Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302728CF530A. Quadratic equation000.000%
302730CF530C. Diophantine equation000.000%
302737CF531A. Quadratic equation000.000%
302739CF531C. Diophantine equation000.000%
302812CF545C. Woodcutters000.000%
302838CF550A. Two Substrings000.000%
302840CF550C. Divisibility by Eight000.000%
302853CF553A. Kyoya and Colored Balls000.000%
302860CF554C. Kyoya and Colored Balls000.000%
302863CF555A. Case of Matryoshkas000.000%
302870CF556C. Case of Matryoshkas000.000%
302874CF557B. Pasha and Tea000.000%
302894CF562B. Clique in the Divisibility Graph000.000%
302905CF566F. Clique in the Divisibility Graph000.000%
302918CF569A. Music000.000%
302944CF574B. Bear and Three Musketeers000.000%
302957CF576A. Vasya and Petya's Game000.000%
302964CF577C. Vasya and Petya's Game000.000%
302980CF580B. Kefa and Company000.000%
302981CF580C. Kefa and Park000.000%
303001CF584B. Kolya and Tanya 000.000%
303017CF587A. Duff and Weight Lifting000.000%
303025CF588C. Duff and Weight Lifting000.000%
303074CF599B. Spongebob and Joke000.000%
303120CF608B. Hamming Distance Sum000.000%
303126CF609C. Load Balancing000.000%
303137CF611C. New Year and Domino000.000%
303154CF614A. Link/Cut Tree000.000%
303184CF620C. Pearls in a Row000.000%
303248CF630K. Indivisibility000.000%
303293CF638B. Making Genome in Berland000.000%
303318CF643A. Bear and Colors000.000%
303336CF646B. Ошибка передачи сообщения000.000%
303346CF649C. Печать условий000.000%
303399CF659D. Bicycle Race000.000%
303463CF670D2. Magic Powder - 2000.000%
303478CF673C. Bear and Colors000.000%
303482CF674A. Bear and Colors000.000%
303495CF676B. Pyramid of Glasses000.000%
303496CF676C. Vasya and String000.000%
303501CF677C. Vanya and Label000.000%
303551CF687A. NP-Hard Problem000.000%
303558CF688C. NP-Hard Problem000.000%
303573CF690C2. Brain Network (medium)000.000%
303596CF696A. Lorenzo Von Matterhorn000.000%
303604CF697C. Lorenzo Von Matterhorn000.000%
303627CF701C. They Are Everywhere000.000%
303632CF702B. Powers of Two000.000%
303633CF702C. Cellular Network000.000%
303659CF707C. Pythagorean Triples000.000%
303668CF709B. Checkpoints000.000%
303674CF710C. Magic Odd Square000.000%
303749CF724B. Batch Sort000.000%
303848CF742B. Arpa’s obvious problem and Mehrdad’s terrible solution000.000%
303854CF743C. Vladik and fractions000.000%
303857CF744A. Hongcow Builds A Nation000.000%
303864CF745C. Hongcow Builds A Nation000.000%
303870CF746D. Green and Black Tea000.000%
303881CF748B. Santa Claus and Keyboard Check000.000%
303888CF749C. Voting000.000%
303948CF760B. Frodo and pillows000.000%
303955CF761C. Dasha and Password000.000%
304005CF770C. Online Courses In BSU000.000%
304007CF771A. Bear and Friendship Condition000.000%
304008CF771B. Bear and Different Names000.000%
304027CF774D. Lie or Truth000.000%
304112CF790A. Bear and Different Names000.000%
304118CF791B. Bear and Friendship Condition000.000%
304119CF791C. Bear and Different Names000.000%
304145CF795D. Lie or Truth000.000%
304241CF809A. Do you want a date?000.000%
304248CF810C. Do you want a date?000.000%
304258CF812C. Sagheer and Nubian Market000.000%
304283CF817B. Makes And The Product000.000%
304307CF821C. Okabe and Boxes000.000%
304326CF825D. Suitable Replacement000.000%
304376CF837C. Two Seals000.000%
304389CF839C. Journey000.000%
304419CF845C. Two TVs000.000%
304424CF846A. Curriculum Vitae000.000%
304473CF853A. Planning000.000%
304480CF854C. Planning000.000%
304484CF855B. Marvolo Gaunt's Ring000.000%
304497CF858B. Which floor?000.000%
304498CF858C. Did you mean...000.000%
304504CF859C. Pie Rules000.000%
304515CF861B. Which floor?000.000%
304527CF863B. Kayaking000.000%
304535CF864C. Bus000.000%
304536CF864D. Make a Permutation!000.000%
304588CF873B. Balanced Substring000.000%
304594CF875B. Sorting the Coins000.000%
304606CF877B. Nikita and string000.000%
304636CF884C. Bertown Subway000.000%
304648CF887C. Solution for Cube000.000%
304670CF891A. Pride000.000%
304677CF892C. Pride000.000%
304723CF901A. Hashing Trees000.000%
304730CF902C. Hashing Trees000.000%
304759CF908C. New Year and Curling000.000%