Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
307910CF1433F. Zero Remainder Sum 000.000%
307911CF1433G. Reducing Delivery Cost000.000%
308172CF1477A. Nezzar and Board000.000%
308173CF1477B. Nezzar and Binary String000.000%
308174CF1477C. Nezzar and Nice Beatmap000.000%
308175CF1477D. Nezzar and Hidden Permutations000.000%
308176CF1477E. Nezzar and Tournaments000.000%
308177CF1477F. Nezzar and Chocolate Bars000.000%
309160CF1634A. Reverse and Concatenate000.000%
309161CF1634B. Fortune Telling000.000%
309162CF1634C. OKEA000.000%
309163CF1634D. Finding Zero000.000%
309164CF1634E. Fair Share000.000%
309165CF1634F. Fibonacci Additions000.000%
309166CF1635A. Min Or Sum000.000%
309167CF1635B. Avoid Local Maximums000.000%
309168CF1635C. Differential Sorting000.000%
309169CF1635D. Infinite Set000.000%
309170CF1635E. Cars 000.000%
309171CF1635F. Closest Pair 000.000%
309180CF1638A. Reverse000.000%
309181CF1638B. Odd Swap Sort000.000%
309182CF1638C. Inversion Graph000.000%
309183CF1638D. Big Brush000.000%
309184CF1638E. Colorful Operations000.000%
309185CF1638F. Two Posters000.000%
309197CF1641A. Great Sequence000.000%
309198CF1641B. Repetitions Decoding000.000%
309199CF1641C. Anonymity Is Important000.000%
309200CF1641D. Two Arrays000.000%
309201CF1641E. Special Positions000.000%
309202CF1641F. Covering Circle000.000%
309203CF1642A. Hard Way000.000%
309204CF1642B. Power Walking000.000%
309205CF1642C. Great Sequence000.000%
309206CF1642D. Repetitions Decoding000.000%
309207CF1642E. Anonymity Is Important000.000%
309208CF1642F. Two Arrays000.000%
309223CF1646A. Square Counting000.000%
309224CF1646B. Quality vs Quantity000.000%
309225CF1646C. Factorials and Powers of Two000.000%
309226CF1646D. Weight the Tree000.000%
309227CF1646E. Power Board000.000%
309228CF1646F. Playing Around the Table000.000%
309229CF1647A. Madoka and Math Dad000.000%
309230CF1647B. Madoka and the Elegant Gift000.000%
309231CF1647C. Madoka and Childish Pranks000.000%
309232CF1647D. Madoka and the Best School in Russia000.000%
309233CF1647E. Madoka and the Sixth-graders000.000%
309234CF1647F. Madoka and Laziness000.000%
309235CF1648A. Weird Sum000.000%
309236CF1648B. Integral Array000.000%
309237CF1648C. Tyler and Strings000.000%
309238CF1648D. Serious Business000.000%
309239CF1648E. Air Reform000.000%
309240CF1648F. Two Avenues000.000%
309241CF1649A. Game000.000%
309242CF1649B. Game of Ball Passing000.000%
309243CF1649C. Weird Sum000.000%
309244CF1649D. Integral Array000.000%
309245CF1649E. Tyler and Strings000.000%
309246CF1649F. Serious Business000.000%
309247CF1650A. Deletions of Two Adjacent Letters000.000%
309248CF1650B. DIV + MOD000.000%
309249CF1650C. Weight of the System of Nested Segments000.000%
309250CF1650D. Twist the Permutation000.000%
309251CF1650E. Rescheduling the Exam000.000%
309252CF1650F. Vitaly and Advanced Useless Algorithms000.000%
309253CF1650G. Counting Shortcuts000.000%
309267CF1654A. Maximum Cake Tastiness000.000%
309268CF1654B. Prefix Removals000.000%
309269CF1654C. Alice and the Cake000.000%
309270CF1654D. Potion Brewing Class000.000%
309271CF1654E. Arithmetic Operations000.000%
309272CF1654F. Minimal String Xoration000.000%
309273CF1654G. Snowy Mountain000.000%
309274CF1654H. Three Minimums000.000%
309290CF1658A. Marin and Photoshoot000.000%
309291CF1658B. Marin and Anti-coprime Permutation000.000%
309292CF1658C. Shinju and the Lost Permutation000.000%
309293CF1658D1. 388535 (Easy Version)000.000%
309294CF1658D2. 388535 (Hard Version)000.000%
309295CF1658E. Gojou and Matrix Game000.000%
309296CF1658F. Juju and Binary String000.000%
309427CF1677A. Tokitsukaze and Strange Inequality000.000%
309428CF1677B. Tokitsukaze and Meeting000.000%
309429CF1677C. Tokitsukaze and Two Colorful Tapes000.000%
309430CF1677D. Tokitsukaze and Permutations000.000%
309431CF1677E. Tokitsukaze and Beautiful Subsegments000.000%
309432CF1677F. Tokitsukaze and Gems000.000%
309998CF1770A. Koxia and Whiteboards000.000%
309999CF1770B. Koxia and Permutation000.000%
310000CF1770C. Koxia and Number Theory000.000%
310001CF1770D. Koxia and Game000.000%
310002CF1770E. Koxia and Tree000.000%
310003CF1770F. Koxia and Sequence000.000%
310004CF1770G. Koxia and Bracket000.000%
310005CF1770H. Koxia, Mahiru and Winter Festival000.000%
310006CF1771A. Hossam and Combinatorics000.000%
310007CF1771B. Hossam and Friends000.000%