Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
409099GYM103438 E Replace Sort000.000%
409100GYM103438 F to Pay Respects000.000%
409101GYM103438 G Max Pair Matching000.000%
409102GYM103438 H Colourful Permutation Sorting000.000%
409103GYM103438 I Flood Fill000.000%
409104GYM103438 J ABC Legacy000.000%
409105GYM103438 K Amazing Tree000.000%
409106GYM103438 L Jason ABC000.000%
409107GYM103438 M Counting Phenomenal Arrays000.000%
409108GYM103438 N A-series000.000%
409123GYM103443 A Ice Cream000.000%
409124GYM103443 B Maximum Sub-Reverse Matching000.000%
409125GYM103443 C Community Service000.000%
409126GYM103443 D Largest Remainder000.000%
409127GYM103443 E Composition with Large Red Plane, Yellow, Black, Gray, and Blue000.000%
409128GYM103443 F What a Colorful Wall000.000%
409129GYM103443 G The Treasure of the Sierra Jade000.000%
409130GYM103443 H A Big Project000.000%
409131GYM103443 I Seesaw000.000%
409132GYM103443 J Transportation Network000.000%
409133GYM103443 K Insertion Array000.000%
409134GYM103443 L Leadfoot000.000%
409135GYM103443 M Escaping the Foggy Forest000.000%
409136GYM103446 A Strange Functions000.000%
409137GYM103446 B Strange Permutations000.000%
409138GYM103446 C Strange Matrices000.000%
409139GYM103446 D Strange Fractions000.000%
409140GYM103446 E Strange Integers000.000%
409141GYM103446 F Kaiji!000.000%
409142GYM103446 G Edge Groups000.000%
409143GYM103446 H Life is a Game000.000%
409144GYM103446 I Steadily Growing Steam000.000%
409145GYM103446 J Two Binary Strings Problem000.000%
409146GYM103446 K Circle of Life000.000%
409147GYM103446 L Three,Three,Three000.000%
409148GYM103446 M Harmony in Harmony000.000%
409149GYM103447 A So Many Lucky Strings000.000%
409150GYM103447 B Magical Subsequence000.000%
409151GYM103447 C Colorful Tree000.000%
409152GYM103447 D Math master000.000%
409153GYM103447 E Power and Modulo000.000%
409154GYM103447 F Master Spark000.000%
409155GYM103447 G Damaged Bicycle000.000%
409156GYM103447 H What logic for?000.000%
409157GYM103447 I Power and Zero000.000%
409158GYM103447 J Local Minimum000.000%
409159GYM103447 K Wonder Egg Priority000.000%
409160GYM103447 L Karshilov's Matching Problem000.000%
409161GYM103448 A 莫卡与 MCPC000.000%
409162GYM103448 B bb 去食堂000.000%
409163GYM103448 C 抵御阿草000.000%
409164GYM103448 D 皮卡丘与宝可梦对战模拟器000.000%
409165GYM103448 E 圣莫卡造题的七天000.000%
409166GYM103448 F PotasHub Copylot000.000%
409167GYM103448 G Serval 的字符串000.000%
409168GYM103448 H 狂乱000.000%
409169GYM103448 I Serval 的相对论000.000%
409170GYM103448 J 数据重命名000.000%
409171GYM103448 K 皮卡丘与 Minimum Spanning Tree-I000.000%
409172GYM103448 L 皮卡丘与 Minimum Spanning Tree-II000.000%
409173GYM103449 A Mountains000.000%
409174GYM103449 B Antigo000.000%
409175GYM103449 C Find Set000.000%
409176GYM103449 D Updating Inversions000.000%
409177GYM103449 E Rubik String000.000%
409178GYM103449 F àPaPdnarG000.000%
409179GYM103449 G Xor Plains000.000%
409180GYM103449 H Autumn000.000%
409209GYM103462 A Array Permutation000.000%
409210GYM103462 B Baom and Fibonacci000.000%
409211GYM103462 C Circle Minimal000.000%
409212GYM103462 D Double Pleasure000.000%
409213GYM103462 E Eaom and Longzhu000.000%
409214GYM103462 F Fill the Binary String000.000%
409215GYM103462 G Guess Strings000.000%
409216GYM103462 H Hsueh- And Treasure000.000%
409217GYM103462 I Iaom and Chicken feet000.000%
409218GYM103462 J Jew Sorting000.000%
409219GYM103462 K K-Clearing II000.000%
409220GYM103462 L Little H And Reboot000.000%
409221GYM103463 A A simple problem000.000%
409222GYM103463 B Hsueh- play balls000.000%
409223GYM103463 C Hoogle Machine Translation000.000%
409224GYM103463 D Dup4 and pebble pile000.000%
409225GYM103463 E The King Of Sum Xor000.000%
409226GYM103463 F Hsueh- Love Matrix000.000%
409227GYM103463 G LTS owns large quantities of apples000.000%
409228GYM103463 H Hsueh- and keyboard000.000%
409229GYM103463 I LTS and rectangular area union000.000%
409230GYM103463 J Hsueh- owns large quantities of apples000.000%
409231GYM103463 K LTS buy wine000.000%
409232GYM103463 L Line problem000.000%
409233GYM103463 M Rikka with Random Graph000.000%
409234GYM103464 A Stegosauruses000.000%
409235GYM103464 B Palindromic Dates000.000%
409236GYM103464 C Protected String000.000%
409237GYM103464 D A Task With Queries000.000%
409238GYM103466 A A Hard Problem000.000%
409239GYM103466 B Chessboard000.000%
409240GYM103466 C Digital Path000.000%