Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
103732[Atcoder]ABC373 C - Max Ai+Bj060.000%
103733[Atcoder]ABC373 D - Hidden Weights0120.000%
103734[Atcoder]ABC373 E - How to Win the Election0100.000%
103735[Atcoder]ABC373 F - Knapsack with Diminishing Values050.000%
103736[Atcoder]ABC373 G - No Cross Matching040.000%
103740[Atcoder]ABC374 A - Takahashi san 20120.000%
103741[Atcoder]ABC374 B - Unvarnished Report0150.000%
103742[Atcoder]ABC374 C - Separated Lunch0120.000%
103743[Atcoder]ABC374 D - Laser Marking0100.000%
103744[Atcoder]ABC374 E - Sensor Optimization Dilemma 20100.000%
103745[Atcoder]ABC374 F - Shipping010.000%
103746[Atcoder]ABC374 G - Only One Product Name000.000%
103750[Atcoder]ABC375 A - Seats0160.000%
103751[Atcoder]ABC375 B - Traveling Takahashi Problem0160.000%
103752[Atcoder]ABC375 C - Spiral Rotation050.000%
103753[Atcoder]ABC375 D - ABA050.000%
103754[Atcoder]ABC375 E - 3 Team Division080.000%
103755[Atcoder]ABC375 F - Road Blocked070.000%
103756[Atcoder]ABC375 G - Road Blocked 2000.000%
103760[Atcoder]ABC376 A - Candy Button0310.000%
103761[Atcoder]ABC376 B - Hands on Ring (Easy)0230.000%
103762[Atcoder]ABC376 C - Prepare Another Box0270.000%
103763[Atcoder]ABC376 D - Cycle0230.000%
103764[Atcoder]ABC376 E - Max × Sum0110.000%
103765[Atcoder]ABC376 F - Hands on Ring (Hard) 0150.000%
103766[Atcoder]ABC376 G - Treasure Hunting080.000%
103770[Atcoder]ABC377 A - Rearranging ABC0230.000%
103771[Atcoder]ABC377 B - Avoid Rook Attack0240.000%
103772[Atcoder]ABC377 C - Avoid Knight Attack0270.000%
103773[Atcoder]ABC377 D - Many Segments 20270.000%
103774[Atcoder]ABC377 E - Permute K times 20200.000%
103775[Atcoder]ABC377 F - Avoid Queen Attack060.000%
103776[Atcoder]ABC377 G - Edit to Match0120.000%
103780[Atcoder]ABC378 A - Pairing0190.000%
103781[Atcoder]ABC378 B - Garbage Collection0160.000%
103782[Atcoder]ABC378 C - Repeating0150.000%
103783[Atcoder]ABC378 D - Count Simple Paths0150.000%
103784[Atcoder]ABC378 E - Mod Sigma Problem0230.000%
103785[Atcoder]ABC378 F - Add One Edge 20150.000%
103786[Atcoder]ABC378 G - Everlasting LIDS020.000%
103790[Atcoder]ABC379 A - Cyclic0170.000%
103791[Atcoder]ABC379 B - Strawberries0150.000%
103792[Atcoder]ABC379 C - Sowing Stones0130.000%
103793[Atcoder]ABC379 D - Home Garden070.000%
103794[Atcoder]ABC379 E - Sum of All Substrings0160.000%
103795[Atcoder]ABC379 F - Buildings 2090.000%
103796[Atcoder]ABC379 G - Count Grid 3-coloring000.000%
103800[Atcoder]ABC380 A - 1232330240.000%
103801[Atcoder]ABC380 B - Hurdle Parsing0290.000%
103802[Atcoder]ABC380 C - Move Segment0230.000%
103803[Atcoder]ABC380 D - Strange Mirroring0240.000%
103804[Atcoder]ABC380 E - 1D Bucket Tool0170.000%
103805[Atcoder]ABC380 F - Exchange Game0470.000%
103806[Atcoder]ABC380 G - Another Shuffle Window060.000%
103810[Atcoder]ABC381 A - 11/22 String0280.000%
103811[Atcoder]ABC381 B - 1122 String0240.000%
103812[Atcoder]ABC381 C - 11/22 Substring0150.000%
103813[Atcoder]ABC381 D - 1122 Substring0150.000%
103814[Atcoder]ABC381 E - 11/22 Subsequence050.000%
103815[Atcoder]ABC381 F - 1122 Subsequence050.000%
103816[Atcoder]ABC381 G - Fibonacci Product000.000%
200580[AtCoder]ARC058 C - Iroha's Obsession000.000%
200581[AtCoder]ARC058 D - Iroha and a Grid000.000%
200582[AtCoder]ARC058 E - Iroha and Haiku000.000%
200583[AtCoder]ARC058 F - Iroha Loves Strings000.000%
200590[AtCoder]ARC059 C - Be Together000.000%
200591[AtCoder]ARC059 D - Unbalanced000.000%
200592[AtCoder]ARC059 E - Children and Candies000.000%
200593[AtCoder]ARC059 F - Unhappy Hacking000.000%
200600[AtCoder]ARC060 C - Tak and Cards000.000%
200601[AtCoder]ARC060 D - Digit Sum000.000%
200602[AtCoder]ARC060 E - Tak and Hotels000.000%
200603[AtCoder]ARC060 F - Best Representation000.000%
200610[AtCoder]ARC061 C - Many Formulas000.000%
200611[AtCoder]ARC061 D - Snuke's Coloring000.000%
200612[AtCoder]ARC061 E - Snuke's Subway Trip000.000%
200613[AtCoder]ARC061 F - Card Game for Three000.000%
200620[AtCoder]ARC062 C - AtCoDeer and Election Report000.000%
200621[AtCoder]ARC062 D - AtCoDeer and Rock-Paper000.000%
200622[AtCoder]ARC062 E - Building Cubes with AtCoDeer000.000%
200623[AtCoder]ARC062 F - Painting Graphs with AtCoDeer000.000%
200630[AtCoder]ARC063 C - 1D Reversi000.000%
200631[AtCoder]ARC063 D - An Invisible Hand000.000%
200632[AtCoder]ARC063 E - Integers on a Tree000.000%
200633[AtCoder]ARC063 F - Snuke's Coloring 2000.000%
200640[AtCoder]ARC064 C - Boxes and Candies000.000%
200641[AtCoder]ARC064 D - An Ordinary Game000.000%
200642[AtCoder]ARC064 E - Cosmic Rays000.000%
200643[AtCoder]ARC064 F - Rotated Palindromes000.000%
200650[AtCoder]ARC065 C - Daydream000.000%
200651[AtCoder]ARC065 D - Connectivity000.000%
200652[AtCoder]ARC065 E - Manhattan Compass000.000%
200653[AtCoder]ARC065 F - Shuffling000.000%
200660[AtCoder]ARC066 C - Lining Up000.000%
200661[AtCoder]ARC066 D - Xor Sum000.000%
200662[AtCoder]ARC066 E - Addition and Subtraction Hard010.000%
200663[AtCoder]ARC066 F - Contest with Drinks Hard000.000%
200670[AtCoder]ARC067 C - Factors of Factorial000.000%
200671[AtCoder]ARC067 D - Walk and Teleport000.000%
200672[AtCoder]ARC067 E - Grouping000.000%