Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
409483GYM103577 I Impossible problems000.000%
409484GYM103577 J Just enough squares000.000%
409485GYM103577 K Walking Tiles000.000%
409486GYM103577 L Convert to heap000.000%
409487GYM103577 M Classroom Reordering000.000%
409663GYM103677 A Raiser Mais000.000%
409664GYM103677 B With Grape Power comes Grape Responsibility000.000%
409665GYM103677 C Raisin Box000.000%
409666GYM103677 D Grape Field000.000%
409667GYM103677 E Festa des Vermar000.000%
409668GYM103677 F Sour Grapes000.000%
409669GYM103677 G1 Family Farm I000.000%
409670GYM103677 G2 Family Farm II000.000%
409671GYM103677 H Alexander the Grape000.000%
409672GYM103677 I Faction Feud000.000%
409673GYM103677 J Trail Mix Ad000.000%
409674GYM103677 K Wine Grapes000.000%
409675GYM103677 L French Raisins000.000%
409676GYM103677 M Grape Juice Country000.000%
409677GYM103677 N Freaky Fertilizer Tests000.000%
410688GYM104077 A Bridge000.000%
410689GYM104077 B Cells Coloring000.000%
410690GYM104077 C Clone Ranran000.000%
410691GYM104077 D Contests000.000%
410692GYM104077 E Find Maximum000.000%
410693GYM104077 F Hotel000.000%
410694GYM104077 G Perfect Word000.000%
410695GYM104077 H Power of Two000.000%
410696GYM104077 I Square Grid000.000%
410697GYM104077 J Strange Sum000.000%
410698GYM104077 K Streets000.000%
410699GYM104077 L Tree000.000%