Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
201241[AtCoder]ARC124 B - XOR Matching 2010.000%
201242[AtCoder]ARC124 C - LCM of GCDs000.000%
201243[AtCoder]ARC124 D - Yet Another Sorting Problem000.000%
201244[AtCoder]ARC124 E - Pass to Next000.000%
201245[AtCoder]ARC124 F - Chance Meeting000.000%
201250[AtCoder]ARC125 A - Dial Up000.000%
201251[AtCoder]ARC125 B - Squares000.000%
201252[AtCoder]ARC125 C - LIS to Original Sequence000.000%
201253[AtCoder]ARC125 D - Unique Subsequence000.000%
201254[AtCoder]ARC125 E - Snack000.000%
201255[AtCoder]ARC125 F - Tree Degree Subset Sum000.000%
201260[AtCoder]ARC126 A - Make 10000.000%
201261[AtCoder]ARC126 B - Cross-free Matching000.000%
201262[AtCoder]ARC126 C - Maximize GCD000.000%
201263[AtCoder]ARC126 D - Pure Straight000.000%
201264[AtCoder]ARC126 E - Infinite Operations000.000%
201265[AtCoder]ARC126 F - Affine Sort000.000%
201270[AtCoder]ARC127 A - Leading 1s000.000%
201271[AtCoder]ARC127 B - Ternary Strings000.000%
201272[AtCoder]ARC127 C - Binary Strings000.000%
201273[AtCoder]ARC127 D - Sum of Min of Xor000.000%
201274[AtCoder]ARC127 E - Priority Queue000.000%
201275[AtCoder]ARC127 F - ±AB000.000%
201280[AtCoder]ARC128 A - Gold and Silver000.000%
201281[AtCoder]ARC128 B - Balls of Three Colors000.000%
201282[AtCoder]ARC128 C - Max Dot000.000%
201283[AtCoder]ARC128 D - Neq Neq000.000%
201284[AtCoder]ARC128 E - K Different Values000.000%
201285[AtCoder]ARC128 F - Game against Robot000.000%
201290[AtCoder]ARC129 A - Smaller XOR000.000%
201291[AtCoder]ARC129 B - Range Point Distance000.000%
201292[AtCoder]ARC129 C - Multiple of 7000.000%
201293[AtCoder]ARC129 D - -1+2-1000.000%
201294[AtCoder]ARC129 E - Yet Another Minimization000.000%
201295[AtCoder]ARC129 F - Let's Play Tag000.000%
300012CF4B. Before an Exam000.000%
300016CF5B. Center Alignment000.000%
300022CF6C. Alice, Bob and Chocolate000.000%
300030CF8A. Train and Peter000.000%
300036CF9B. Running Student000.000%
300037CF9C. Hexadecimal's Numbers000.000%
300050CF12A. Super Agent000.000%
300051CF12B. Correct Solution?000.000%
300052CF12C. Fruits000.000%
300053CF12D. Ball000.000%
300054CF12E. Start of the season000.000%
300065CF15A. Cottage Village000.000%
300082CF18C. Stripe000.000%
300102CF23A. You're Given a String...000.000%
300122CF27A. Next Test000.000%
300142CF31A. Worms Evolution000.000%
300152CF33A. What is for dinner?000.000%
300244CF47B. Coins000.000%
300272CF52A. 123-sequence000.000%
300277CF53C. Little Frog000.000%
300285CF55A. Flea travel000.000%
300306CF59B. Fortune Telling000.000%
300326CF63B. Settlers' Training000.000%
300360CF69B. Bets000.000%
300376CF72C. Extraordinarily Nice Numbers000.000%
300411CF78B. Easter Eggs000.000%
300415CF79A. Bus Game000.000%
300421CF80B. Depression000.000%
300460CF88A. Chord000.000%
300530CF101A. Homework000.000%
300535CF102A. Clothes000.000%
300537CF102C. Homework000.000%
300585CF112A. Petya and Strings000.000%
300586CF112B. Petya and Square000.000%
300587CF112C. Petya and Inequiations000.000%
300588CF112D. Petya and Divisors000.000%
300589CF112E. Petya and Spiders000.000%
300625CF120A. Elevator000.000%
300626CF120B. Quiz League000.000%
300627CF120C. Winnie-the-Pooh and honey000.000%
300628CF120D. Three Sons000.000%
300629CF120E. Put Knight!000.000%
300630CF120F. Spiders000.000%
300631CF120G. Boom000.000%
300632CF120H. Brevity is Soul of Wit000.000%
300633CF120I. Luck is in Numbers000.000%
300634CF120J. Minimum Sum000.000%
300635CF121A. Lucky Sum000.000%
300636CF121B. Lucky Transformation000.000%
300637CF121C. Lucky Permutation000.000%
300638CF121D. Lucky Segments000.000%
300639CF121E. Lucky Array000.000%
300640CF122A. Lucky Division000.000%
300641CF122B. Lucky Substring000.000%
300642CF122C. Lucky Sum000.000%
300643CF122D. Lucky Transformation000.000%
300644CF122E. Lucky Permutation000.000%
300645CF123A. Prime Permutation000.000%
300646CF123B. Squares000.000%
300647CF123C. Brackets000.000%
300648CF123D. String000.000%
300649CF123E. Maze000.000%
300650CF124A. The number of positions000.000%
300651CF124B. Permutations000.000%
300652CF124C. Prime Permutation000.000%