Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
309289CF1657F. Words on Tree000.000%
309302CF1659F. Tree and Permutation Game000.000%
309312CF1661C. Water the Trees000.000%
309314CF1661E. Narrow Components000.000%
309322CF1662G. Gastronomic Event000.000%
309331CF1663A. Who Tested?000.000%
309341CF1665C. Tree Infection000.000%
309352CF1666I. Interactive Treasure Hunt000.000%
309359CF1667D. Edge Elimination000.000%
309367CF1668F. Edge Elimination000.000%
309380CF1670E. Hemose on the Tree000.000%
309414CF1675D. Vertical Paths000.000%
309416CF1675F. Vlad and Unfinished Business000.000%
309424CF1676G. White-Black Balanced Subtrees090.000%
309451CF1680F. Lenient Vertex Cover000.000%
309457CF1681F. Unique Occurrences000.000%
309461CF1682D. Circular Spanning Tree000.000%
309462CF1682E. Unordered Swaps000.000%
309498CF1689C. Infected Tree000.000%
309513CF1691F. K-Set Tree000.000%
309523CF1693B. Fake Plastic Trees000.000%
309531CF1694D. Fake Plastic Trees000.000%
309537CF1695D1. Tree Queries (Easy Version)000.000%
309538CF1695D2. Tree Queries (Hard Version)000.000%
309545CF1696F. Tree Recovery000.000%
309558CF1698E. PermutationForces II000.000%
309584CF1702G1. Passable Paths (easy version)000.000%
309585CF1702G2. Passable Paths (hard version)000.000%
309613CF1706E. Qpwoeirut and Vertices000.000%
309616CF1707C. DFS Trees000.000%
309617CF1707D. Partial Virtual Trees000.000%
309624CF1708E. DFS Trees000.000%
309625CF1708F. Partial Virtual Trees000.000%
309630CF1709E. XOR Tree000.000%
309635CF1710D. Recover the Tree000.000%
309648CF1712F. Triameter000.000%
309660CF1714F. Build a Tree and That Is It000.000%
309661CF1714G. Path Prefixes000.000%
309684CF1718D. Permutation for Burenka000.000%
309697CF1720D1. Xor-Subsequence (easy version)000.000%
309698CF1720D2. Xor-Subsequence (hard version)000.000%
309704CF1721E. Prefix Function Queries000.000%
309724CF1725I. Imitating the Key Tree000.000%
309725CF1725J. Journey000.000%
309804CF1738D. Permutation Addicts000.000%
309806CF1738F. Connectivity Addicts000.000%
309812CF1739D. Reset K Edges000.000%
309819CF1740E. Hanging Hearts000.000%
309822CF1740H. MEX Tree Manipulation000.000%
309827CF1741D. Masha and a Beautiful Tree000.000%
309855CF1746D. Paths on the Tree000.000%
309869CF1748E. Yet Another Array Counting Problem000.000%
309876CF1749F. Distance to the Path000.000%
309886CF1752A. Parameterized Branch Instruction Stream Generation000.000%
309904CF1755D. Gardener and Tree000.000%
309931CF1761E. Make It Connected000.000%
309934CF1761G. Centroid Guess000.000%
309939CF1762E. Tree Sum000.000%
309947CF1763F. Edge Queries000.000%
309953CF1764F. Doremy's Experimental Tree000.000%
309972CF1766A. Extremely Round000.000%
309983CF1767F. Two Subtrees000.000%
310002CF1770E. Koxia and Tree000.000%
310009CF1771D. Hossam and (sub-)palindromic tree000.000%
310011CF1771F. Hossam and Range Minimum Query000.000%
310028CF1773J. Jumbled Trees000.000%
310029CF1773J. Jumbled Trees
310035CF1774E. Two Chess Pieces000.000%
310038CF1774G. Segment Covering000.000%
310059CF1776M. Parmigiana With Seafood000.000%
310064CF1777D. Score of a Tree000.000%
310065CF1777E. Edge Reverse000.000%
310066CF1777F. Comfortably Numb000.000%
310071CF1778E. The Tree Has Fallen!000.000%
310072CF1778F. Maximizing Root000.000%
310078CF1779F. Xorcerer's Stones000.000%
310092CF1781F. Bracket Insertion000.000%
310093CF1781G. Diverse Coloring000.000%
310102CF1782G. Diverse Coloring000.000%
310111CF1783G. Weighed Tree Radius000.000%
310137CF1787G. Colorful Tree Again000.000%
310139CF1787I. Treasure Hunt000.000%
310145CF1788F. XOR, Tree, and Queries000.000%
310157CF1790F. Timofey and Black-White Tree000.000%
310184CF1794E. Labeling the Tree with Distances000.000%
310190CF1795F. Blocking Chips000.000%
310196CF1796E. Colored Subgraphs000.000%
310206CF1799H. Tree Cutting000.000%
310215CF1800G. Symmetree000.000%
310219CF1797D. Li Hua and Tree000.000%
310221CF1797F. Li Hua and Path000.000%
310232CF1801E. Gasoline prices000.000%
310241CF1802G. Gasoline prices000.000%
310253CF1805D. A Wide, Wide Graph000.000%
310254CF1805E. There Should Be a Lot of Maximums000.000%
310261CF1806E. Tree Master000.000%
310289CF1810D. Climbing the Tree000.000%
310291CF1810F. M-tree000.000%
310320CF1815B. Sum Graph000.000%
310328CF1816D. Sum Graph000.000%