Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303972CF764C. Timofey and a tree000.000%
303979CF765E. Tree Folding000.000%
303986CF766E. Mahmoud and a xor trip000.000%
303989CF767C. Garland000.000%
304009CF771C. Bear and Tree Jumps000.000%
304017CF772E. Verifying Kingdom000.000%
304051CF778C. Peterson Polyglot000.000%
304062CF780C. Andryusha and Colored Balloons000.000%
304068CF781A. Andryusha and Colored Balloons000.000%
304070CF781C. Underground Lab000.000%
304076CF782C. Andryusha and Colored Balloons000.000%
304095CF786D. Rap God000.000%
304096CF786E. ALT000.000%
304101CF787E. Till I Collapse000.000%
304113CF790B. Bear and Tree Jumps000.000%
304120CF791D. Bear and Tree Jumps000.000%
304125CF792D. Paths in a Complete Binary Tree000.000%
304132CF793E. Problem of offices000.000%
304156CF796C. Bank Hacking000.000%
304157CF796D. Police Stations000.000%
304197CF802J. Send the Fool Further! (easy)000.000%
304198CF802K. Send the Fool Further! (medium)000.000%
304199CF802L. Send the Fool Further! (hard)000.000%
304213CF804D. Expected diameter of a tree000.000%
304221CF805F. Expected diameter of a tree000.000%
304245CF809E. Surprise me!000.000%
304259CF812D. Sagheer and Kindergarten000.000%
304260CF812E. Sagheer and Apple Tree000.000%
304270CF814D. An overnight dance in discotheque000.000%
304274CF815C. Karen and Supermarket000.000%
304281CF816E. Karen and Supermarket000.000%
304282CF817A. Treasure Hunt000.000%
304286CF817E. Choosing The Commander000.000%
304287CF817F. MEX Queries000.000%
304306CF821B. Okabe and Banana Trees000.000%
304307CF821C. Okabe and Boxes000.000%
304315CF822F. Madness000.000%
304321CF823F. Perpetual Motion Machine000.000%
304329CF825G. Tree Queries000.000%
304331CF827B. High Load000.000%
304333CF827D. Best Edge Weight000.000%
304339CF828D. High Load000.000%
304345CF830D. Singer House000.000%
304356CF832D. Misha, Grisha and Underground000.000%
304361CF833D. Red-Black Cobweb000.000%
304373CF835F. Roads in the Kingdom000.000%
304382CF838B. Diverging Directions000.000%
304389CF839C. Journey000.000%
304396CF840E. In a Trap000.000%
304404CF842C. Ilya And The Tree000.000%
304406CF842E. Nikita and game000.000%
304409CF843C. Upgrading Tree000.000%
304416CF844E. Upgrading Tree000.000%
304428CF846E. Chemistry in Berland000.000%
304472CF852I. Dating000.000%
304485CF855C. Helga Hufflepuff's Cup000.000%
304486CF855D. Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem000.000%
304489CF855G. Harry Vs Voldemort000.000%
304505CF859D. Third Month Insanity000.000%
304506CF859E. Desk Disorder000.000%
304513CF860E. Arkady and a Nobody-men000.000%
304521CF862B. Mahmoud and Ehab and the bipartiteness000.000%
304538CF864F. Cities Excursions000.000%
304563CF868E. Policeman and a Tree000.000%
304575CF870E. Points, Lines and Ready-made Titles000.000%
304581CF871E. Restore the Tree000.000%
304602CF876D. Sorting the Coins000.000%
304609CF877E. Danil and a Part-time Job000.000%
304642CF886C. Petya and Catacombs000.000%
304652CF888A. Local Extrema000.000%
304673CF891D. Sloth000.000%
304685CF893F. Subtree Minimum Query000.000%
304689CF894D. Ralph And His Tour in Binary Country000.000%
304723CF901A. Hashing Trees000.000%
304726CF901D. Weighting a Tree000.000%
304729CF902B. Coloring a Tree000.000%
304730CF902C. Hashing Trees000.000%
304779CF911F. Tree Destruction000.000%
304787CF913B. Christmas Spruce000.000%
304798CF914E. Palindromes in a Tree000.000%
304801CF914H. Ember and Storm's Tree Game000.000%
304807CF915F. Imbalance Value of a Tree000.000%
304812CF916D. Jamie and To-do List000.000%
304813CF916E. Jamie and Tree000.000%
304817CF917D. Stranger Trees000.000%
304818CF917E. Upside Down000.000%
304859CF923C. Perfect Security000.000%
304862CF923F. Public Service000.000%
304873CF925E. May Holidays000.000%
304889CF928D. Autocompletion000.000%
304894CF930A. Peculiar apple-tree000.000%
304902CF931D. Peculiar apple-tree000.000%
304908CF932D. Tree000.000%
304926CF935E. Fafa and Ancient Mathematics000.000%
304959CF944C. Peculiar apple-tree000.000%
304973CF947C. Perfect Security000.000%
304976CF947F. Public Service000.000%
304980CF948D. Perfect Security000.000%
305000CF951G. Pisces000.000%
305032CF955F. Heaps000.000%