Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
304881CF926G. Large Bouquets000.000%
304894CF930A. Peculiar apple-tree000.000%
304902CF931D. Peculiar apple-tree000.000%
304953CF940C. Phone Numbers000.000%
304959CF944C. Peculiar apple-tree000.000%
305014CF953G. Large Bouquets000.000%
305057CF958F1. Lightsabers (easy)000.000%
305062CF959C. Mahmoud and Ehab and the wrong algorithm000.000%
305067CF960B. Minimize the error000.000%
305122CF976C. Nested Segments000.000%
305130CF977E. Cyclic Components0310.000%
305135CF978D. Almost Arithmetic Progression0350.000%
305137CF978F. Mentors0160.000%
305160CF982C. Cut 'em all!000.000%
305176CF985C. Liebig's Barrels000.000%
305206CF990C. Bracket Sequences Concatenation Problem000.000%
305213CF991C. Candies000.000%
305214CF991D. Bishwock000.000%
305246CF997A. Convert to Ones000.000%
305253CF998C. Convert to Ones000.000%
305263CF1000B. Light It Up000.000%
305280CF1002A3. Generate superposition of two basis states000.000%
305291CF1002E1. Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm000.000%
305308CF1005D. Polycarp and Div 3000.000%
305335CF1010A. Fly000.000%
305343CF1011C. Fly000.000%
305347CF1012A. Photo of The Sky000.000%
305355CF1013C. Photo of The Sky000.000%
305435CF1031B. Curiosity Has No Limits000.000%
305504CF1043C. Smallest Word000.000%
305542CF1051C. Vasya and Multisets000.000%
305555CF1054C. Candies Distribution000.000%
305606CF1062B. Math000.000%
305631CF1066B. Heaters000.000%
305666CF1072B. Curiosity Has No Limits000.000%
305718CF1080C. Masha and two friends000.000%
305723CF1081B. Farewell Party000.000%
305724CF1081C. Colorful Bricks000.000%
305745CF1084C. The Fair Nut and String000.000%
305863CF1101C. Division and Union000.000%
305865CF1101E. Polycarp's New Job000.000%
305871CF1102D. Balanced Ternary String000.000%
305886CF1105C. Ayoub and Lost Array000.000%
305890CF1106B. Lunar New Year and Food Ordering000.000%
305892CF1106D. Lunar New Year and a Wander000.000%
305917CF1110C. Meaningless Operations000.000%
305943CF1114B. Yet Another Array Partitioning Task000.000%
305951CF1115U1. Anti-diagonal unitary000.000%
305984CF1119C. Ramesses and Corner Inversion000.000%
306031CF1133D. Zero Quantity Maximization000.000%
306037CF1136C. Nastya Is Transposing Matrices000.000%
306054CF1139C. Edgy Trees000.000%
306067CF1141C. Polycarp Restores Permutation0210.000%
306068CF1141D. Colored Boots0210.000%
306106CF1147A. Hide and Seek000.000%
306125CF1150A. Stock Arbitraging000.000%
306126CF1150B. Tiling Challenge000.000%
306127CF1150C. Prefix Sum Primes000.000%
306128CF1150D. Three Religions000.000%
306129CF1150E. Tree Generator™000.000%
306152CF1154D. Walking Robot000.000%
306177CF1158A. The Party and Sweets000.000%
306185CF1159C. The Party and Sweets000.000%
306190CF1161A. Hide and Seek000.000%
306203CF1163B1. Cat Party (Easy Edition)000.000%
306240CF1166C. A Tale of Two Lands000.000%
306247CF1167D. Bicolored RBS000.000%
306257CF1169B. Pairs000.000%
306275CF1171F. Division and Union000.000%
306314CF1178D. Prime Graph000.000%
306320CF1179A. Valeriy and Deque000.000%
306326CF1180B. Nick and Array000.000%
306327CF1180C. Valeriy and Deque000.000%
306331CF1181B. Split a Number000.000%
306375CF1186D. Vus the Cossack and Numbers000.000%
306426CF1195D1. Submarine in the Rybinsk Sea (easy edition)000.000%
306432CF1196C. Robot Breakout000.000%
306433CF1196D1. RGB Substring (easy version)000.000%
306462CF1201B. Zero Array000.000%
306478CF1203E. Boxers000.000%
306501CF1207C. Gas Pipeline000.000%
306507CF1208B. Uniqueness000.000%
306533CF1211B. Traveling Around the Golden Ring of Berland000.000%
306552CF1213D1. Equalizing by Division (easy version)000.000%
306567CF1215C. Swap Letters000.000%
306589CF1218F. Workout plan000.000%
306596CF1219D. Workout plan000.000%
306669CF1234C. Pipes000.000%
306677CF1236B. Alice and the List of Presents000.000%
306716CF1242A. Tile Painting000.000%
306724CF1243C. Tile Painting000.000%
306764CF1249C2. Good Numbers (hard version)000.000%
306804CF1253C. Sweets Eating000.000%
306824CF1256D. Binary String Minimizing000.000%
306866CF1263D. Secret Passwords000.000%
306869CF1264A. Beautiful Regional Contest000.000%
306878CF1265C. Beautiful Regional Contest000.000%
306908CF1269B. Modulo Equality000.000%
306930CF1272D. Remove One Element000.000%
306960CF1278B. A and B000.000%