Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
200771[AtCoder]ARC077 D - 11000.000%
200772[AtCoder]ARC077 E - guruguru000.000%
200773[AtCoder]ARC077 F - SS000.000%
300405CF77A. Heroes000.000%
300406CF77B. Falling Anvils000.000%
300407CF77C. Beavermuncher-0xFF000.000%
300408CF77D. Domino Carpet000.000%
300409CF77E. Martian Food000.000%
300495CF95A. Hockey000.000%
300496CF95B. Lucky Numbers000.000%
300497CF95C. Volleyball000.000%
300498CF95D. Horse Races000.000%
300499CF95E. Lucky Country000.000%
300500CF96A. Football000.000%
300501CF96B. Lucky Numbers (easy)000.000%
300502CF96C. Hockey000.000%
300503CF96D. Volleyball000.000%
300504CF96E. Horse Races000.000%
300925CF177A1. Good Matrix Elements000.000%
300926CF177A2. Good Matrix Elements000.000%
300927CF177B1. Rectangular Game010.000%
300928CF177B2. Rectangular Game010.000%
300929CF177C1. Party000.000%
300930CF177C2. Party000.000%
300931CF177D1. Encrypting Messages000.000%
300932CF177D2. Encrypting Messages000.000%
300933CF177E1. Space Voyage000.000%
300934CF177E2. Space Voyage000.000%
300935CF177F1. Script Generation000.000%
300936CF177F2. Script Generation000.000%
300937CF177G1. Fibonacci Strings000.000%
300938CF177G2. Fibonacci Strings000.000%
301469CF277A. Learning Languages000.000%
301470CF277B. Set of Points000.000%
301471CF277C. Game000.000%
301472CF277D. Google Code Jam000.000%
301473CF277E. Binary Tree on Plane000.000%
301524CF288A. Polo the Penguin and Strings000.000%
301525CF288B. Polo the Penguin and Houses 000.000%
301526CF288C. Polo the Penguin and XOR operation000.000%
301527CF288D. Polo the Penguin and Trees 000.000%
301528CF288E. Polo the Penguin and Lucky Numbers000.000%
301529CF289A. Polo the Penguin and Segments 000.000%
301530CF289B. Polo the Penguin and Matrix000.000%
301531CF289C. Polo the Penguin and Strings000.000%
301532CF289D. Polo the Penguin and Houses 000.000%
301533CF289E. Polo the Penguin and XOR operation000.000%
301985CF377A. Maze000.000%
301986CF377B. Preparing for the Contest000.000%
301987CF377C. Captains Mode000.000%
301988CF377D. Developing Game000.000%
301989CF377E. Cookie Clicker000.000%
302475CF477A. Dreamoon and Sums000.000%
302476CF477B. Dreamoon and Sets000.000%
302477CF477C. Dreamoon and Strings000.000%
302478CF477D. Dreamoon and Binary000.000%
302479CF477E. Dreamoon and Notepad000.000%
302515CF486A. Calculating Function000.000%
302516CF486B. OR in Matrix000.000%
302517CF486C. Palindrome Transformation000.000%
302518CF486D. Valid Sets000.000%
302519CF486E. LIS of Sequence000.000%
302530CF489A. SwapSort000.000%
302531CF489B. BerSU Ball000.000%
302532CF489C. Given Length and Sum of Digits...000.000%
302533CF489D. Unbearable Controversy of Being000.000%
302534CF489E. Hiking000.000%
302535CF489F. Special Matrices000.000%
302962CF577A. Multiplication Table000.000%
302963CF577B. Modulo Sum000.000%
302964CF577C. Vasya and Petya's Game000.000%
302965CF577D. Invariance of Tree000.000%
302966CF577E. Points on Plane000.000%
303499CF677A. Vanya and Fence000.000%
303500CF677B. Vanya and Food Processor000.000%
303501CF677C. Vanya and Label000.000%
303502CF677D. Vanya and Treasure000.000%
303503CF677E. Vanya and Balloons000.000%
303792CF732A. Buy a Shovel000.000%
303793CF732B. Cormen — The Best Friend Of a Man000.000%
303794CF732C. Sanatorium000.000%
303795CF732D. Exams000.000%
303796CF732E. Sockets000.000%
303797CF732F. Tourist Reform000.000%
304003CF770A. New Password000.000%
304004CF770B. Maximize Sum of Digits000.000%
304005CF770C. Online Courses In BSU000.000%
304006CF770D. Draw Brackets!000.000%
304007CF771A. Bear and Friendship Condition000.000%
304008CF771B. Bear and Different Names000.000%
304009CF771C. Bear and Tree Jumps000.000%
304010CF771D. Bear and Company000.000%
304011CF771E. Bear and Rectangle Strips000.000%
304012CF771F. Bear and Isomorphic Points000.000%
304013CF772A. Voltage Keepsake000.000%
304014CF772B. Volatile Kite000.000%
304015CF772C. Vulnerable Kerbals000.000%
304016CF772D. Varying Kibibits000.000%
304017CF772E. Verifying Kingdom000.000%
304018CF773A. Success Rate000.000%