Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
102956[Atcoder]ABC295 G - Minimum Reachable City 020.000%
102966[Atcoder]ABC296 G - Polygon and Points000.000%
102975[Atcoder]ABC297 F - Minimum Bounding Box 2000.000%
102976[Atcoder]ABC297 G - Constrained Nim 2020.000%
102980[Atcoder]ABC298 A - Job Interview040.000%
102981[Atcoder]ABC298 B - Coloring Matrix040.000%
102983[Atcoder]ABC298 D - Writing a Numeral0110.000%
102987[Atcoder]ABC298 Ex - Sum of Min of Length000.000%
102991[Atcoder]ABC299 B - Trick Taking090.000%
102993[Atcoder]ABC299 D - Find by Query060.000%
102996[Atcoder]ABC299 G - Minimum Permutation030.000%
102997[Atcoder]ABC299 Ex - Dice Sum Infinity000.000%
103001[Atcoder]ABC300 B - Same Map in the RPG World090.000%
103010[Atcoder]ABC301 A - Overall Winner0140.000%
103021[Atcoder]ABC302 B - Find snuke090.000%
103030[Atcoder]ABC303 A - Similar String0130.000%
103037[Atcoder]ABC303 Ex - Constrained Tree Degree000.000%
103047[Atcoder]ABC304 Ex - Constrained Topological Sort000.000%
103056[Atcoder]ABC305 G - Banned Substrings000.000%
103057[Atcoder]ABC305 Ex - Shojin000.000%
103074[Atcoder]ABC307 E - Distinct Adjacent020.000%
103082[Atcoder]ABC308 C - Standings060.000%
103086[Atcoder]ABC308 G - Minimum Xor Pair Query000.000%
103090[Atcoder]ABC309 A - Nine0100.000%
103092[Atcoder]ABC309 C - Medicine0100.000%
103094[Atcoder]ABC309 E - Family and Insurance0130.000%
103095[Atcoder]ABC309 F - Box in Box020.000%
103097[Atcoder]ABC309 Ex - Simple Path Counting Problem000.000%
103100[Atcoder]ABC310 A - Order Something Else070.000%
103105[Atcoder]ABC310 F - Make 10 Again000.000%
103112[Atcoder]ABC311 C - Find it!070.000%
103117[Atcoder]ABC311 Ex - Many Illumination Plans000.000%
103122[Atcoder]ABC312 C - Invisible Hand0220.000%
103126[Atcoder]ABC312 G - Avoid Straight Line010.000%
103135[Atcoder]ABC313 F - Flip Machines000.000%
103145[Atcoder]ABC314 F - A Certain Game040.000%
103171[Atcoder]ABC317 B - MissingNo.060.000%
103172[Atcoder]ABC317 C - Remembering the Days070.000%
103176[Atcoder]ABC317 G - Rearranging010.000%
103181[Atcoder]ABC318 B - Overlapping sheets0170.000%
103182[Atcoder]ABC318 C - Blue Spring0230.000%
103183[Atcoder]ABC318 D - General Weighted Max Matching0110.000%
103193[Atcoder]ABC319 D - Minimum Width060.000%
103196[Atcoder]ABC319 G - Counting Shortest Paths000.000%
103201[Atcoder]ABC320 B - Longest Palindrome070.000%
103214[Atcoder]ABC321 E - Complete Binary Tree080.000%
103223[Atcoder]ABC322 D - Polyomino050.000%
103226[Atcoder]ABC322 G - Two Kinds of Base000.000%
103231[Atcoder]ABC323 B - Round-Robin Tournament040.000%
103232[Atcoder]ABC323 C - World Tour Finals030.000%
103236[Atcoder]ABC323 G - Inversion of Tree000.000%
103244[Atcoder]ABC324 E - Joint Two Strings040.000%
103251[Atcoder]ABC325 B - World Meeting020.000%
103253[Atcoder]ABC325 D - Printing Machine040.000%
103264[Atcoder]ABC326 E - Revenge of "The Salary of AtCoder Inc."030.000%
103274[Atcoder]ABC327 E - Maximize Rating040.000%
103300[Atcoder]ABC330 A - Counting Passes0100.000%
103301[Atcoder]ABC330 B - Minimize Abs 10140.000%
103302[Atcoder]ABC330 C - Minimize Abs 20150.000%
103303[Atcoder]ABC330 D - Counting Ls090.000%
103305[Atcoder]ABC330 F - Minimize Bounding Square000.000%
103306[Atcoder]ABC330 G - Inversion Squared000.000%
103315[Atcoder]ABC331 F - Palindrome Query000.000%
103320[Atcoder]ABC332 A - Online Shopping050.000%
103323[Atcoder]ABC332 D - Swapping Puzzle000.000%
103343[Atcoder]ABC334 D - Reindeer and Sleigh0120.000%
103352[Atcoder]ABC335 C - Loong Tracking010.000%
103354[Atcoder]ABC335 E - Non-Decreasing Colorful Path000.000%
103366[Atcoder]ABC336 G - 16 Integers000.000%
103372[Atcoder]ABC337 C - Lining Up 20170.000%
103373[Atcoder]ABC337 D - Cheating Gomoku Narabe050.000%
103376[Atcoder]ABC337 G - Tree Inversion000.000%
103385[Atcoder]ABC338 F - Negative Traveling Salesman050.000%
103410[Atcoder]ABC341 A - Print 341090.000%
103414[Atcoder]ABC341 E - Alternating String040.000%
103424[Atcoder]ABC342 E - Last Train0100.000%
103436[Atcoder]ABC343 G - Compress Strings070.000%
103443[Atcoder]ABC344 D - String Bags090.000%
103444[Atcoder]ABC344 E - Insert or Erase0300.000%
103446[Atcoder]ABC344 G - Points and Comparison000.000%
103451[Atcoder]ABC345 B - Integer Division Returns0130.000%
103453[Atcoder]ABC345 D - Tiling0170.000%
103464[Atcoder]ABC346 E - Paint0200.000%
103465[Atcoder]ABC346 F - SSttrriinngg in StringString030.000%
103471[Atcoder]ABC347 B - Substring0120.000%
103475[Atcoder]ABC347 F - Non-overlapping Squares080.000%
103476[Atcoder]ABC347 G - Grid Coloring 2000.000%
103481[Atcoder]ABC348 B - Farthest Point050.000%
103483[Atcoder]ABC348 D - Medicines on Grid080.000%
103484[Atcoder]ABC348 E - Minimize Sum of Distances040.000%
103493[Atcoder]ABC349 D - Divide Interval0120.000%
103496[Atcoder]ABC349 G - Palindrome Construction010.000%
103510[Atcoder]ABC351 A - The bottom of the ninth050.000%
103520[Atcoder]ABC352 A - AtCoder Line0100.000%
103521[Atcoder]ABC352 B - Typing090.000%
103522[Atcoder]ABC352 C - Standing On The Shoulders090.000%
103530[Atcoder]ABC353 A - Buildings090.000%
103546[Atcoder]ABC354 G - Select Strings000.000%
103552[Atcoder]ABC355 C - Bingo 20180.000%
103553[Atcoder]ABC355 D - Intersecting Intervals0110.000%