Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
306922CF1271B. Blocks000.000%
306923CF1271C. Shawarma Tent000.000%
306924CF1271D. Portals000.000%
306927CF1272A. Three Friends000.000%
306928CF1272B. Snow Walking Robot000.000%
306931CF1272E. Nearest Opposite Parity000.000%
306932CF1272F. Two Bracket Sequences000.000%
306933CF1273A. Типографика, вёрстка и цвета000.000%
306934CF1273B. Общие знания000.000%
306935CF1273C. Интерфейсы-1000.000%
306936CF1273D. Интерфейсы-2000.000%
306939CF1275A. Скрытый друг000.000%
306940CF1275B. Code Review000.000%
306941CF1275C. #define Задача B ...000.000%
306942CF1275D. Storage2000.000%
306943CF1275E1. Контрольная сумма000.000%
306944CF1275E2. Контрольная сумма000.000%
306945CF1275E3. Контрольная сумма000.000%
306946CF1275F. Шардирование постов000.000%
306947CF1276A. As Simple as One and Two000.000%
306949CF1276C. Beautiful Rectangle000.000%
306952CF1276F. Asterisk Substrings000.000%
306954CF1277B. Make Them Odd000.000%
306955CF1277C. As Simple as One and Two000.000%
306956CF1277D. Let's Play the Words?000.000%
306957CF1277E. Two Fairs000.000%
306958CF1277F. Beautiful Rectangle000.000%
306959CF1278A. Shuffle Hashing000.000%
306960CF1278B. A and B000.000%
306961CF1278C. Berry Jam000.000%
306962CF1278D. Segment Tree000.000%
306965CF1279A. New Year Garland000.000%
306970CF1279F. New Year and Handle Change000.000%
306972CF1280B. Beingawesomeism000.000%
306973CF1280C. Jeremy Bearimy000.000%
306974CF1280D. Miss Punyverse000.000%
306976CF1280F. Intergalactic Sliding Puzzle000.000%
306978CF1281B. Azamon Web Services000.000%
306980CF1281D. Beingawesomeism000.000%
306981CF1281E. Jeremy Bearimy000.000%
306982CF1281F. Miss Punyverse000.000%
306984CF1282B1. K for the Price of One (Easy Version)000.000%
306985CF1282B2. K for the Price of One (Hard Version)000.000%
306986CF1282C. Petya and Exam000.000%
306987CF1282D. Enchanted Artifact000.000%
306988CF1282E. The Cake Is a Lie000.000%
306991CF1283C. Friends and Gifts000.000%
306992CF1283D. Christmas Trees000.000%
306993CF1283E. New Year Parties000.000%
306994CF1283F. DIY Garland000.000%
306995CF1284A. New Year and Naming000.000%
306996CF1284B. New Year and Ascent Sequence000.000%
306998CF1284D. New Year and Conference000.000%
306999CF1284E. New Year and Castle Construction000.000%
307000CF1284F. New Year and Social Network000.000%
307001CF1284G. Seollal000.000%
307002CF1285A. Mezo Playing Zoma000.000%
307003CF1285B. Just Eat It!000.000%
307005CF1285D. Dr. Evil Underscores000.000%
307006CF1285E. Delete a Segment000.000%
307008CF1286A. Garland000.000%
307009CF1286B. Numbers on Tree000.000%
307011CF1286C2. Madhouse (Hard version)000.000%
307013CF1286E. Fedya the Potter Strikes Back000.000%
307015CF1287A. Angry Students000.000%
307017CF1287C. Garland000.000%
307018CF1287D. Numbers on Tree000.000%
307026CF1288E. Messenger Simulator000.000%
307027CF1288F. Red-Blue Graph000.000%
307029CF1290B. Irreducible Anagrams000.000%
307030CF1290C. Prefix Enlightenment000.000%
307031CF1290D. Coffee Varieties (hard version)000.000%
307033CF1290F. Making Shapes000.000%
307034CF1291A. Even But Not Even000.000%
307035CF1291B. Array Sharpening000.000%
307036CF1291C. Mind Control000.000%
307037CF1291D. Irreducible Anagrams000.000%
307038CF1291E. Prefix Enlightenment000.000%
307039CF1291F. Coffee Varieties (easy version)000.000%
307040CF1292A. NEKO's Maze Game000.000%
307041CF1292B. Aroma's Search000.000%
307042CF1292C. Xenon's Attack on the Gangs000.000%
307043CF1292D. Chaotic V.000.000%
307044CF1292E. Rin and The Unknown Flower000.000%
307047CF1293B. JOE is on TV!000.000%
307048CF1293C. NEKO's Maze Game000.000%
307050CF1293E. Xenon's Attack on the Gangs000.000%
307051CF1293F. Chaotic V.000.000%
307052CF1294A. Collecting Coins000.000%
307053CF1294B. Collecting Packages000.000%
307054CF1294C. Product of Three Numbers000.000%
307055CF1294D. MEX maximizing000.000%
307056CF1294E. Obtain a Permutation000.000%
307057CF1294F. Three Paths on a Tree020.000%
307058CF1295A. Display The Number000.000%
307059CF1295B. Infinite Prefixes000.000%
307060CF1295C. Obtain The String000.000%
307061CF1295D. Same GCDs000.000%
307063CF1295F. Good Contest000.000%
307065CF1296B. Food Buying000.000%