Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302804CF543E. Listening to Music000.000%
302820CF547A. Mike and Frog000.000%
302821CF547B. Mike and Feet000.000%
302822CF547C. Mike and Foam000.000%
302823CF547D. Mike and Fish000.000%
302824CF547E. Mike and Friends000.000%
302853CF553A. Kyoya and Colored Balls000.000%
302854CF553B. Kyoya and Permutation000.000%
302855CF553C. Love Triangles000.000%
302856CF553D. Nudist Beach000.000%
302857CF553E. Kyoya and Train000.000%
302863CF555A. Case of Matryoshkas000.000%
302864CF555B. Case of Fugitive000.000%
302865CF555C. Case of Chocolate000.000%
302866CF555D. Case of a Top Secret000.000%
302867CF555E. Case of Computer Network000.000%
302883CF559A. Gerald's Hexagon000.000%
302884CF559B. Equivalent Strings000.000%
302885CF559C. Gerald and Giant Chess000.000%
302886CF559D. Randomizer000.000%
302887CF559E. Gerald and Path000.000%
302913CF568A. Primes or Palindromes?000.000%
302914CF568B. Symmetric and Transitive000.000%
302915CF568C. New Language000.000%
302916CF568D. Sign Posts000.000%
302917CF568E. Longest Increasing Subsequence000.000%
302928CF571A. Lengthening Sticks000.000%
302929CF571B. Minimization000.000%
302930CF571C. CNF 2000.000%
302931CF571D. Campus000.000%
302932CF571E. Geometric Progressions000.000%
302938CF573A. Bear and Poker000.000%
302939CF573B. Bear and Blocks000.000%
302940CF573C. Bear and Drawing000.000%
302941CF573D. Bear and Cavalry000.000%
302942CF573E. Bear and Bowling000.000%
302957CF576A. Vasya and Petya's Game000.000%
302958CF576B. Invariance of Tree000.000%
302959CF576C. Points on Plane000.000%
302960CF576D. Flights for Regular Customers000.000%
302961CF576E. Painting Edges000.000%
302967CF578A. A Problem about Polyline000.000%
302968CF578B. "Or" Game000.000%
302969CF578C. Weakness and Poorness000.000%
302970CF578D. LCS Again000.000%
302971CF578E. Walking!000.000%
302972CF578F. Mirror Box000.000%
302990CF582A. GCD Table060.000%
302991CF582B. Once Again...000.000%
302992CF582C. Superior Periodic Subarrays000.000%
302993CF582D. Number of Binominal Coefficients000.000%
302994CF582E. Boolean Function000.000%
303005CF585A. Gennady the Dentist000.000%
303006CF585B. Phillip and Trains000.000%
303007CF585C. Alice, Bob, Oranges and Apples000.000%
303008CF585D. Lizard Era: Beginning000.000%
303009CF585E. Present for Vitalik the Philatelist 000.000%
303010CF585F. Digits of Number Pi000.000%
303017CF587A. Duff and Weight Lifting000.000%
303018CF587B. Duff in Beach000.000%
303019CF587C. Duff in the Army000.000%
303020CF587D. Duff in Mafia000.000%
303021CF587E. Duff as a Queen000.000%
303022CF587F. Duff is Mad000.000%
303029CF590A. Median Smoothing000.000%
303030CF590B. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers000.000%
303031CF590C. Three States000.000%
303032CF590D. Top Secret Task000.000%
303033CF590E. Birthday000.000%
303049CF594A. Warrior and Archer000.000%
303050CF594B. Max and Bike000.000%
303051CF594C. Edo and Magnets000.000%
303052CF594D. REQ000.000%
303053CF594E. Cutting the Line000.000%
303084CF601A. The Two Routes000.000%
303085CF601B. Lipshitz Sequence000.000%
303086CF601C. Kleofáš and the n-thlon000.000%
303087CF601D. Acyclic Organic Compounds000.000%
303088CF601E. A Museum Robbery000.000%
303094CF603A. Alternative Thinking000.000%
303095CF603B. Moodular Arithmetic000.000%
303096CF603C. Lieges of Legendre000.000%
303097CF603D. Ruminations on Ruminants000.000%
303098CF603E. Pastoral Oddities000.000%
303104CF605A. Sorting Railway Cars000.000%
303105CF605B. Lazy Student000.000%
303106CF605C. Freelancer's Dreams000.000%
303107CF605D. Board Game000.000%
303108CF605E. Intergalaxy Trips000.000%
303114CF607A. Chain Reaction000.000%
303115CF607B. Zuma000.000%
303116CF607C. Marbles000.000%
303117CF607D. Power Tree000.000%
303118CF607E. Cross Sum000.000%
303149CF613A. Peter and Snow Blower000.000%
303150CF613B. Skills000.000%
303151CF613C. Necklace000.000%
303152CF613D. Kingdom and its Cities000.000%
303153CF613E. Puzzle Lover000.000%
303199CF623A. Graph and String000.000%