Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
304697CF896B. Ithea Plays With Chtholly000.000%
304704CF897D. Ithea Plays With Chtholly000.000%
304711CF898F. Restoring the Expression000.000%
304714CF899C. Dividing the numbers000.000%
304734CF903B. The Modcrab000.000%
304738CF903F. Clear The Matrix000.000%
304739CF903G. Yet Another Maxflow Problem000.000%
304771CF910A. The Way to Home000.000%
304785CF912E. Prime Gift000.000%
304800CF914G. Sum the Fibonacci000.000%
304814CF917A. The Monster000.000%
304821CF918C. The Monster000.000%
304830CF920A. Water The Garden000.000%
304923CF935B. Fafa and the Gates000.000%
304926CF935E. Fafa and Ancient Mathematics000.000%
304951CF940A. Points on the line000.000%
304954CF940D. Alena And The Heater000.000%
304983CF949B. A Leapfrog in the Array000.000%
304991CF950D. A Leapfrog in the Array000.000%
305002CF952B. A Map of the Cat000.000%
305026CF954I. Yet Another String Matching Problem000.000%
305027CF955A. Feed the cat000.000%
305060CF959A. Mahmoud and Ehab and the even-odd game000.000%
305061CF959B. Mahmoud and Ehab and the message000.000%
305062CF959C. Mahmoud and Ehab and the wrong algorithm000.000%
305063CF959D. Mahmoud and Ehab and another array construction task000.000%
305064CF959E. Mahmoud and Ehab and the xor-MST000.000%
305065CF959F. Mahmoud and Ehab and yet another xor task000.000%
305066CF960A. Check the string000.000%
305067CF960B. Minimize the error000.000%
305109CF967A. Mind the Gap000.000%
305121CF976B. Lara Croft and the New Game000.000%
305148CF980E. The Number Games000.000%
305163CF982F. The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed000.000%
305227CF993F. The Moral Dilemma000.000%
305236CF995C. Leaving the Bar000.000%
305238CF995E. Number Clicker000.000%
305240CF996A. Hit the Lottery000.000%
305244CF996E. Leaving the Bar000.000%
305259CF999D. Equalize the Remainders0280.000%
305260CF999E. Reachability from the Capital0390.000%
305265CF1000D. Yet Another Problem On a Subsequence000.000%
305276CF1001H. Oracle for f(x) = parity of the number of 1s in x000.000%
305292CF1002E2. Another array reconstruction algorithm000.000%
305306CF1005B. Delete from the Left000.000%
305307CF1005C. Summarize to the Power of Two000.000%
305311CF1005F. Berland and the Shortest Paths000.000%
305314CF1006C. Three Parts of the Array000.000%
305317CF1006F. Xor-Paths000.000%
305318CF1007A. Reorder the Array000.000%
305319CF1007B. Pave the Parallelepiped000.000%
305324CF1008B. Turn the Rectangles000.000%
305325CF1008C. Reorder the Array000.000%
305326CF1008D. Pave the Parallelepiped000.000%
305342CF1011B. Planning The Expedition000.000%
305347CF1012A. Photo of The Sky000.000%
305355CF1013C. Photo of The Sky000.000%
305361CF1015B. Obtaining the String000.000%
305369CF1016C. Vasya And The Mushrooms000.000%
305370CF1016D. Vasya And The Matrix000.000%
305371CF1016E. Rest In The Shades000.000%
305374CF1017A. The Rank000.000%
305375CF1017B. The Bits000.000%
305376CF1017C. The Phone Number000.000%
305377CF1017D. The Wu000.000%
305378CF1017E. The Supersonic Rocket000.000%
305379CF1017F. The Neutral Zone000.000%
305380CF1017G. The Tree000.000%
305381CF1017H. The Films000.000%
305383CF1019B. The hat000.000%
305390CF1020D. The hat000.000%
305407CF1027B. Numbers on the Chessboard000.000%
305412CF1027G. X-mouse in the Campus000.000%
305419CF1028G. Guess the number000.000%
305422CF1029B. Creating the Contest000.000%
305432CF1030F. Putting Boxes Together000.000%
305444CF1032E. The Unbearable Lightness of Weights000.000%
305484CF1039E. Summer Oenothera Exhibition000.000%
305495CF1041F. Ray in the tube000.000%
305505CF1043D. Mysterious Crime000.000%
305509CF1044A. The Tower is Going Home000.000%
305545CF1051F. The Shortest Statement000.000%
305550CF1053C. Putting Boxes Together000.000%
305565CF1055E. Segments on the Line000.000%
305573CF1056F. Write The Contest000.000%
305584CF1058F. Putting Boxes Together000.000%
305590CF1059E. Split the Tree000.000%
305618CF1064B. Equations of Mathematical Magic000.000%
305628CF1065F. Up and Down the Tree000.000%
305635CF1066F. Yet another 2D Walking000.000%
305647CF1070A. Find a Number000.000%
305648CF1070B. Berkomnadzor000.000%
305649CF1070C. Cloud Computing000.000%
305650CF1070D. Garbage Disposal000.000%
305651CF1070E. Getting Deals Done000.000%
305652CF1070F. Debate000.000%
305653CF1070G. Monsters and Potions000.000%
305654CF1070H. BerOS File Suggestion000.000%
305655CF1070I. Privatization of Roads in Berland000.000%
305656CF1070J. Streets and Avenues in Berhattan000.000%