Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
308682CF1556H. DIY Tree000.000%
308737CF1567B. MEXor Mixup000.000%
308761CF1571E. Fix the String000.000%
308971CF1606D. Red-Blue Matrix000.000%
308989CF1609A. Divide and Multiply000.000%
308990CF1609B. William the Vigilant000.000%
308991CF1609C. Complex Market Analysis000.000%
308992CF1609D. Social Network000.000%
308993CF1609E. William The Oblivious 000.000%
308994CF1609F. Interesting Sections000.000%
308995CF1609G. A Stroll Around the Matrix000.000%
308996CF1609H. Pushing Robots000.000%
309233CF1647E. Madoka and the Sixth-graders000.000%
309261CF1652B. Prefix Removals000.000%
309268CF1654B. Prefix Removals000.000%
309295CF1658E. Gojou and Matrix Game000.000%
309307CF1660E. Matrix and Shifts0250.000%
309337CF1663G. Six Characters000.000%
309499CF1689D. Lena and Matrix000.000%
309554CF1698A. XOR Mixup000.000%
309557CF1698D. Fixed Point Guessing000.000%
309562CF1699B. Almost Ternary Matrix000.000%
309656CF1714B. Remove Prefix000.000%
309661CF1714G. Path Prefixes000.000%
309704CF1721E. Prefix Function Queries000.000%
309754CF1730D. Prefixes and Suffixes000.000%
309802CF1738B. Prefix Sum Addicts000.000%
309820CF1740F. Conditional Mix000.000%
309867CF1748C. Zero-Sum Prefixes000.000%
310013CF1772B. Matrix Rotation000.000%
310075CF1779C. Least Prefix Sum000.000%
310106CF1783B. Matrix of Differences000.000%
310170CF1792D. Fixed Prefix Permutations000.000%
310180CF1794A. Prefix and Suffix Array000.000%
310292CF1810G. The Maximum Prefix000.000%
400050GYM100020 D The Matrix000.000%
400368GYM100153 D Minimal Cut Matrix000.000%
400374GYM100153 J Suffix Automaton000.000%
400511GYM100199 D Matrix Multiplication000.000%
400626GYM100216 C Matrix Game000.000%
400645GYM100218 B Fixed Point000.000%
400694GYM100227 K Matrix000.000%
400824GYM100254 I Matrix000.000%
400954GYM100291 D Rent-A-Pixel000.000%
401019GYM100324 G Matrix Multiplication000.000%
401052GYM100338 J Valid Prefixes000.000%
401068GYM100340 F Decoding Prefix Codes000.000%
401331GYM100402 B Minimal Matrix000.000%
401335GYM100402 F Reversing Prefixes000.000%
401349GYM100405 I Infix to Prefix000.000%
401416GYM100443 A Mixing Colours000.000%
401548GYM100492 B Binary Suffix Array000.000%
401562GYM100494 F Fixing the Bugs000.000%
401674GYM100512 I Incomparable Suffixes000.000%
402117GYM100647 A CIVIC DILL MIX000.000%
402283GYM100721 G Tantrix000.000%
402384GYM100741 F Matrix000.000%
402759GYM100867 G Game of Xunix000.000%
402795GYM100883 F Print Mix Strings000.000%
402796GYM100883 G Count Mix Strings000.000%
402834GYM100917 A Abstract Picture000.000%
402835GYM100917 B Battle Mage000.000%
402836GYM100917 C Constant Ratio000.000%
402837GYM100917 D dir -C000.000%
402838GYM100917 E Extreme Permutations000.000%
402839GYM100917 F Find the Length000.000%
402840GYM100917 G Game ``Minesweeper''000.000%
402841GYM100917 H Hierarchy000.000%
402842GYM100917 I Interactive Casino000.000%
402843GYM100917 J Judgement000.000%
402844GYM100917 K Krotek000.000%
402845GYM100917 L Liesbeth and the String000.000%
402846GYM100917 M Matrix, The000.000%
402847GYM100920 A Automorphism000.000%
402848GYM100920 B Laser Billiards000.000%
402849GYM100920 C Smart Dog000.000%
402850GYM100920 D Expression000.000%
402851GYM100920 E Paint000.000%
402852GYM100920 F Parliament000.000%
402853GYM100920 G Sequences000.000%
402854GYM100920 H Squares000.000%
402855GYM100920 I Tables000.000%
402856GYM100920 J Triangle000.000%
402900GYM100942 A Three seamarks000.000%
402901GYM100942 B High-Speed Pedestrian walkway 1.0000.000%
402903GYM100942 D Camelogistics 000.000%
402904GYM100942 E The Carpet000.000%
402905GYM100942 F GCD and LCM000.000%
402906GYM100942 G Pots000.000%
402907GYM100942 H Messenger000.000%
402908GYM100942 I Manhattan Project000.000%
402909GYM100942 J Liquid000.000%
402910GYM100942 K Synonymous Words Number System 000.000%
402911GYM100942 L Three machines 000.000%
402912GYM100942 M The smallest fraction000.000%
402997GYM100962 J Jimi Hendrix000.000%
403020GYM100971 A Treasure Island000.000%
403021GYM100971 B Derangement000.000%
403022GYM100971 C Triangles000.000%
403023GYM100971 D Laying Cables000.000%