Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
409263GYM103470 B Puzzle in Inazuma000.000%
409264GYM103470 C Klee in Solitary Confinement000.000%
409266GYM103470 E Paimon Segment Tree000.000%
409267GYM103470 F Paimon Polygon000.000%
409268GYM103470 G Paimon's Tree000.000%
409269GYM103470 H Crystalfly000.000%
409270GYM103470 I Cloud Retainer's Game000.000%
409271GYM103470 J Xingqiu's Joke000.000%
409272GYM103470 K Ancient Magic Circle in Teyvat000.000%
409273GYM103470 L Secret of Tianqiu Valley000.000%
409274GYM103470 M Windblume Festival000.000%
409340GYM103486 G Matrix Repair000.000%
409480GYM103577 F Flow of binary matrix000.000%
409537GYM103627 A Points000.000%
409538GYM103627 B Bingo000.000%
409539GYM103627 C AND PLUS OR000.000%
409540GYM103627 D Two Bullets000.000%
409541GYM103627 E Yet Another Interval Graph Problem000.000%
409542GYM103627 F Lag000.000%
409543GYM103627 G Critical Vertex000.000%
409544GYM103627 H Endless Road000.000%
409545GYM103627 I Streetlights000.000%
409546GYM103627 J Diameter Pair Sum000.000%
409547GYM103627 K Fake Plastic Trees 2000.000%
409548GYM103627 L Curly Racetrack000.000%
409636GYM103652 A Erase Nodes000.000%
409637GYM103652 B Linear Congruential Generator000.000%
409638GYM103652 C Fibonacci Strikes Back000.000%
409639GYM103652 D Honeycomb000.000%
409640GYM103652 E Power of Function000.000%
409641GYM103652 F Square Subsequences000.000%
409642GYM103652 G Cosmic Cleaner000.000%
409644GYM103652 I Routes000.000%
409645GYM103652 J Square Substrings000.000%
409646GYM103652 K Sticks000.000%
409647GYM103652 L Pyramid000.000%
409673GYM103677 J Trail Mix Ad000.000%
409691GYM103687 F Easy Fix000.000%
409714GYM103698 D Matrix000.000%
409792GYM103743 I Cutting Suffix000.000%
409918GYM103855 A Factory Balls000.000%
409919GYM103855 B Distance Optimizing Triangulation000.000%
409920GYM103855 C UCP-Clustering000.000%
409921GYM103855 D Triple Sword Strike000.000%
409922GYM103855 E RPS Bubble Sort000.000%
409923GYM103855 F Stones 1000.000%
409924GYM103855 G Stones 2000.000%
409925GYM103855 H Beacon Towers000.000%
409926GYM103855 I Marbles000.000%
409927GYM103855 J Exam000.000%
409928GYM103855 K Board Game000.000%
409929GYM103855 L Make Different000.000%
409930GYM103855 M Short Question000.000%
409960GYM103870 E Mixed Economy000.000%
410110GYM103957 C Suffixes and Palindromes000.000%
410243GYM103990 G Geekflix000.000%
410325GYM104009 I Matrix000.000%
410439GYM104021 K Largest Common Submatrix000.000%
410601GYM104064 I IXth Problem000.000%
410663GYM104072 A Arrow Matrix000.000%
410932GYM104160 F Half Mixed
410954GYM104168 B1 Longest Common Suffix