176A. Divide it!000.000%
306304CF1176B. Merge it!000.000%
306305CF1176C. Lose it!000.000%
306306CF1176D. Recover it!000.000%
306307CF1176E. Cover it!000.000%
306308CF1176F. Destroy it!000.000%
306309CF1177A. Digits Sequence (Easy Edition)000.000%
306310CF1177B. Digits Sequence (Hard Edition)000.000%
306311CF1178A. Prime Minister000.000%
306312CF1178B. WOW Factor000.000%
306313CF1178C. Tiles000.000%
306314CF1178D. Prime Graph000.000%
306315CF1178E. Archaeology000.000%
306316CF1178F1. Short Colorful Strip000.000%
306317CF1178F2. Long Colorful Strip000.000%
306318CF1178G. The Awesomest Vertex000.000%
306319CF1178H. Stock Exchange000.000%
306322CF1179C. Serge and Dining Room000.000%
306326CF1180B. Nick and Array000.000%
306329CF1180E. Serge and Dining Room000.000%
306330CF1181A. Chunga-Changa000.000%
306331CF1181B. Split a Number000.000%
306332CF1181C. Flag000.000%
306333CF1181D. Irrigation000.000%
306334CF1181E1. A Story of One Country (Easy)000.000%
306335CF1181E2. A Story of One Country (Hard)000.000%
306336CF1182A. Filling Shapes000.000%
306337CF1182B. Plus from Picture000.000%
306338CF1182C. Beautiful Lyrics000.000%
306339CF1182D. Complete Mirror000.000%
306342CF1183A. Nearest Interesting Number000.000%
306344CF1183C. Computer Game000.000%
306345CF1183D. Candy Box (easy version)000.000%
306346CF1183E. Subsequences (easy version)000.000%
306347CF1183F. Topforces Strikes Back000.000%
306348CF1183G. Candy Box (hard version)000.000%
306349CF1183H. Subsequences (hard version)000.000%
306350CF1184A1. Heidi Learns Hashing (Easy)000.000%
306351CF1184A2. Heidi Learns Hashing (Medium)000.000%
306352CF1184A3. Heidi Learns Hashing (Hard)000.000%
306353CF1184B1. The Doctor Meets Vader (Easy)000.000%
306354CF1184B2. The Doctor Meets Vader (Medium)000.000%
306355CF1184B3. The Doctor Meets Vader (Hard)000.000%
306356CF1184C1. Heidi and the Turing Test (Easy)000.000%
306357CF1184C2. Heidi and the Turing Test (Medium)000.000%
306358CF1184C3. Heidi and the Turing Test (Hard)000.000%
306359CF1184D1. Parallel Universes (Easy)000.000%
306360CF1184D2. Parallel Universes (Hard)000.000%
306361CF1184E1. Daleks' Invasion (easy)000.000%
306362CF1184E2. Daleks' Invasion (medium)000.000%
306363CF1184E3. Daleks' Invasion (hard)000.000%