Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302792CF541E. Playing on Graph000.000%
302793CF541F. Quest000.000%
302794CF542A. Place Your Ad Here000.000%
302795CF542B. Duck Hunt000.000%
302796CF542C. Idempotent functions000.000%
302797CF542D. Superhero's Job000.000%
302798CF542E. Playing on Graph000.000%
302799CF542F. Quest000.000%
302830CF549A. Face Detection000.000%
302831CF549B. Looksery Party000.000%
302832CF549C. The Game Of Parity000.000%
302833CF549D. Haar Features000.000%
302834CF549E. Sasha Circle000.000%
302835CF549F. Yura and Developers000.000%
302836CF549G. Happy Line000.000%
302837CF549H. Degenerate Matrix000.000%
302893CF562A. Logistical Questions000.000%
302894CF562B. Clique in the Divisibility Graph000.000%
302895CF562C. Restoring Map000.000%
302896CF562D. Restructuring Company000.000%
302897CF562E. Max and Min000.000%
302898CF562F. Matching Names000.000%
302899CF562G. Replicating Processes000.000%
302900CF566A. Matching Names000.000%
302901CF566B. Replicating Processes000.000%
302902CF566C. Logistical Questions000.000%
302903CF566D. Restructuring Company000.000%
302904CF566E. Restoring Map000.000%
302905CF566F. Clique in the Divisibility Graph000.000%
302906CF566G. Max and Min000.000%
303135CF611A. New Year and Days000.000%
303136CF611B. New Year and Old Property000.000%
303137CF611C. New Year and Domino000.000%
303138CF611D. New Year and Ancient Prophecy000.000%
303139CF611E. New Year and Three Musketeers000.000%
303140CF611F. New Year and Cleaning000.000%
303141CF611G. New Year and Cake000.000%
303142CF611H. New Year and Forgotten Tree000.000%
303175CF618A. Slime Combining000.000%
303176CF618B. Guess the Permutation000.000%
303177CF618C. Constellation000.000%
303178CF618D. Hamiltonian Spanning Tree000.000%
303179CF618E. Robot Arm000.000%
303180CF618F. Double Knapsack000.000%
303181CF618G. Combining Slimes000.000%
303214CF626A. Robot Sequence000.000%
303215CF626B. Cards000.000%
303216CF626C. Block Towers000.000%
303217CF626D. Jerry's Protest000.000%
303218CF626E. Simple Skewness000.000%
303219CF626F. Group Projects000.000%
303220CF626G. Raffles000.000%
303221CF627A. XOR Equation000.000%
303222CF627B. Factory Repairs000.000%
303223CF627C. Package Delivery000.000%
303224CF627D. Preorder Test000.000%
303225CF627E. Orchestra000.000%
303226CF627F. Island Puzzle000.000%
303275CF634A. Island Puzzle000.000%
303276CF634B. XOR Equation000.000%
303277CF634C. Factory Repairs000.000%
303278CF634D. Package Delivery000.000%
303279CF634E. Preorder Test000.000%
303280CF634F. Orchestra000.000%
303281CF635A. Orchestra000.000%
303282CF635B. Island Puzzle000.000%
303283CF635C. XOR Equation000.000%
303284CF635D. Factory Repairs000.000%
303285CF635E. Package Delivery000.000%
303286CF635F. Preorder Test000.000%
303288CF637A. Voting for Photos000.000%
303289CF637B. Chat Order000.000%
303290CF637C. Promocodes with Mistakes000.000%
303291CF637D. Running with Obstacles000.000%
303292CF638A. Home Numbers000.000%
303293CF638B. Making Genome in Berland000.000%
303294CF638C. Road Improvement000.000%
303295CF638D. Three-dimensional Turtle Super Computer 000.000%
303296CF639A. Bear and Displayed Friends000.000%
303297CF639B. Bear and Forgotten Tree 3000.000%
303298CF639C. Bear and Polynomials000.000%
303299CF639D. Bear and Contribution000.000%
303300CF639E. Bear and Paradox000.000%
303301CF639F. Bear and Chemistry000.000%
303302CF640A. Lazy Caterer Sequence000.000%
303303CF640B. Seasons000.000%
303304CF640C. Array Sum000.000%
303305CF640D. Maximal Difference000.000%
303306CF640E. Divisibility Check000.000%
303307CF640F. Primes in Interval000.000%
303308CF640G. Hungarian Notation000.000%
303309CF640H. Rotate Matrix000.000%
303310CF641A. Little Artem and Grasshopper000.000%
303311CF641B. Little Artem and Matrix000.000%
303312CF641C. Little Artem and Dance000.000%
303313CF641D. Little Artem and Random Variable000.000%
303314CF641E. Little Artem and Time Machine000.000%
303315CF641F. Little Artem and 2-SAT000.000%
303316CF641G. Little Artem and Graph000.000%
303317CF642A. Scheduler for Invokers000.000%